A new home

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Right in the time that Hank started to drive away Gavin came running outside. Looking after the car with big eyes. "Where are they going Miss Puff? Will Connor come back?" He asked and looked at her with big eyes.

"No sweetheart. He's been adopted. He will go to his new home now." She answered and looked at him. "Why do you ask?"

"I-.. nothing. It's just sad, now I have to find someone else to mess with." He said and shrugged. Getting back inside to his best friend Nines. Nines was sitting in the backyard against the tree where Connor always sat. He was pretty upset that his friend had left. But of course he wasn't showing that when Gavin got over to him. "There you are! Where did you go?" He asked and tilted his head.

"Just uh.. to the bathroom! I had to pee." He said simply and smiled at him. "That clumsy idiot has been adopted by an old man." He said and laughed. "Bet he'll be back soon. Either because that old man will die or because Connor is just annoying." He said and sat down next to Nines.

"I hope not. Connor really isn't that annoying. He deserves to finally have his family." He said and smiled a little. "He has been through a lot."

"Well.. we did too!" He said and frowned. "My dad tried to kill me after he killed my mom and when he couldn't he just left me at the swimming pool!" He said and sighed.

"I know Gavin. I'm sorry." He said and gave him a hug. Holding him close. "You'll find a good family too one day! And we'll stay friends forever! I promise!" Nines said happily and smiled at him.

In that time Kylie walked towards them and smiled. "Did you heard it? Connor got adopted by this real nice man! He seems to know Miss Puff so I'm sure that he's gonna be really happy now!" She said excited and sat down in front of them. "What are you doing?"

"Yeh we heard. I hope he's happy now." Nines said and smiled at her. "We were just talking about getting adopted and that I'm sure Gavin will find a really good family too. But that we'll stay friends anyway."

"That is so sweet! I hope Connor will still stay friends with you and me. And maybe of you were a little nicer to him, I'm sure that he would wanna be your friend too Gavin!" She said and smiled at him.

"I don't wanna be friends with a fucking idiot. Besides he's annoying as hell! He always gets in trouble. It's his own fault that he got treated badly in here!" He said and leaned close against Nines. "I don't need any other friends. I already have you two."

Meanwhile Connor and Hank had gotten to Hank's home. They just arrived and got out of the car. Hank let Connor to the front door and let him inside. "Welcome home kid." He said softly.

Connor walked inside and looked around with big eyes. A real home. It looked so nice. There was a huge couch. A bookshelf with thousands of new books. A big tv where he could watch whatever he wanted. There was a radio to play music on and a little kitchen with a round dining table. He slowly walked around and got into every room he could find. There was a small bathroom with a bath and a shower. And on the mirror were all kind of little notes, like: 'be happy.' 'You look good.' 'I'm not grumpy.' 'Go to work.' Then there were two bedrooms. One right on the other side of the bathroom and one at the end of the hallway. The one right on the other side was the bedroom of Hank. It had a huge closet and a two person bed. It wasn't very clean but it was clean enough to sleep in. Then at the end of the hallway was the other room. It was bigger and had a one person bed, a lot of toys, a book shelf, a desk and a big closet full of clothes. On the cabin next to the bed was standing a little photo. It was a picture of Hank with a woman and a little boy. They looked all really happy. "Who are they?" Connor asked and looked around at Hank while he dropped his bag on the bed.

"Oh.. uh.. that's my ex wife and my son. Cole. He uh.. died a few years ago in a car accident. My wife left me after everything because.. it was just hard. This was his room. But it hasn't been used for years. Now it's your room. I hope you like it. If you want you could change a few things. Like colors, we could get a new bed, curtains. Whatever you want." He said and smiled at him.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. He seems like he was a really nice boy." He said and smiled back at him. Giving the photo to him. "Thank you. But I'm okay with anything. This is already a lot better then the orphanage! It is really beautiful!" He said and gave him a hug. "Thank you for adopting me." He whispered.

Hank took the picture and hugged him back. Smiling more. "No problem boy.. I could use some of your positivity. And besides, you're a real brave kid. Miss Puff told me what happened with you. It won't ever happen here. Okay?"

Connor looked up at him and nodded slowly with a little smile. "Okay."

"Now why don't we go and eat somewhere? I'm sure you're hungry and I know a really good place where they have the best hamburgers!" He said and ruffled his hair. "Oh and on our way back we'll have to pick up a little present I have for you. I'm sure you'll like it."

"A present? For me? Wow!" He said and smiled more. "I never had hamburgers.. are they good? What is it actually?"

"Oh uh.. it's bread with a hamburger in the middle and between it there's some sauce and uh onions, pieces of pickles and some lettuce. And it is delicious." He explained and took his hand to bring him back to the car.

"That sounds really good! Can I have two?" He asked carefully and looked around while walking to the front door.

"Two? Alright.. of course. You can have as many as you want." He said and got outside with him again. Getting into the car again.

After a few minutes of driving, where Connor watched his eyes out through the window, they arrived at the Mc Donald's. A big building with a lot of people. Connor looked scared inside before he looked at Hank.

"What's wrong kid?" Hank asked softly and stroked his hair back. "You're scared of the big crowd?" He asked softly and smiled. "It's okay. I'm with you and those people won't hurt you. We'll search for a little calmer spot okay?"

He looked at him and nodded. "Yes, okay." He said and smiled at him. Keep walking close to him when they walked inside and Hank ordered their food. Not much later they were sitting in a calm spot. Connor was eating a lot and pretty fast and Hank watched him smiling. Not saying anything about it because he knew that he didn't had to eat much at the orphanage. He was eating his own food slowly while watching his new son. It felt a little weird but he was happy that he could help him and that he finally could try and have his own family again.

When they were done they cleaned up their mess and got back to the car. "It seems like you enjoyed your food." Hank said and cleaned Connor's mouth with a napkin. "Let's get to get your present." He said and looked at Connor's happy smile.

"I'm really getting a present?!" He said and smiled a lot. "I never had any presents!" He said excited.

"Yes you really are getting a present." He said softly and brought him to the car. "You really never had any presents? Not even on your birthday?" He said when they sat in the car.

"No never." He said and shrugged. "They didn't really do anything for birthdays. Probably because then they'll had a lot of them." He said and laughed a little.

"Hm.. well then I think next year you should get a really big birthday party then. And how about school? Ever went to school?" He said and started to drive.

"Nope, never." He said and sighed. I learned myself to read." He said and smiled proudly.

"That is really cool. See, you're a real smart kid." He said and pulled up at a pet shop. "We're here." He said and smiled.

"A pet shop?" He said and smiled a little.

"I heard that you really liked dogs. My dog just passed away a few months ago and I thought we could get a new one together!"

"Really?! I can have a dog?!" He said and smiled. Nodding fast. "I would love to have a dog! Can we have a.. a little one that gets really big!!"

"Yes we can. You can choose it." He said and smiled. Ruffling his hair and getting out of the car before helping Connor out. "Let's go." He said and took his hand. Together walking inside.

That evening they came home with a little puppy. It was a Saint Bernard and Connor had called him Sumo. Connor had gone to bed and the dog lay close to him on the bed while Hank was watching some sports on the tv.

The orphan boy {DBH}Where stories live. Discover now