Chapter 47

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"Shenaye! I was stupid it was about 5yrs ago! Wait" he says running after me I run as fast as I could until I see those sluts that knocked on the door yesterday they where with more girls they point at me and come rushing over
"What do you want" I say trying to walk away but they block me one punches me in the nose I punch one of them but there was too many of them I fall on the ground and they start kicking my ribcage it was so blurry I just laid on the ground to weak to move..
"Shenaye!" a voice says running towards me I couldn't move Johnson cups me
"Shenaye I'm so sorry I love you.... I couldn't do that to you again I was stupid Shenaye please wake up" he says crying while holding me I still couldn't I wanted to hug him but I was so sore he picks me up and takes me to his parents house he puts me on the couch and everyone comes over looking at me they get ice packs and place them on I could finally open my eyes it was blurry but then they got better
"Shenaye! Oh my gosh I'm so glad your okay" Emma says I smile
"Where's Johnson?" I ask looking around
"I'm here" I look at my feet and he's sitting next to them
"I'm sorry Jack I love you" I say and he looked so relived
"I love you two" he says coming towards me
"What happened?"
"Those stupid sluts bashed me they had like 10 girls with them" I say and he hugs me
"I'm just so glad you okay"
"She has bruised ribs and your nose was broken the bruises won't go away for a couple of weeks
"Thanks dr. Reynolds" I say and he laughs
"Anytime" he replies
--------2 weeks later------
It sucks I've been so sore I can snuggle or do anything with Jack I wake up and I felt so much better the bruises have healed
"Yes finally I can actually move!" I say and Jack laughs
"You know what that means" I say jumping on jack and kissing him he woke up and smiled
"Yes finally I forgotten what it feels like" he says and I laugh I get undressed and he looks at me he bit his lip as he was staring at me I laughed seeing he had a boner over me....
"aw Johnson" I say and he smiles he gets Undressed and puts the condom on I look at him and I start crawling on him he looked shocked I start kissing him and I sit on top of him and start moving up and down on his penis it started to go in an I groaned I got the blanket and put it on my shoulders as I started grinding on him
"hey guys so I was- oh my god!" Sam says walking in
"Get out!" I say going under the blanket more he closes the door I look at Johnson and we both laugh I start grinding on him more and he moaned
"Shenaye yes right there" he says putting his hands on my waist
"Right there" I say smirking and pull into it more
"OH MY GOD YES!" He says groaning I start moving around more and we both groan
"yes jack" I say as he Moves his hands up and down my body and starts massaging my ass
"Now it's my turn to pleasure you" he says smirking I lay down and he moves his fingers up and down he starts kissing my breasts
"Oh my god I'm so wet" I mutter and he giggles
"I know you are babe" he says making out with me he places his hand on my thighs and Inserts two fingers he moved them around and I start groaning
"Jack keep doing that don't stop don't....jack oh my gosh" they slip out of my mouth he starts going faster I groan more and more he stops and we where panting he turns over and I take the condom off I place my mouth on his penis and start sucking
"Faster Shenaye yes..." He says groaning so loud. I let go and look at him he was panting
"Why are you so good" He says and I laugh. He gets another condom and we do it all again.
We finish and get clothes on we walk downstairs I put my hair into a messy bun Sam was on his phone in the laundry I walk and sit down next to him
"I literally scarred for life you guys are crazy" he says and I laugh
"Are we just" I say looking at Johnson and winking at him
"Shenaye I've organised the wedding where it's gonna be and it gonna be next month" he says smiling
"Awesome!" I say I literally jumped up in the air and he caught me I wrapped my legs around him and hugged him tightly
"I love you Johnson!" I Say
"Love you two sexy" he says and I laugh
"You guys are so cute together!" Sam says and I laugh there was knock on the door
"That will be Gilinsky" I say getting down from Johnson's arms and walking to the door and opening it but it wasn't Gilinsky it was Matt
"What do you want!" I say angrily
"Look I should not have believed Nash I'm sorry Shenaye.." He says getting watery eyes
"Matt it's too late Jack and I...where...getting married" I say and a tear came from his eye
"I guess I really am to late then" he says walking away I close the door and walk to Johnson
"Who was that?" Johnson asks
"Matthew he was apologising.." I say laying down and resting my head in Jacks lap I look up at him and he looks down at me he leans in it was so cute we pull back as we heard a camera click
"This is going on Twitter!" Sam says I laugh as I get a notification
'These Babes haven't stopped being at each other @jackjackjohnson
"Haha very funny Sam" I say and Jack laughs
"Baby I can see the signs I know you want to leave with a guy like me yeah" Sam randomly sings I start singing it and Sam laughs
"You've been looking for a while I can't even lie girl a swag so mean yeah" I sing and Jack laughs jack gets a phone call
"Hello?" He says
"Yes sure see you at 2pm" he says hanging up
"Some company seen Sam's tweet and want to interview us two for some reason we have to meet them at the recording centre" jack say
"Awesome!" I say getting up
"Okay well I'll catch you guys later" Sam says
"Wait" I say he turns back
"Group selfie" I say getting my phone out we take a photo and Sam walks out
"We gotta get ready" jack says smiling
"Okay" I say walking up to his room.
We got home and I was so upset we where live and the stupid lady was asking me really personal questions

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