Chapter 22

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We woke up and walked out Jack J was still asleep I had a great idea

"Wake up lil dick" I yell banging pots and pans he groans and me and Jack just laugh he had a bruise on his fore head

We all sat down and watch TV until there was a knock on the door I walk over and get it. it was a girl Jack walks next to me

"Jack nice to see you again" she smirks at him

"What are you doing here Alyce" he says rolling his eyes

"Wait do you know each other" I say a bit angry

"Oh shit it's her" I hear Jack J says from behind me

"Look where done we have been done for 5 years" he says about to close the door

"So you think you can just have sex with my sister" she says looking at me

"Wait I don't even know you" I say confused

"I'm your long lost sister my names Alyce Hunt" I was so shocked and so was Jack and Jack

"Whatever your lying"

"Well why do we have the same mother Melissa Hunt" she says smirking

"What the fuck!" I say confused my head was spinning

"You lucky we didn't make it that far just made out a couple" she says getting closer to him

"Back off" Jack G says to her but she kissed him I ran out

"Shenaye!" He yells but I kept running I sat down at the park and started crying I cry a lot but so much stuff happens that I can't help it I'm never going back to him not ever I love him but I need to move on he doesn't like me he proves it to many times it hard to know that the person you love doesn't love you back I sat there for about 10 Minutes until Jack Johnson comes

"hey lil dick" I say smiling at him

"Hey you need to go back" he says smiling

"Why he doesn't love me he never has" I say looking at the floor

"He does! He loves you too much"

"You can never love someone too much" I reply

"give this to him and tell him I said goodbye" I hand him the ring and Jack looked at it

"I will but I need you to do a favour for me" he says

"What" I say

"Come with me to give it to him"

"Actually you know what I'll do it myself" I say walking away I walk home and the door was open I walk in to see Alyce and Jack making out

"Oh so I missed a lot" I say throwing the ring

"Shenaye it's not what it looks like" he says getting up

"Whatever it is I don't want to hear it" I Storm out I was so upset I was heart broken again and again I can't lift the weight....

I get in my car and drive to Emma's.



I get there and she opens the door

"What happened" she asked hugging me

"Well my so known sister and Jacks ex knocked on the door and kiss so I runaway and I walk back to see them making out" I cry really badly

"It's okay" she says hugging me I literally hope it is even though I know it's not...

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