Chapter 19

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We got home and I laid on the couch my first instinct was to text Emma

Me- emma I just had a miscarriage

Emma- omg are you serious! See you soon!!!!!!

"Babe I know it's hard" Jack says leaning down to me I peck him on the lips a tear from his face dripped down on my cheek I smiled

"This sucks" I say

"I know babe but we have to move on" he says

"I want to have a baby with you Jack" I say nearly crying

"I want to have a baby with you too Shenaye" he says kissing me passionately before we new it there was a knock on the door I open it and it was all of magcon and Jacks family I go and hug Emma

"Thank you so much" I say trying to hold the tears back jacks family was talking to Jack and Jack was crying in his hand I felt so bad until I get hugged really tightly from behind I look and it's Nash

"Shenaye im so sorry" he said still hugging me

"It's not your fault" I reply hugging him back he pulls back and I get by everyone even Jack J

Until I see a face that u haven't seen in a while....


"Connor!" I yell and hug him

"I may have only met you once but I can't handle someone hurt" he says hugging me tightly

"Thanks so much for coming I missed you so much"

"Who's this?" I here jack g say from behind me

"She's a friend." I state I new he was jealous

"Hi I'm Connor" Connor says smiling jack doesn't shake his hand he just walks away

"Sorry about him he's a dick when he wants to be" I say brushing him off. They all stay here for at least 2 hours and they all left, it was just me and Jack I run over to him and jump of I wrap my legs around him and he holds me I look into his eyes and he looks into mine

"Hey babe" I say smiling

"Hey sexy" he smirks and I start sucking on his neck he puts me on the bench and I was facing him with my legs nearly around him

"You ready?" He says

"I have heard that to many times" I say ending the conversation with a kiss I looked at his neck and there was mark I started laughing and then he carried me to the bedroom I fell down and was smiling I had no gut anymore I was actually really happy

He leans down and kisses me I kept thinking of Jack Johnson

"I can't Jack I just need time" I say pulling him back

"Ok..... I understand" he says getting up and walking to his side of the bed I wanted to but I just couldn't I've went into this way to fast! He takes his shirt and pants off I take my pants off and he was laying down I crawl next to him I pull one leg around his waist he turned to me and smiled

"Love you babe" he says smiling

"Love you too" I say kissing him It turned to making out his tongue came in and it felt so good we pulled out and he came close to me he lightly licked my top lip

"I'm so glad I can call you mine" he said we laid there and I slowly drifted off.......

I had another dream it was when Nash tried to rape me at the hotel I was screaming and yelling but he wouldn't stop it was really intense I yelled but in the dream no one heard me I yelled and yelled

Until eventually Jack G came in he just watched and smiled I yelled at him to help but he just smiled

"HELP!" I woke myself up again I sat up and looked at Jack he was still asleep I got up and went into Liam's room I sat down and started crying I kept having that flash back of me and jack painting it and laughing I sat their and cried my eyes out I put my hands on my head and cried.. Soon after I felt arms around me I turn and Jack was sitting in his boxers I rest my head on his shoulder and we both sit their and cry together......

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