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"But first.. lets give you something to eat. You look like you're really hungry." Miss Puff said and already had made a plate full with spaghetti. She took it to the eating room and Connor just followed. Connor sat down and immediately started eating and smiled at Miss Puff. Miss Puff smiled back before she got to the corridor and got over to the man who Connor bumped into before.

The man was just sitting on a little couch and looked around a little. Watching over some kids who ran by and immediately ran back when one of the adults yelled at them. He laughed a little and shook his head amused. When he saw Miss Puff walk in he got up and gave her a hug. "Hey! Melanie! How are you doing?" He asked and smiled at her when he got back out of the hug.

"Hank! I'm doing great. Thank you. How are you?" She asked and smiled back at him.

"I'm doing better. The wounds are healing fast and didn't had too stay much longer in the hospital. And of course still trying to get over Julie."

Not a few months ago Hank's wife, Julie and his son Cole had a car crash. They didn't survive, they could've by a few minutes, but the ambulance was too late.

After they talked for a while Miss Puff and Hank got back to Connor. Miss Puff smiled at Connor and sat down at the table. Hank sat down next to her and smiled friendly at the boy who looked up with big eyes.

He just had finished eating and didn't understand what was going on. Who this man was. And if he had done something wrong or not. "Uh hello.." he mumbled and putted the fork and knife away.

"Connor. This is Hank Anderson. He is my nephew." Miss Puff explained and looked at Hank with a smile. "He really would like to adopt you. I told him a lot about you and the others and a few days ago he called me. Asking about you and if you were still were here." She told Connor and smiled softly.

Connor's eyes got even bigger and started to sparkle a lot. "He wants to adopt me?!" He asked and smiled bright.

"Well.. uh.. yes but.. there are a few other kids around here that I would like to talk to. But I wanted to meet this smart boy first." Hank said and smiled at him. "I'll tell a few things about myself so you know who I am and if you want you could tell something about you too." Hank said before he started. "I'm Hank Anderson, I am a police lieutenant in Detroit. And I got a really big dog named Sumo." He spoke up and looked at him with a bright smile.

"You have a dog?! I really like dogs! Well.. I never saw any real dogs but I've read a lot about them!" He said and smiled a lot. He was going to do his best now to make him want him and not one of the others. "I really like reading. I could read all day and be very quiet! My friend always says that I'm really nice and that he likes playing with me." He said and looked a little less happy. He was going to leave his friend if he got with him now. The only friend he had. But he would also leave his home where he had been for years. Where he lived his whole life. Even though it wasn't a nice home, he didn't knew different. "Can I still come here to play with my friend sometimes if I can come with you?" He asked and tilted his head.

Hank smiled and gave a little nod. "If I will take you home then of course you can visit your friend." He said and gave a little nod towards Miss Puff.

Miss Puff smiled at him and stood up. "Come on Connor. Why don't you go play outside a little with Conan while me and Hank will talk about what he'll choose." She said softly and brought Connor outside.

Connor immediately ran towards Nines and pulled at his arm. "I maybe get adopted!" He said happily and smiled bright. "It's a real big man with a grey beard and he's really nice! He has another son and a dog!" He explained fast and smiled more.

Nines rowned a little before he smiled at him. "I'm happy that you finally maybe found your own family." He said and really did mean it. But he would miss Connor.

Gavin had heard this as well and got over to them. "Are you sure that anyone would want you?" He said and crossed his arms before he started laughing.

Connor frowned and glared at him. "Well at least no one wants someone like you! You're just a bully ever since you could talk and walk! You always kept bullying me while I did nothing wrong to you!" He said fast and immediately regretted that he spoke up against Gavin and that he was being mean. "Sorry." He mumbled and looked down with a frown.

Gavin wanted to say something back but before he could Kylie came over as well and looked shocked at Connor. "You're going to leave?" She asked and looked sad. "I'll miss you Connor." She said and gave him a tight hug. For once not caring that Gavin was standing there as well.

"I'll miss you too." Nines said and joined the hug. A little tear dropping down over his cheek and fell down on Connor's shirt.

Connor hugged them back and watched how Gavin angrily walked away to the others and told them what Connor just had said. Of course he was making it worse then it was and worse then what actually happened. "I'll miss you too guys. But he said that I could come over to play with you! And maybe if you get adopted then I can come to your new parents!" He said and smiled. "And besides.. it isn't even really sure that I will get adopted." He said and sighed. "Maybe he'll find someone better then just me.." he said and shrugged.

Meanwhile Miss Puff and Hank were talking about Connor and the other kids that Hank already had talked to. It were a few other boys and a few of the girls. But Hank didn't had to say much and already decided that he wanted Connor. So Miss Puff got to the higher boss and told them about Hank wanting to adopt Connor. After a while he gave her the adoption papers along that Hank had to sign after he signed it and Miss Puff got back. Hank of course signed it and together they got to the backyard. Hank had putted the papers away in his jacket pocket and looked around for Connor. Miss Puff had found him pretty fast and pointed over to Hank. "He has something to say to you." Is all she said.

Connor immediately ran towards him and hugged him tight. Already knowing what it meant. Some tears dropped down his cheeks and he held him tight in his little arms. "Thank you sir! Thank you so much!" He said against him and looked up at him with a big smile.

Hank smiled and softly patted his back. "No problem boy. Let's go pack your bags and say goodbye to your friends for now." He said softly and waved at the other two.

Nines and Kylie waved back with a little sad expression. They were really going to loose their friend now to an old man who wanted to adopt him. Well.. he looked old. He wasn't really that old.

Miss Puff took them all inside and they all got to the bedroom. Connor started packing his bag and really didn't had that much. He putted a few of his 'clothes' in it and the rest were mostly books and a little stuffed doll that they had found with him when they got him here. Conan helped Connor with packing and slowly gave one of his pocket knifes. "Just so you can defend yourself." He had said and smiled at him. Kylie just gave Connor a kiss on his cheek and they both blushed a little. "Stay strong. I'm sure he's a nice man!" She said before Connor closed the bag and gave his friends one last hug.

After that he got with Hank and for the first time in his whole life he got outside of the house and this time not into the backyard. They got into an old long brown car and Hank let Connor sit in the front. He made sure Connor was sitting save and then closed the door before he got to his own side and sat down at the drivers seat. "Ready?" Hank asked Connor and Connor nodded fast with a big smile.


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