Chapter 57

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I wonder what Shenayes doing I miss her so much everyone does... I wonder what she's doing I think I might call her...
******SHENAYES POV*******
He carried me too his bed and we made out for a bit longer my phone started ringing we stopped and he started kissing my neck I get the phone which was in my bra and I get it out it was Johnson
'Hey Jack!' I say happily
'Who Jack?' Rahart says I put the phone to my chest
'Shut up' I whisper
'Shenaye who was that?' Jack asks in a sad tone Rahart starts kissing my neck again and moves up to my cheek
'Shenaye....' Jack says
'He's just a friend okay' I say and Rahart clears his throat
'Shenaye who is he' Jack says
'I'm telling you he's just a friend!' I say
'I'm just calling you to say I miss you' Jack says
'I miss you to Johnson' I say
'Anyway I gotta go bye' I say quickly hanging up
"Nice one" I say looking at Rahart
"Sorry" he says and I laugh he starts kissing me again
"Good on you Shenaye" beau says
"That was so close"
"I know.." Beau says Rahart lays on top of me he takes my dress off I take his shirt off I lightly rub my hands on his abs he takes his jeans off and grabs a condom from his draw he puts it on he starts kissing me again he puts the covers over us and he takes his boxers off completely I pull my underwear down and I kick them off he starts moving up and down on me I turn my head to the my phone and I get a message it was from Johnson
'Just saying I love you Shenaye I always have' it says which makes me look at Rahart I'm a mess... I put my hand on Raharts back and we where both panting I take my bra off and he leans down more.
30 minutes after it we spooned he put an arm around me I fall asleep he's so cute....
"Wakie wakie" Rahart says I moan and go under the blankets more he was dressed
"Come on babe get up!" He says I get up and I new I looked like shit I get dressed and walked out into the Lounge Room
"I'll see you soon bye Rahart" I say smiling at him he kisses me and I walk out I get inside and out a pair of leggings with a shirt I brush my hair and put it into a ponytail I grab my phone and text Johnson
'Johnson....I'm sorry I'm so sorry' I felt so bad I walk out and lock the door
"Where are you going Shenaye?" Rahart asks
"To be honest I don't have a clue just for a walk I guess" I say
"I'm going to work ew" he says and I laugh
"Let's make a vine" I say getting my phone out
"Booty had Rahart like" I say and put the phone in front of Rahart and he moves his eyebrows up and down I laugh and post it
"Well bye Rahart see you when you get home from work" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek we walk our opposite ways
"Beau what do I do!?" I say
"I think you should stay with this guy he makes you happy and Jack is gone" beau says
"Okay" I say and smile
-----1 WEEK LATER----
Rahart and I had a fight I can't believe I did the same thing I did to Nash he said I love you and I well I kind of said thanks..... I'm just not ready and I've said I love you two quick in a relationship and it didn't work out so I'm in a tight singlet I don't like it because you can see my a bit of my boobs but oh well I need to do my washing I get my basket and walk across the hall to the public laundry I put my clothes in and put the soap. I put the money in and it starts I go to walk out but I smash into Rahart
"Oh my gosh I'm sorry" I say helping him up
"It's okay" he says smiling
"Rahart look I'm sorry for the other night okay I've just said I love you in a relationship too soon and it didn't work out" I say and he smiles
"No it's okay Shenaye don't worry about it!" He says and I smile
"That's good" I say and I walk into my apartment... It's so boring without Jack and everyone here....
Sitting In the tour bus I went to the back where Shenaye and I used to sit I miss her so much she's everything to me the hardest thing about letting go is knowing that the other person already did...
-----SHENAYES POV-----
I sit on my phone watch Connors YouTube videos he's so funny there was a knock on the door and I walk over it was Rahart and he's friends
"Hey where going bowling wanna come?" Rahart asks
"Sure let me just grab my purse" I say I open the door wide and grab my things
"Woah your apartment looks great" Rahart says I laugh and walk out I lock my door and we start walking.....
"Hey so Shenaye do you have a Job?" Dougie asks
"I'm a singer and Internet famous" I say
"Wait you sing" Matthew says
"Yep I've got my own album and everything out" I say smiling
"That's so cool, Rahart she's a keeper" i start laughing.
We get there and I sit down Rahart was next to me
"Hey do you want some chilli cheese fries?" He asks
"Sure I love chilli cheese fries" I reply and he hands me them
"I'm glad to hear that you love something" he says
"Don't start"
"Start what it's okay if you love the chilli cheese fries more then you love me"
"You don't have too choose when it's the right time for me to say I love you!" I snap and walk out everyone was looking at me
"Okay he's such a dick" I say to Beau
"Haha you like him though" he says and I laugh
"Beau has Jack moved on?" I randomly ask him
"Sadly no... He won't stop thinking about you" he says I sigh and walk back to my hotel room I slam the door and sit down on the couch this sucks...
-------------2 MONTHS LATER----------
I sit next to Rahart watching TV
"It's my birthday today" he says smiling
"Late notice much!" I say getting up
"I kind of forgot" he says
"Call the guys over" I say too him he nods and does so. They come over and where sitting there eating Chinese food.
"Yes guys how about come vodka! Or how about some bourbon" Joel says everyone cheers but me they all our themselves a drink
"Shenaye you want some?" Rahart asks
"Nah it's okay the last time I had a drink I got pregnant" I say they look at me surprised
"But then I had an abortion how about use just drink" I say smiling
"Okay..." Matt says and has a shot I sat on my phone the whole time, they got really drunk
"Hey Shenaye" Rahart says I turn around
"How about we go to my bed" he says tripping over his own leg and nearly face planting
"No thanks I think I might just go now" I say standing up he walks over to me our face was just 1inch apart I could smell the beer on his breathe
"You should really buy some Tic tacs anyway I'm gonna go" I say he locks the door
"Open the door now!" I say
"Or what?" He says smirking
"Just open the door" Matt says
"Kiss me.." His smirk gets bigger
"I've had it with this guy" beau says Beau appears
"Don't beau don't!" I say but it was too late they where shocked
"Who....what are you?!" Rahart says the door swings open
"Beau stop it!" I say
"No" he replies
"Don't you see this guy doesn't love you" beau says looking right at him
"This is crazy I'm out of here" Rahart says about to run away
"Not so fast" beau says closing the door
"What-what do you want!" He says trying to open the door
"This is crazy as fuck!" Dougie says
"You tell anyone and I will kill you" beau says Rahart swallowed deeply
"Woah woah woah! woah! Hold it for just one second no one is killing anyone okay Beau he's kind of drunk" I say
"Nope he is actually not drunk" beau says smirking
"You did not oh I see you have my made my life your life" I walk out and slam the door
"I'm sorry here" he said I went dizzy and it all went back
"Wake up babe" Rahart says shaking me I groan and pull the covers over me..

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