Chapter 33- awkward sex!

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We got into the tour bus and we head the road again we needed to finish this digit tour! they re-organised it and we got on I love Matt so much, we sat down and went on our phones I went on Instagram and flicked through Jack's Instagram I found a girl he was always taking selfies with I clicked on her story and found a photo.
"Oh my gosh JACK!" I yell jumping up they both look at me
"Who are them little whores!" I say showing him the photo Jack Gilinsky's hand was on one of the girls ass
"Oh just some friends" he says
"Are you sure about that!"
"I can't believe you!" I add and walk next to matt
"What was that.... Oh okay I know why you" he was confused at first but then seen the photo. It was an awkward night Iam very sexually frustrated. I sit down on Matts bed next to him I needed him I wanted him I hope he felt the same way about me. I just want to let it go!
"Hey Matthew" I say he looks up from his phone and smiles at me I kiss him passionately his lips I could kiss all day their so soft and damp his tongue slips in and I lay on top of him he drops his phone and it lands on the floor I get the blanket and put it on top of us I sit up and pull my shirt of he takes his shirt off and he smirks at me as I take my bra off I plonk it on the floor everyone went out to get dinner i lay down next to him and take my shorts off
"Babe" matt says looking at me
"I got no condoms" he says blushing I laugh
"Jack will have some in his bag somewhere" I say putting my shirt back on and scavenging through his bag
"Your beautiful" matt says and it makes me giggle
"I love you matty" I say and he laughs
"No one has called me that but my mum!" We both laugh I finally found his stash and I throw it to him he licks his lips I climb back on the bunk bed and he takes his shorts of I do the same until we where fully naked I start kissing his neck and I roll on top of him he puts his hands right on my ass I lean down and he we both groan as I pull into him he gets and instant boner and I look right into his eyes.
45 minutes later of contestant sex he was so good I lay on top of him exhausted the door opens I roll over and ended up smacking right on floor with Matthew on top of me
"Ouch" I say the blanket came down on top of Matthew I hear a lot of laughing and I look up everyone's their looking at us
"Someone had fun while we where gone" carter says looking at Matthew
"Shenaye knowing you" Emma says and I laugh
"My back is hurting so bad from that fall" I reply and they laughing I hear the door slam and everyone looks I try to see who ran away Jack J was gone. Matthew gets up with the blanket
"Matt!" I yell and pull it off him it lands on me and he was naked everyone stared at him and laughed
"That's what you get for making me flash everyone!" I say and he runs to the bathroom I get up with the blanket wrapped around me I start getting dressed I need to go and find Jack sense he always runs after me.... My back is killing me! I put on sweatpants and an average tree shirt I put a pair of ugg boots
"I'll be back in a second" I say opening the door and running where could he be I get my phone out and start calling him he doesn't answer where could he be I walk around and here crying coming from a tree I walk over its Jack
"Jack!" I say climbing up and sitting next to him
"I thought you where Mine" he mutters
"I'm only gonna break your heart..." I say and he looks at me He wipes his tears off I hug him
"I don't want to hurt you" I add and he looks at me
"Your hurting me right now" he says I was so close to crying seeing him cry over me!
"I love you as a friend" I reply I wish I could change
"Jack wanted me to give you this" Jack says getting something from his pocket....
It was the wedding ring. I felt so yucky inside I take it and put it in my pocket
"Thanks Jack" I reply and hug him tightly I didn't want to let go but I did my phone started ringing it was Matt...
"Hey where you at?" Matt says in a worried tone
"I'm with Jack"
"Hi matt take care of Shenaye your a lucky guy!" He says into the phone I put it on loud speaker
"I will!" He replies and I giggle
"See you soon babe" I reply and hang up
"Let's go...together" I say and he smiles we climb down and he jumps on back! I start laughing
"You think Im heavy!" I say and he laughs I run at full pace and he laughs as we go to the tour bus I was panting and he laughed smiling but where close to tears.

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