Chapter 26

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I ring the door bell and footsteps close the silence he opens the door and looks at me
"What are you doing here!" He says opening the screen door a tear falls from my eye
"Jack....he cheated on me again well not only on me but the baby" I say crying
" I'm so sorry!" He says hugging me with one arm
"If it's okay can I stay here with you" I say
"Sure!" He says
"I need to get Emma to bed and I'm so tired" I say yawning
"Your always welcome here" he says and I smile
"Thanks again" my heart instantly warmed up
"Could you hold Emma for a sec" she was crying like crazy
"Sure" I give him Emma and she stops I look at Jack
"How did you do that!?" I say confused as fuck
"I don't know.." He said smiling I run out to the car and get the pram I struggle I finally manage to get it into the door Jack is sitting there with the baby Emma is clenching onto his finger
"Your beautiful..." Jack says to the baby and looks up at me I felt a tear come down my eye and I quickly wipe it off i sit down next to Jack and rest my head on his shoulder
"I'm so tired she needs to go to bed" I say picking her up and she started crying
"How about you put her to bed" I say giggling
"I'll get this pram up the stairs first" he says picking it up and putting it into his room I walk up the stairs and he puts it I place Emma into her pram and put a blanket on her
"Goodnight gorgeous" I whisper to her and kiss her hand I get into bed and Jack goes around the other side I didn't want to think of Jack Gilinsky i can't believe he did that to me and the baby.....
"Be strong Shenaye" Jack whispers I had an instant flashback of Jack Gilinsky saying that to me at the hospital I turn to Jack
"What happened to us" I say
"Me I ruined the way next weekend where going on another tour I want you to come" he says and I smile
"I would love to!" I say hugging Jack
"Who's going to look after Emma though?" I asked confused
"My sister?" He said
"I don't think she will want to..." I say
"let's just find out in the morning" he says and kisses my forehead I kiss his lips he blushed and bit his lip
"I missed that" I say turning around and closing my eyes.
I woke up and looked at the clock 1:00pm! Jack must be already awake with Emma, I walk downstairs and he's holding her, their watching the NFL
"I fed her and everything...she's beautiful!" He says smiling
"Jack your amazing thank you so much!" I say I hug him tightly I get my phone out 50messages from Jack Gilinsky
I don't read any of them I'm sick of his excuses
Jack g- don't talk to me ever again! I hate you so much you left me and Emma all by ourselves
"Oh my gosh remember that stupid bitch Brianna or whatever her name was" he says
"Yes the slut... I hated your guts back then literally when you called me a slut!" I looking at him he was really embarrassed
"You know I never meant any of that! I was just so angry and jealous that you where with my best friend and that I'm so fucking sorry for that!" He says
"It's okay, I know how you felt" I say.
-------1 WEEK LATER------
We called Jacks sister up and she could look after Emma Jack J has been so nice to me he's so kind I got all my clothes and stuff from Jacks house and I'm already to go leave this world behind to live a life I will remember....
I'm already Jacks sister came over and I left her everything that Emma needed I was a bit nervous but I new it was right.

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