"Dean she killed a demon, she's a hunter, whats so different about that?"

Stopping midway across the room Dean stopped and turned back to his brother, "I don't know man, by the time I got there all I know is she was asking him about some object he sold. This wasn't just a hunt she's looking for something, something even the demon was afraid to hold onto. Its dangerous to hunt alone man, what if gets herself killed?"

Rubbing his hand across his face Sam let out a deep breath, "Shes been on her own for almost two years Dean, it sounds like she's doing fine. Besides it doesn't sound like she was happy to see you, what makes you think following her to New Mexico is gonna help anything?"

"I don't know Sam okay! All I know is seeing her tonight, I don't know man I just need to know shes okay. Are you coming with me or not?"

Realizing he was fighting a losing battle Sam stood up and moved to pack up his weapons and books. "Yeah I'm in."

Smiling slightly Dean nodded before moving toward his own bed, "Alright we gotta get going, shes got a good head start on us so..."

"This isn't gonna win her back you know."

Sams words caused Dean to freeze as he held his bag in one hand and a rolled up shirt in the other. Clearing his throat as he threw the shirt into the bag the oldest Winchester never looked up. "I know that."

"Dean it's been two years, we've never been able to find her before and it sounds like this time was just pure luck. I just, I don't want you to get your hopes up. After what happened..."

"Don't," Sam looked up to see Dean giving him a hard stare. "Just, don't Sam. I know I screwed up, I just need to know that she's okay."

Five minutes later both men were in the impala as it sped down the road, Dean immediately blasted the radio hoping to ignore his racing thoughts. He screwed up royally, at the time it seemed like his only choice. One he made out of heartbreak and regretted deeply ever since.

As your bike raced down the dark back roads your mind wouldn't shut up. Images and memories of hunting with Sam and Dean played on repeat as each mile passed. Tears threatened to fall but knowing how bad of an idea it was to ride and cry you quickly managed to calm down the urge. You were on a mission, now was not the time to skip down memory lane, especially after seeing Dean. The fresh feeling of hurt stung your chest as another memory flooded your mind, one that haunted you for the past two years.

"No Dean your not going without me! I'm going with you whether you like it or not!"

"Damnit Y/N just listen to me for once! They already took Sam away I'm not gonna let them take you too. Just stay here! I'm gonna go get Sam back no matter what it takes and I don't need you there distracting me!"

Shaking your head in frustration you tried once more to get through to the stubborn man in front of you. Following him around as he filled a duffle bag with weapons from Baby's trunk you knew there was a good chance this would all end bloody.

"Dean you can't tell me what to do! Besides I wouldn't be a distraction I can help! You can't take them on alone!"

Slamming down the bag Dean turned around to face you, for a moment you were stunned at the depth of emotion on his face. Stepping forward he stopped only inches from you before lifting both hands to cup your face. "Listen to me Y/N, I need to be entirely focused on getting Sam back, if your there then a part of me will only want to make sure your safe."

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