Chapter 5

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"Guys we have to go to the hospital right now!" I yell everyone gets up and we run to the hospital we get into her room and she's sitting up on the bed looking really dizzy

"Shenaye!!" Everyone yells and hugs her I just stood there getting teary eyes I was so glad she's ok. Immediately everyone started talking to her I just stood their looking at her

"Shenaye I can't believe it your alive" I say she looked at me confused

"Nothing stops me you know that I'm the luckiest girl in the world look who's sitting next to me magcon and the janoskians" she says looking at everyone so happy

"Out of everyone in the hold school Emma and I got chosen" she adds

"Shenaye I'm just so glad your ok do you need anything!" Emma says hugging Shenaye

I walk over and hug her she pushes me back

"You saved my life I saved yours where even." She snaps

"What's wrong?" I say looking at her confused

"Why do you think I'm in here you my past and your fans" she says looking at me with watery eyes

"I can't control what my fans say and I can't control what happened to you in the pass" I say

"But you can control yourself" she says point at a massive scar up her arm it was the biggest out of the lot

"See this scar... It's for you Jack Edward Johnson" she says angrily, I walked out crying how could she why I've lost her and it's all my fault I love her now she's gone I'm wrapped around her finger......

-------------------------------------SHENAYES POV------------------------------

I was so angry at Jack he has done this two me

"Hey are you okay?!" Nash says concerned

"Yeah I'm fine thanks nash" I say hugging him he's a good friend

"Hey guys I gotta go see maggie bye" carter says standing up

"Carter what do you think your doing?!"

"Where's my hug" I add in

"Here grandma" he says leaning in for a hug he walks out and everyone was on there phone so anti social

"Hey Shenaye I know your going through a hard time and I'm still so sorry for that night when I was drunk" nash says looking at me guilty

"Nash it's ok we all make mistakes look at me now I stuffed up..." I say smiling at him he climbs on my bed and hugs me

"Your such a nice friend im so glad I met you I know you hear this everyday but I'm your biggest fan" I say tightly hugging into his chest

"What's going on here" jack g says a bit jealous

"Jack you know I love you I love all of use" I say they all look up and smile

Another group hug happened and it was amazing I haven't had this many people care for me I grab my things and get changed me

"Bye Shenaye" they all say

"Bye I'll miss you text me" I reply

Nash comes up and hugs me tightly he kisses me on the head

"Bye grier" I say looking up at him

"Bye Hunt" he smile back I lean up and kiss him on the cheek

I walk of with jack g we where holding hands

"Bruh" I say while looking at the how much traffic there is jack started laughing wait what was that on his teeth

"Oh my gosh jack you got braces" I say smiling at him he suddenly closed his mouth

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