How it started

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Connor laughed and nodded. "Just a second." He said and got back to quickly put on his shoes and got over to get Gavin. "Nines is here. Apparently he has a really cool car and is rich and will bring us there and back home later." He said and winked at Gavin.

"He has a 'cool car'? So that has to be a really expensive car otherwise you won't assume he is rich. Did he get lucky and got adopted by some really rich parents?" Gavin said and chuckled. "He couldn't have gotten any luckier than me though. Because..." He said and got up, pressing a kiss against Connor's cheek. "I got you, and that is one thing that he doesn't." He said and putted on his own shoes. "Let's go party!"

"Be careful guys!" Hank yelled after them before the front door was closed and he was alone with Sumo again.

Connor and Gavin were both still surprised by Nines' car but didn't dare to ask anything about it to Nines. If he wanted to say anything about it then he would probably do it himself. So they just talked about what tonight would be going on as Nines drove towards the nearest bar.

When they arrived they all got out and went into the bar. Luckily the security knew Nines so it didn't took that long before they got in. Immediately going over to the bar and sitting down together. It started out with a few drinks for both Gavin and Connor, since Nines was driving he kept it on a coke, but soon the boys started to drink more. It got later and later and Nines honestly couldn't stop laughing about how the two were acting when drunk.

"I looooobe you!" Connor said as he wrapped his arms around Gavin and pressed kisses all over his face. Which Gavin immediately returned as he laughed softly.

"I loooove you tooo! You're liiike.. my soulmate." Gavin said and smiled at Connor. Slowly wondering back to all these years ago, when he met both Connor and Nines. As we know, at first he hated the shit out of Connor, he really thought he was annoying. But later on he noticed more things about Connor that weren't that bad. Like the way that Connor loved to read so much, that he could be really calm and enjoy himself. Or that he was pretty good at making friends since he was so carring for others. But when Gavin started to notice more, he started to feel more as well. Eventually he noticed that he had more different feelings for Connor that he didn't understand because he didn't had the same feelings for Nines, his best friend. So he went to Miss Puff to ask about it, since she was the only one they could talk to. She explained everything and Gavin felt so confused and honestly, scared. So he started to bully Connor even more and pushed him away as far as he could. But when Connor got adopted he felt so bad. He wanted him to come back. To stay with him. Only then he started to be honest with himself and went after his feelings, after Connor.

"What's wrong?" Connor asked and cupped Gavin's cheeks as he noticed Gavin didn't notice his kisses anymore.

"Oh.. Nothing! I just thought about us. About when we were children and how I fell in love with your annoying ass, that is really soft." Gavin mumbled and grinned a little.

Connor started to blush deeply at Gavin's words. "Your ass is really soft tooo!" He said and chuckled.

"Okay! I do not need to know how soft your asses are guys." Nines said and laughed. "And I have always known that you liked Connor, Gavin. It was honestly really clear as your best friend. Like really, you never stopped talking about him. Even though you always talked negative about him it always had to do with things he did that you probably just liked about him. And I have seen the way you looked when you saw that he got hurt. And when Connor got adopted it really became clear. You were in love with him." Nines said and smiled at both of them. "I'm glad you found each other and that you guys found me." He said and got up.

Connor looked at him and smiled at him. "That is really nice of you. I'm glad Gavin found mee too and that I found my old friend again. Though it was Gavin who saw you first. And he said that he found you very hot! But not as hot as me!"

Gavin grinned and nodded. "Yeeeh.. My boyfriend is the hottest of them all!" He said proudly and took Connor's hand.

"You found me hot? Well.. maybe the guy I like thinks that too." He said and sighed. "Though there, instead like you, Gavin. He doesn't show any affection to me or any boys, or girls. He's like just alone. He only has a few friends."

"You just gotta ask! Do you have his phone number?" Gavin asked and grabbed Nines' phone. "You just gotta call him!"

Nines quickly grabbed it back and nodded. "I do. And I am not gonna call him. Especially not when it is when I am in a bar with two gay, drunk friends." He said and chuckled.

"But you should call him! I agree with Gavin!" Connor said and looked seriously at Nines. "If you call him and tell him how you feel he knows and can tell you if he likes you too! Maybe he is just like me and Gavin. Too scared to tell the other."

Nines sighed and looked away. "He probably doesn't even know I excist. I only got his number because one of my friends knows him." He said and looked away. He felt so embarrassed that he couldn't just ask this guy what he thought. When he encouraged Gavin to do just say it to Connor.

The only one that did knew about this boy, who was actually the friend that gave the number to him, was Kylie. They had found each other after she got adopted by someone that was family of his adoptive parents. So they got back in contact and became pretty good friends. And since Nines was old enough to live on his own they were thinking of going to live together. It would be easier since they both went to the same school and they both wanted to go to a university in the same place, so Nines could drive them. But it would take a while before they would move to their own place. They had all the time and they were both still in high school. And Kylie's adoptive parents were a bit scared of her already moving out. They wanted to have some more time with her. And she wanted to have some more time with them as well but she also really wanted to go and study. She was a little bit of a nerd. She loved to learn new things and honestly, she wanted to go and travel the world, with Nines. After all, he was her best friend and family. She felt safe around him and she knew that Nines once told her that he wanted to travel the world as well. Though she didn't knew that Nines wanted to go into the army and travel the world like that. The do something good for the world in the same time.

After a little more time spending in the bar and talking with some more people, Nines decided the guys were drunk enough and it was pretty late. He could imagine that Connor's dad would be worried about his son being away so long. His parents had been the exact same on his first few times of going out. "Alright guys, let's go home." He said and pulled them, carefully, of their chairs.

"No! I don't wanna go yet! This is fun! This is the best thing I ever had! I love going out!" Connor said and looked at Nines as he took a hold of Gavin's hand. "And it is Gav's birthday partyyyy!"

"I said that we're going, Connor." Nines said and got them along with some struggling and a lot of pouting of the boys. "We can go out another time again." He said and chuckled as Connor hit his head getting into the car. "Be careful." He said and got into the drivers seat. "And no making out in my car!" Nines said and started the car.

He dropped the boys off and would've wanted to stay but he got a call of his parents to come home immediately. It sounded important so he went home after bringing them home. Gavin and Connor were so drunk that they had to be picked up by Hank at the door, who brought them to Connor's room. They at least made it to lay down in bed themselves. Falling asleep the second their heads dropped on the pillows.

Hank took off their shoes and tugged both boys in, pressing a kiss against Connor's forehead. "Sleep well, my boy." He said and putted their shoes at Connor's closet before he went over to go to bed himself. He had wanted to go to bed all evening but he couldn't sleep because he needed to know when Connor came back home. Just so he could be sure that he was safe. And now that he was home, safe as Connor had promised, he lay down in bed with Sumo next to him and fell asleep.

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