Chapter 28

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I woke up to Jack shaking me
"Everyone's going to the water park wanna come" he says I rub my eyes
"Oh my gosh yes!" I say sitting up and going to the bathroom I comb y hair and get my swimmers out it was colourful bikini with all different colours on it I put it on with a tee shirt over the top of it I didn't worry about shorts I go out and Jack had everything on I grabbed a pair of my ray bans and we walked out everyone was just about to leave jack puts an arm around my shoulders and I put an arm around his waist and we walk got the car I get into Nash's car and I was next to Matt
"Hey Shenaye I know we haven't talked much but I just want to say I'm sorry for what Jack did to you" he says smiling
"You don't have to be sorry it's him who should be" I say we talked the whole car trip I got closer to him he was so nice.
Soon as we got their I went over to Jack J and hugged him he put arms around me I couldn't stop thinking about what he said to me ages ago I know he's sorry for it though I can feel it!
"Let's go in!" I say and everyone follows me.
Jack and I went on a couple of slides until we got to a dark hollow slide 2 people only on it we line up Jack and I, Jack and Alyce, Maggie and Carter, Nash and matt, Emma and Cam. me and Jack where first we sat down and the lifeguard pushed us down I moved closer to Jack and it was really dark
"Oh my gosh" I yell and dig my face in Jacks shoulder he starts laughing and we get out
"That was so fun" he says and I laugh, the next thing we go to is the rock it's a high rock that you can jump of into water Jack goes first he runs over and jumps I stand on the sledge Jack was now out of the pool with just his legs sitting in it I jump and close my eyes I swim up and I didn't realise Jack took a photo of me! I look at it and start laughing at my facials we sit down and talk I look right into his eyes and he looked back into mine he leant in and I leant in our lips connected he placed a hand on my cheek and it got more passionate, we finally pull away and I looked at him
"I missed that" I say and he smiles
"Me too" he replies we get up and that day was so fun! I got closer to all the boys and I'm still trying to forget about Gilinsky...... I loved him so much. Driving in the car was quiet I was next to Matt again
"Shenaye you wanna hang out when we get to the hotel?" He asked I smiled
"Sure I'll just have a shower" I say looking out the window he put a hand on my leg and I looked at him confused his smile was so cute I picked his hand up and put it back on his lap I smirk at him and look out the window Matt is such a flirt seriously.....
I get out the car and Jack was laughing at something he was also talking to Gilinsky... Oh well there friends I walk back up the stairs of the hotel and Matt is running up towards me
"Hey!" He says awkwardly
"Hi" I say giggling, he awkwardly walked me to my hotel door
"See you soon" I say to him and I smile I close the door and I couldn't help but smile I drop the bag I had with all the sun screen and stuff in it I get my clothes which was, high waist shorts,floral crop top & a pair of red vans.
I get in the shower and start 'singing somebody to you by the vamps'
"You used to wanna be living like theirs only me but now I spend my time thinking of a way to get you off my mind, I used to be so tough never really gave enough and they you caught my eye" I start singing and get the soap
"Look at me now I'm falling can't even talk still stuttering this girl of mine keeps shaking-" I sing when their was bang on the door it scared the shit out of me
"All I wanna be all I ever wanna be yeah, is somebody to you" I hum
I get out of the shower and get dressed I start combing my hair I put it into a high pony tail I walk out
"Where are you going?" Jack says sitting on the couch on his phone
"Out why?"
"Oh okay..." He says in a sad tone
"You do know where not dating" I say and he sighs
"Yep..." He replies I open the door and I close it behind me Matt was their walking towards me he was pushing a bike
"Wanna go for a ride?" He said and I giggled
"Sure" we walk out I look behind me Jack J is standing their confused I wave goodbye and he closes the door. We get outside and Matt sits on the bike I put my feet on the two pegs on either side of the wheel and hold onto Matt it was so fun we got to a big hill and he stopped
"Ready?" He asked
"I don't know" I reply he pushes one peddle and we fly down it my gut dropped and he starts to peddle to a paddock it was the exact same as the one I engraved Jack and I's name in their was tree and everything.

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