Chapter 24

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-Peeta's POV-

I was happy.


That was until something bad happened.

That something was Katniss. She left us.

Not literally, but mentally. She's gone crazy and no one knows why, no one has seen her for the past three days. She won't come out of her room. All you can hear is her screams now and again for no reason.

She won't let anyone in her room and only comes out when she wants to. I don't know what to do anymore, I haven't seen her since the day she came over the bakery and that was over a week ago.

Do I do what's best and call somewhere where she can get away and be cared for there but having a chance that you might loose her? Or keep her here like she is and you won't loose her?

I'd rather her go somewhere she can be cared for a while, but we'd have to get her out of her room first to at least go and see a therapist.

I go up and knock on her door. I go to try and open her door but it's locked as per usual. "Katniss open the door" I say gigging the door knob. "If you don't I'll break the door down myself"

After a minute the door clicks and I open it slowly to see her bedroom a mess, everything trashed around her room and she sits on her bed with her knees tight to her chest and rocks back and forth

I walk over and sit on the end of her bed. "Can I take you somewhere?" I ask.

She looks at me. Her eyes are dull, showing zero emotion. They're normally a sparkling silver colour, not a dull grey like that.

She nods slowly. I get up and walk over to her wardrobe and pick her an outfit. I pick her a green jumper with black skinny jeans and black dr martins. I leave her change then go back in and brush her hair and but it into a pretty plait. I lead her out and down the street.

"Do you trust me Katniss?" I ask. She nods. "Will you put this on?" I ask holding up a blindfold. "I want it to be a surprise"

She looks unsure about it but then nods and allows me to put it on.

I join hands with her as I lead her down the street.

"You know you can tell me anything right? I can help you"

She looks over to me even though she can't see me. "I know" she mumbles. "It's just everything over the last twelve years has been stuck inside me and it just gotten too much for me and I need to let it out. I've been acting ever since you've met me. I'm actually a mental case" she admits lowly.

"I don't care, I love you for who you are" I answer. We arrive at the therapist and I've already booked an appointment so I don't have to talk with the last at the desk otherwise Katniss will think something's up.

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