A whole new start

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That evening when Hank had came home they all talked for hours, Connor explained everything about what had happened those past 7 years and Gavin told his part, about how the orphanage only started to get worse after Miss. Puff had died, how Nines and Kylie had both been adopted and how they just kicked him out as soon as he had turned 18. That is when he had came to the police station to look for Hank and Hank had send him to the address where Connor and he lived. And so they met each other again. When it started to get late Hank went to bed and left Connor and Gavin alone in the living room. The tv was on but they weren't actually watching it, they were way too focussed on each other. When they heard Hank's bedroom door closing they leaned in and kissed each other softly. Gavin's hand laying in the back of Connor's neck, pulling him closer while Connor let his hands lay on Gavin's hips. Holding him softly in his grip.

The next morning they woke up together in Connor's bed. Hank had already gone back out to work and Gavin was just laying close against Connor's naked chest. Stroking his fingers softly over his chest with a smile. Stealing a few little kisses from him when he woke up. "Goodmorning Con.." He whispered and smiled at him.

Connor smiled and gave him a few little kisses back. "Goodmorning Gav.. How did you sleep?" He asked softly and stroke his hair back. Kissing his forehead.

Gavin smiled more at the kisses and cuddled closer to him. "Better then ever.." He whispered and kissed his neck softly. "Last night was amazing.. Thank you."

"What? No.. thank you! I-.. You were the first one I ever did it with and I hope it will stay that way." He said and chuckled a little. "I'm so glad that you're back.." He whispered and smiled at him.

"I'm glad to be back.." Gavin whispered back and sat up a little. "So.. what are we going to do today? Maybe we can go to the park? Or.. watch a movie. You must know more things about what we can do?"

"Hm.. yes, that is true. Uhm well yes we can go to the park or watch a movie or we could take a looooong walk with Sumo or go to the beach. I don't really go out that much. We could go out tonight? Get.. drunk. To celebrate your birthday!" He said and smiled at him.

"Get drunk? Like.. really? Are you sure that nothing will happen? Or that your dad will get angry? Because.. I don't want to make him upset on the first day already." He said and looked at him with big eyes.

"Uhm.. well.. I don't think he will think it is that bad. He said that it was okay if I would drink from my 18th birthday so.. I think it is okay!" He said and smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. I'll keep you safe." He whispered and sat up as well now. Kissing his cheek softly. "But first.. lets eat something. Then we can look what we want to do." He said and got up. He grabbed some fresh clothes and dressed himself up. "Maybe we should go shopping too, so you can have new normal clothes. For now just wear some of mine." He said and threw some of his clothes over to him. "I'll go make breakfast." He said and left him alone, getting to the kitchen. Making some eggs with bacon a few pieces of bread, orange juice and a little bowl with fresh strawberries.

Gavin got up and laughed a little. The sun shining bright on his skin. He grabbed the clothes Connor threw at him and got dressed up, then he got to the bathroom and cleaned his face with some water. Then he got to the kitchen and watched Connor cooking. A little smile on his face as he leaned against the doorway and watched him. Until he got distracted by Sumo who gave his leg a push with his head. "Oh.. Hello there.. goodmorning to you too!" He said and kneeled down to pet him softly. "You just betrayed my hidding spot to watch my prey." He said and chuckled.

Connor looked around as he heard Gavin talk to Sumo and smiled at the view. "He missed you too. Maybe even more then I did. Or not.." He said and chuckled. Putting the bread with the eggs and bacon on it. Putting the two plates on the table along with the two glasses of orange juice and then the bowl of strawberries. "Take your place.. breakfast is ready!" He said and smiled at him as he sat down himself. "Sumo go to your place." He said and Sumo listened, laying down on the dog basket in the living room.

Gavin got up as well and sat down at the table. Looking at the food before at Connor. "This looks amazing! And it really smells so good! Where did you learn to cook?" He asked and took a bit of it. Humming at the amazing taste. "Mhm~!"

Connor smiled proudly and took a bite himself, just to make sure that it really was good and that Gavin wasn't just acting that he liked it just for him. Then he hummed and looked up at him again. "I-.. I just watched a lot of what my dad did. And just did the exact same. And I also read a lot of books about cooking and good recepies." He said and smiled more, a slight blush on his cheeks.

Together they started to eat and talk a little about the food and Connor told Gavin about how school had been going and that in a few weeks he would start at another school, to become a police officer, just like his dad and not because Hank had told him that he had to become just like him but because he had inspired Connor and Connor eventually realized that he actually wanted to become a police officer, nothing else.

When they were done eating they started to clean back up. But of course not without messing with each other. Gavin had grabbed some of the soap bubbles and blown it into Connor's face, making them both laugh as a bit kept laying on his nose. Gavin slowly got closer to him and blow it back off his nose before he kissed him softly. Wrapping his arms around his neck to hold him close. Connor of course kissed him back and carefully pulled him up, Gavin's legs wrapped around Connor while Connor sat him down on the counter.

After a while of making out Connor got back to put the clean dishes back on their places. Looking over at Gavin every now and then who was just sitting on the counter and watched him with a smile. Thinking about a few things he was a little too scared of to ask Connor. When Connor was done he got back over to Gavin and wrapped his arms around his waist. "What is my beautifull boyfriend thinking?" He asked and looked curious at him.

"Hmm? Nothing really special. I was just imagining how it would be if.. or when we would have our own place. Our own little home. Maybe we could even give a better life to an orphan. I mean not now but.. In a few years? To help someone back out of that hell. We both have knew how awful it is. When no one wanted us.." He said and sighed.

"Hey.. we're not in that place anymore.. And when I'm a cop.. I'll make sure that that place will become so much better then it is right now." He said and lifted his chin up. Kissing his lips softly. "And yes.. maybe we can do that. And about that home. I have thought about that too. Last night and when I was cooking. I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to search for a home together and try to get it, to get a new start. Our own place, our own home, our new start."

Gavin smiled at him and looked at him with big sparkling eyes. "Really? That sounds amazing.. Perfect. I would love that." He said and kissed him back deeply again. Wrapping his legs around him again and pulling him closer. "I love you.. I love you so damn much Connor Anderson." He whispered with a few tears falling down his cheeks.

"I love you too Gavin.. So much." He said and smiled at him. Softly wiping his tears away.

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