Chapter 43

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We get there and I search for the tablets I finally found them Jack went looking at some stuff I buy the tablets and walk out I sit at the seat waiting for Jack to come out he came out and he had a bag
"What did you get?" I asked smirking at him
"It's guy stuff" he says I stand up I quickly snatched the bag off him
"Don't Shenaye don't!" He says trying to get it back
"Condoms...."I say looking at him his cheeks went so red
"What's so bad about that, it's not like I haven't seen them I lost my virginity to you like seriously" I say and I felt him finally a bit relaxed
"Let's go food shopping" I say and he smiled.
We got bags full of food
"I'll call Carter so he can pick us up" Jack says calling him, we walk outside
"He should be here any minute now" Jack says
"Jack you have really changed haven't you like you used to be making out with everything that could walk now....your just.." I say looking at him
"Well someone taught me that when you love someone so much you would do anything for them even if that means changing a bit about yourself" he says
"And who taught you that?" I asked
"You..." He says
"Johnson why you gotta be such a bae" I say he laughs.
The Tour bus comes and we walk to it we get in
"Yes!" Carter says grabbing the bags I laugh we put the drinks and cold food in the fridge
"Jack could you please get me a bottle of water out" I say
"Sure" he replies handing me one I read the thing I start to get the tablets out when I stopped by a voice
"Shenaye what are you doing!" Emma says shocked walking towards me
"I have too...." I say looking at the packet I get one out
"Shenaye don't!" Emma says but it was to late I sat down and put my head in my arms
"Shenaye..." Gilinsky says sitting next to me and putting an arm around me
"I'm a murderer.... I killed the baby" I say
"No Shenaye your not" he says hugging me everyone comes and hugs me
"Your beautiful Shenaye" Carter says
"Thanks carter" I say and I get a phone call it was beau
"Beau! Oh my gosh!" I say happily
"No it's Jai" Jai says
"Oh hi Jai what's up" his voice was shaky and it seemed like he had been crying
"Beau....beau he took his life we don't know why but..." He started crying
"!" I say crying so hard I drop my phone and start crying so hard
"Shenaye what happened!" Emma asks
"Beau he....he... Committed Suicide" I say crying everyone was shocked I started crying more Emma hugs me tightly tears started coming from her eyes also. I walk at the back of the bus and lay down on his mattress I cry more
"Shenaye I'm so sorry" Johnson says
"Johnson come here.." I say sitting up and wiping my tears off
"Yeah" he says I hold his hands
"You have to promise me that you won't leave me I love you jack I love you so much" his eyes started getting watery
"I promise" he says I hug him tightly I couldn't stop crying the whole day I even cried myself to sleep. I woke up my gut was gone I'm sick of crying everyday... Jack and Jack where in the back I sneaked over to hear the conversation theres a door covering it so they can't see me
"Shenaye....I love her more then a friend she is just beautiful but what happened to beau, her and Matthew I don't want to ask her out if you know what I mean like.... And I'm so fucking sexually frustrated like seriously! It's crazy" Johnson says I hug my snapple for some odd reason I love him too more then a friend
"No time is the wrong time man" Gilinsky says I open the door
"Is now the wrong time?" I say
"Shenaye!" The both say and pull the quickly stop I was in shock they where master bating
"Yes this was a bad time whoops sorry" I quickly close the door every step I take I kept saying ew
"EWWWW!" I say Jogging on the spot
"What's wrong?" Emma asks I walk over to her
"I just walked in on Jack and Jack master bating in the back!" I whisper and she laughs
"Oh my gosh knowing your luck to See that" she says laughing
"Oh I was listening to the convo they where having Johnson likes me he wants to ask me out but he doesn't know the right time" I add
"You go get him YOLO am I right and whatever happens I will always be here for you" she says I hug her and we talk until Jack and Jack walk out Emma and I start laughing
"Wash your hands right now this very second" I say and they laugh they go to the bathroom they come out
"Oh and Johnson" I say
"Yeah" I put both my hands on either cheek and kiss him I pull back and he looked shocked
"I would love to be your girlfriend" I say he smiled
"I've gotta move on soon or later right?" I say and he smiles
"Jump into my arms like an athlete" he say smirking
"I will do more then that" I say smirking to him and he laughs I'm so happy I have to admit I've always had a little crush on him but I didn't know we would actually end up together I was waiting for the right guy but maybe he is....
"Have you guys cleaned the back of the bus up" I say and they nod
"Okay cool" I say I walk in and just check nothing on the blanket but I realised they where new sheets aww that's so cute I walk out to Jack
"Oh and your very sexually frustrated aye" I say giving him a wink
"What else did you hear!" He says and a smile came across his face.

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