Chapter 38

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"Shenaye!" Jack J says running after me
"What I'm so dumb look at me I'm a mess" I say jack stand in front of me and puts a hand on my shoulder
"Don't say that" he replies I look out the glass door and see Matt
"What do I do" I say as a tear goes down my eye
"I don't know but where gonna make it through this with the baby" he says I look at him and he had watery eyes I hug him and cry over his shoulder. I wipe my tears off and look at him
"I've gotta go get Matt" I say pulling out of his grip as everyone came out I run out looking for him everyone I stand there looking for him I hear a car screech and I bang I look around blankly everyone comes running out
"What was that" they all say I run down the stairs and search for what happened I see a car in the middle of the road and a guy out of it he looked devastated I run as fast as I can to the man
"Is everything alright" I pant
I start walking closer
"Oh my gosh no!" I say shocked I jog over to Matt who I laying on the ground unconscious and blood coming from his cheek I cup him and sit there hugging him I get my phone out and call 911 everyone rushes over
"Oh no" Emma says walking over to him
"I called the ambulance there on there way" I say crying as I look at him I was wearing his tee shirt
"I didn't see him he just ran across the road" the man says
"Look what you did Shenaye!" Nash hisses
"It wasn't me I swear!" I say shocked
"Stop it!" Cam says to him
"What she's the one that got pregnant with Jack!" He yells
"Don't talk about her like she's a piece of shit have some respect" jack J says
"You guys are dumb for even liking her!" He says I start crying more
"And you dumb for saying that about her!" Jack G says he looks at me and lifts one side of his lip sort of like a half smile I'm not worrying about anyone but Matt. The ambulance come and take Matt away I sit down in the gutter and cry Emma sit next to me and wraps an arm around me
"It's going to be okay I promise" she says Nash walks away, jack and Jack sits next to me.
"Come on let's go" I say wiping my tears and standing up they all stand up I walk devastated to the bus.
I lay down on my bed crying my eyes out
"Shenaye you can't cry for the rest of the day" Jack J says
"Well I want to" I say turning over
"Matt wouldn't want you to" he mutters and walks away more tears come down
"Jack.." I whimper turning around
"Yeah?" He says
"Promise me you will be a father for the baby" I say putting my hand out and he holds it
"I promise your going to be with Matt and he's going to be the best step dad ever! And I'll be the best dad ever" he says holding my hand I get down and hug him tightly
"Thanks for always being there for me" I say he rubs my back
"Anytime princess" he says
"Shenaye you do have a boyfriend" Nash says on his phone
"What the fuck is your problem this whole trip you have been a dick" I say grinning at him
"Sorry I don't speak whore language Matt didn't deserve you" he says
"Call me a whore again!" I snap
"Whore whore whore whore!" He says I walk over and hit him on in the gut
"Your dead!" He yells he punches me right on the nose I punch him again he fell on top of me on the floor he punches me right on the gut
"Get the fuck off her" Jack J says pulling him off I sit there crying
"Come on Shenaye" Jack G says helping me up
"What's going on!" Emma says
"Nash just punched me in the gut" I say with my head down crying
"Oh my gosh!" Emma says shocked helping me they place me on a seat
"Thanks guys" I say holding my gut
"Your nose Is bleeding" Emma says
"Let me get some shit" Jack says getting up and gets the first aid kit I could still her Nash and Jack yelling at each other
"Here" he say getting a tissue with detol on it to wipe the blood of, I look at him while he wipes the blood off
"I'll go back with cam"
"If you know what I mean" she adds whispering in my ear which makes me laugh she walks away as Jack J walks towards me
"Why does Nash have to be such a jerk" Jack says sitting down
"He's right though every time I think of kissing anyone all I think of is what will people think like I have nearly dated everyone in Magcon why! I'm such a slut"
"Stop! Saying that" Jack G says
"Yeah stop"
"But it's true" I say getting up and going back to bed
"Going to sleep alone I guess sense Matt is gone" I miss him he's a perv but he's my perv
"Shenaye I'm sorry" Nash says waking me up
"I don't care what you have to say you broke my heart once your not going to break it again" I say strictly
"Well I'm sorry, everybody make mistakes right?" He says
"Yeah but you make to many please just leave me Matt is the only one that can make me happy" I say
"Listen to her Nash she needs to be alone" carter says
"Thanks my lil Asian" I say turning over and looking at him
"It's okay big tits" he says smiling I start laughing
"That was so funny" I says and he gives me a high five.
"Goodnight guys" I say smiling I turn around and fall into a deep sleep.
"Shenaye get up! Where going to see Matt" Emma says I jump up and get a pair of shorts and shirt on it was a digi tour shirt I get off and put on a pair of black converse we drive to the Hospital.

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