Chapter 6- ruined me

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I walk over to my phone of course everyone's wondering why I dumped Jack but I ignored it, I couldn't stop thinking about it he was a prick but I loved him and no one will everyone replace him, a tear goes down my eye but it's gone and he ruined me. I walk into their hotel room again and he looks at me confused I put my bags down and a tear goes down

"Bye Jack" I say everyone else was gone and Jack gilinsky was in bed

"Bye Shenaye" he says walking over to me I hug him tightly and kiss him on the cheek

"Shenaye where you going?" Jack g asks wiping his eyes

"I'm going away....and I'm never coming back" my eyes get really watery and so do theirs

"I'll miss you" jack g says running in his boxers and hugging me

"I'll miss you two and I will definitely miss your braces" I say giggling a bit they both hug me and I pull away, I turn around and walk out tears fall down Jack why the hell did you do this to me I look at my arm which has scabs on it You did this to me I say to myself and walk into the distance.... I catch a bus to the airport and I put my headphones on.... 'Ugly heart by G.R.L' so true though love this song so much I swear I'm wrapped around jacks finger, I don't know how but I'm I miss him already his blue eyes and blonde hair oh my gosh Shenaye stop thinking about him he's done over

"Hey um the bus is kind of full could I sit here?" A unknown person asks I look up and it's the cutest guy ever!

"Sure" I reply and his sits next to me

"My names connor franta you might know me from a YouTube channel called Our2ndLife" connor says smiling

"Oh no not more famous YouTubers" I say looking out the window I knew he reminded me of something

"What do you mean you don't like me?!" He says looking at me confused

"No it's not you its just magcon if you know them I kind of dated one of them and it was properly the biggest mistake I had ever made" I say still looking out the window

"Oh so that explains your arm.....anyway I left o2l I'm just friends with them so I know how you feel" he says smiling lightly elbowing me I look at him and smile

"So where you going away" he adds on

"To be honest I have no idea I'm trying to go away from everything" I say looking down

"Ok well I'm going to New York you should come"

"Sound good but I don't know you and you don't me where as close as strangers" I say looking at him confused

"I love meeting new people" he says

"I do to my names Shenaye hunt nice to meet you" I shake his hand and he was really cute

We sat on the bus for about 1hr talking about our selfs and we got along really well he was different just like me he had the best smile in the world and I was getting over Jack the bus was packed and it was really hot I had black skinny jeans on and a singlet top on with red converse, in 1hr I watched o2l videos and I was in love with them they where at the party but I took no notice of them

"Your so kind like for a fan" he says smiling

"Your so cute like for a youtuber" I realised what I said and blushed

"What I'm a fan ok" I add on laughing at his reaction he had his mouth open and his eyes where wide.

"Here's our stop" he says getting his luggage as I get mine

"For a person I barely even know your really kind" i say walking with a bag he almost left on the bus

"Oh right thanks so much" he says hugging me oh my gosh he hugged me I'm such a fan girl

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