Chapter 17

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I don't say anything I just hug him we walk inside and I comb his hair with my fingers

"How's my lil dick" I say smiling

"My dick isn't little"

"Well it's not big" I smirk and he blushed

"Gees you've got fat" he say looking surprised

"I'm pregnant you dick" I say lightly punishing him on the shoulders

"Who's the dad?" He asks

"Gilinsky" I reply smiling

"I'll text jack and tell him to come" I got my phone out and do it he didn't seem happy but oh well it's my life not his ill do what I want

"Let's just watch TV and wait for him lil dick" I say we walk over and he turns the TV on...... 2 hours later we finally hear a knock on the door I go and open it Jack had sunglasses on that unusual I open the door he doesn't say anything he just walks in and sit on the couch I go over to him and sit next to him he was looking at the TV I move his head so he was facing me he still had his sunglasses on... I take them off and he eyes where all red from crying I wipe his eyes with my sleeve I smile

"I love you Jack Gilinsky" I say smiling

"I love you Shenaye Gilinsky" he says Gilinsky I like that Liam Gilinsky.....

"where one big family use four including the baby" I say after that jack and jack where back at it they where making vines and everything Jack j kept showing Jack photos and They both liked it UNTIL THE GROSSEST THING HAPPENED TO GILINSKY he got a boner Jack started laughing Gilinsky looked at me and went really red he looked guilty I walked over to him and he was trying to cover it i snatch Jacks phone of him

"Hey Gilinsky give it back!" Johnson says it was a photo of a girl wearing a bikini but it was only covering her nipples she was really pretty she was on the beach and she had barely anything covering her ass she was turning around in the photo

"Jack what the fuck! Ew" I say he went really red

"Boys will be boys I guess but that photos the only thing your ever getting" I say nearly throwing the phone I was pissed but he is a boy I walk out the backyard and sit in a chair I sat looking at my belly

"No matter what happens I will never leave you" I say to Liam as I finish Jack Gilinsky walks out

"Look I can't help it when it happens" he say looking at the floor and scratches his neck

"Come here" I say he walks over and I hug him

"I don't care I love you No meter what happens we always come back to each other" I say pulling out and smiling at him

"Yeah" he says smiling

"Let's go inside" I say holding his hand he's everything to me....

We go inside and we all sit down and watch TV all day until Jack orders pizza after that we watched movies and Jack let us stay the night so we went to the spare room,

"Goodnight Lil dick" I yell out

"Night" he yells back

"Goodnight bae" I whisper to Jack we where snuggling together and I felt embarrassed cause of my belly...

"Goodnight beautiful" he whispers back..... Soon after that I fell asleep.

I woke up and I felt really sick I quickly walked as fast as I could to the bathroom and I start vomiting really badly I felt bad for Jack cause it smelt like rotten pizza but I can't help it

"You ok babe?" I hear Jack g say I wipe my mouth with my shirt and rinse my mouth out

"Yeah I'm fine just morning sickness again" I say and slowly walk out he puts an arm around my waist and helps me walk

"You ok?" Jack J says he was in his boxers and had no shirt on

"Not now I'am, puts some clothes on" I say

"Well it is 7:00am in the morning"

"Sorry Jack I'm just really sick" I say walking

We sit on the couch and I lay my head on Jacks lap

"Oh my gosh I might as well get up and brush my teeth" I say he goes to lean in for a kiss but I push away

"I need to brush my teeth my mouth has the worst after taste" I say getting up, I walk to the toilet and get A new tooth brush I hope Jack doesn't need it I brushed my teeth and came out Jack was sitting on the couch I sit next to him and suddenly kissed him

"I missed that" I say as we come out

"Minty" he smirks at me I just start laughing and turn the TV...

"Jack we have to go it was so nice seeing you" I say hugging him he's a dick but I love him... As a friend

"See ya". He says as we walk out I get in my car Jack gets in his and we drive away...

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