The orphan

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Connor was a little boy of 8 years old. He would turn 9 the next day and that meant that he had been here for exact 8 years 11 months and 30 days. He had brown curly hair and big brown sparkling eyes, there always seemed to be a little hope in them what annoyed a lot of people. He had little freckles all over his cheeks and nose and had a little dark mark on his left arm that looked like a heart. It was probably a birthmark but he didn't mind it. He was probably one of the tiniest and smallest boy in here because he didn't eat much. Not because he didn't wanted to but because of that he couldn't. The adults always forbid him to take more. In the beginning he always tried to but it always ended painfully, so he just stopped trying and excepted that he just would never eat that much. He was a rather smart boy and was really good in sports and everything that had to do with electronica. He was real good friends with Nines but didn't get to hang out that much with him because he was best friends with Gavin. Gavin was the complete opposite of being a friend. Connor never hated someone fast but Gavin was one of the persons he really hated. He had bullied him ever since he knew how to walk and talk, and Connor was just too nice to do anything back. Even when he tried to tell the adults what was going on he would just get punished for it by both. By Gavin for trying to tell on him and by the adults for lying. This mostly made him very quiet which caused that he didn't really had any friends. He only had Nines when he wasn't hanging out with Gavin.

Today he was again just sitting in his room. Well, for as far it was his room. It was a big room with around 12 beds that would fit in. Only the boys were allowed in this room and there were definitely no girls allowed. Connor sometimes missed that girl that just broke the rule and came into their room to talk with the other boys. There weren't much girls because most of them got adopted. That was probably why she was always in their room. He was sitting on his bed with a book called 'the fault in our stars'. He loved this book a lot. It was very emotional and full of love. It was about a girl named Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16-year-old girl with thyroid cancer that has affected her lungs. Hazel is forced by her parents to attend a support group where she subsequently meets and falls in love with 17-year-old Augustus Waters, an ex-basketball player and amputee. He kind of wished that he would ever find someone that would love him this much. He was probably the only person out here thinking about how life would be out there since he never had been out of this building. He wasn't allowed to. They said they were to 'scared' that he would hurt himself out there. He just thought they were too scared that he would walk away and never come back, which he probably would do since this place was a living hell ever since he got here. No one ever even wanted to adopt him. Mostly because the adults kept saying bad things about him even though not everything was true. He just kept having bad luck and forgot the time sometimes.

What everyone knew, even Connor, was that it wasn't allowed to be awake after 9:00PM. But because he was this deep in the story he totally had forgotten about the time and shook when suddenly the door slammed open and someone pulled him up on his ear. He dropped the book and gave a little squeak in pain. Trying to pull away from the man that now grabbed his arm and pulled him along. Of course Connor kept struggling while walking and tried to get back to the room. Begging with things like 'I'm sorry! It won't happen again! Please, I'm sorry!'. He knew where the man was taking him because he had been there many times because of the same mistake but he couldn't stop it. It was just in him. He loved reading. But it had gotten him into a lot of trouble.

Not much later he was sitting in the cold basement with only his pajama. No light, no pillow, no blanket, no books, nothing else then just himself, his thoughts, the cold and the dark. 'Here you can stay through the night if you don't want to follow the rules little bastard!' The man had screamed to him when throwing him in. Not even minding that Connor hurt himself as he had fallen from the stairs. He knew that they would get him out after breakfast for an extra punishment. But for his luck he had to clean up the boards today. If he had some luck the other kids would've left some pieces of bread or some rice milk so he could eat them. But for now he would just try to go and sleep on the cold floor between all the dust. He even would've sweared that there were mouses and rats down here.

After hours of trying to fall asleep he just sat up again and sighed. Of course he wouldn't be able to get any sleep in here. It was way too cold. So he just grabbed a little note out of his pajama pocket along with a little picture of a nice looking man and woman. It were probably his mom and dad. At least.. if he should trust the letter.

"Dear Connor,
I am so sorry that we have to leave you here. Me and your father would do anything to keep you but it isn't safe. Your father will go back to the military and we don't have enough money to keep you safe, in a warm house, with enough food. I am sure that the people of the orphanage of loved children will always keep you safe. Know that we love you very much and we both hope that we will meet you one day again. I am sure you will be a nice grown man. Always keep being nice to others. And don't do anything stupid.

~ Love,

Your mom and dad."

He sighed and looked a long while more at the picture and the letters. It was all he had left of his real parents. And the harsh words of the adults who told him that they were dead and that they only told him lies. 'They never loved you. Who could ever love you?!' One of them had said one time. These words still haunted him every night. Slowly a few tears dripped down and fell down. He luckily pulled the letter and photo away on time and fast putted them away again. Hoping and praying that he would be out here soon so he could go look for his mom and dad. So he could finally have a family.

The hours slowly passed by for Connor and after hours he finally fell asleep. But it didn't took long before the same man from last night came back and pulled him up. 'Wake the fuck up.' He snorted and pushed Connor the stairs up. Connor got up as fast as he could and for a second he thought about slamming the door close and locking him up, but that would only get him into more trouble and he didn't wanted that. So he just waited upstairs and looked up at the man when he was upstairs as well. 'Hands.' Was the only thing he said and Connor slowly held his hands out. "Please sir. I'm sorry sir! I promise I won't do it again!" Connor said fast, but the man had no mercy and just hit his hands hard with a wooden stick. Red marks ran over Connor's hands and they felt really painful.

After he was done Connor got brought to the eating room. He looked over the huge table and swallowed a little. There were so many plates and a lot of them were just new because he already had dropped a lot of them. Not on purpose. He was just very clumsy. He slowly started cleaning up and for his luck this time it went well. He even got to eat a few of the rests of the other kids food when the man wasn't watching. When everything was in the kitchen he started cleaning the plates.

When he had cleaned everything Miss Puff came to him and looked worried at him. He was way to thin for a boy of his age and he always was full of bruises.

"Is everything okay dear?" She asked softly and sat him up the counter. If anyone was a nice person it was Miss Puff. She was really caring and always tried to help them out. She grabbed a piece of bread and gave it to him with a smile. "Here.. you really should eat some more." She stated worried and watched how Connor fast ate the bread like he hadn't eaten in days. Actually he hadn't.. He mostly had been in the basement for punishments for the most little things.

Miss Puff had given him a few more things to eat and looked worried at his. "They don't treat you guys right here.. I'm so sorry that I can't help." She said and stroke his hair back. "When you're done eating you should go back to your room and take some rest. I'll bring you some chicken soup and tell them that you're very sick." She said and smiled at him. Connor just simply nodded and ate the last piece of bread before he gave her a hug and mumbled with some bread still in his mouth, 'Thank you Miss Puff. You're the best.' And then jumped off the counter. Getting back fast to the bedroom and lay down on his bed after picking up his book and putting it away under his bed.

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