A late birthday miracle

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"Alright, time to go love bird." Connor whispered and pulled Gavin off the counter. "Let's go and just.. take a walk. We'll just go to the park and enjoy the birds singing, the sun shining on your beautifull face and Sumo loves to play with other dogs and it is adorable." Connor said and chuckled softly.

Gavin couldn't help it but to let out a chuckle at the others words and softly stroke his fingers over his cheek. "Yes. And when Sumo is playing I can watch my beautiful boyfriend." He whispered and kissed his cheek before he got over to the front door to put on his shoes and his jacket.

Connor smiled at his words and looked after him before he followed him, followed by Sumo immediately with his leash in his mouth. "Oh Sumo.." He said and chuckled. Putting on the leash. "You're adorable." He said giving the dog a pet before he got up and putted on his shoes.

"Let's go." Gavin said as he handed Connor his jacket, smiling brightly at him. He loved Connor with all his heart and he always would. He was glad that he was able to leave the orphanage, because he could finaly go back to the one person he loved. The one person that he really felt safe with, that he was sure that he wouldn't push him away or leave him in the cold.

Connor putted on his jacket and took Gavin's hand before he opened the door. "Yeh.. let's go." He said before he got pulled forward by Sumo and pulled Gavin along. Both laughing and smiling at each other before they followed Sumo.

Hank was already at work but he couldn't get Connor and Gavin out of his mind. He loved to see Connor this happy, he hadn't seen him this happy for a while. But he was worried that Gavin may would cause that Connor's heart would break. He didn't want that for Connor, even though it was 'the way life is', he didn't want it. He had been in that place already with his mother.

Gavin held tightly onto Connor's hand as they walked into the park and Connor had taked off Sumo's leash. He couldn't believe that he was having this perfect day with the perfect guy. Even more unbelievable was that this perfect guy was actually his boyfriend. "You're really beautiful y'know. It's still so unbelievable that you're my boyfriend. I got so lucky."

"Thanks, Gav. You look.. perfect. Just.. I still can't believe it that you came back. That this all isn't some sort of dream. That you are my boyfriend, that you're alive." He said and pressed a kiss on his cheek, giving a soft squeeze in his hand. "I'm really not gonna let you go ever again."

"I'm never gonna let you go either, Con." Gavin whispered and looked at him before he looked towards Sumo, who had started to play with another dog. "Look at him, that's adorable! And look at that guy, he is hot, not as hot as you but hot." He said and looked at the guy that walked just a few feet away from where the dogs were.

"Oh, yes he is." Connor said and gave a little smile. He didn't wanted to feel bad or jealous but he just really felt unsure about himself, especially next to that guy. No matter what Gavin would say he looked way better then Connor did.

"Ohmy.. I think.. Could that be.. y'know. Nines." He whispered towards Connor who apparently was too deep in his thoughts to notice Gavin talking. "Hey, Con." He said and poked his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

"Hm? Oh yes. Sorry, I was just watching Sumo play." He said and smiled at Gavin. "What did you say? About that guy?"

Gavin raised an eyebrow, that was weird but he would let it go. For now. "I was saying that I think that that guy Nines is. He kind of looks like him. I'm just not sure since he left before I did and didn't came back to visit, but he probably was busy." Gavin said and looked down.

"That's.. not nice of him. He should've visited you and so should I have, sorry." He said and sighed. "Let's go over to him, nothing wrong with asking it. He either is it or not." He said and pulled Gavin along before he could say anything against it. "Hey. I am.." 

"Connor." Nines said before Connor could finish his sentence. "And Gavin. You're out of the orphanage. Oh shit.. you're birthday was yesterday. You're 18. Uh, Happy birthday. It's late but.. I might've forgotten it and well.. I was really busy. Maybe I could take you guys out tonight? As a birthday gift for your birthday. And the fact that you found Connor, I know how much you wanted that." Nines said and gave a soft smile.

"Uh.. I.." Gavin looked at Connor before back at Nines and shook his head. "Maybe another time. I just found Connor back yesterday and.. we want to have some time together, alone."

"What?" Connor said and looked confused. "No. It is fine. He can come with us. I missed him as well and it would be fun. To be together, the three of us." Connor said and squeezed Gavin's hand.

"I'll take that as a yes. And I promise that if I am ruïning the whole thing that I'll leave. And the drinks are on me." Nines said and gave a wink. "And don't worry about me trying to flirt with either of you, because, I have a crush on someone. Though he doesn't know, I'll tell you everything about him tonight."

"Oh! I'd love to hear that story!" Connor said and smiled. "Here." He said and gave his phone so Nines could put his number in it. "I'll call you, 30 minutes before we leave."

"Okay, great. Thank you guys. Or well.. Thank you Connor for saying that it is okay." Nines said and turned to leave after giving Connor's phone back.

Gavin quickly snapped out of his thoughts about what tonight could've been and grabbed Nines' arm. Pulling him back before he hugged him tightly. "I missed you. I missed my best friend. I'm glad that I got you back, Nines."

Gavin and Connor went home with Sumo after they finished their walk. Which now mostly was with talking about Nines and that it was weird that they met him right here, today. Though they were happy to see him again. They dropped off Sumo at home and left again. Since they still had to go to the mall to go and get Gavin new clothes for normal days and for tonight a special outfit. They took the car and just around 5pm they got back home with maybe a little too much bags of clothes.

Hank had been home for over an hour by now and had gotten a bit worried where Connor was. So when they arrived he looked up relieved and smiled at the two. "What did you two do? Did you two rob a clothing store?" He joked and laughed a little.

"No of course not! I used some of my money. The bit that I had for.. my new phone. I don't need that more than Gavin needed new clothes. And I might've bought a nice outfit for myself too for tonight. We're going out, with Nines. We bumped into him at the park and he wanted to give Gavin a birthday present so he is paying for everything." Connor said and sounded pretty excited.

"Alright. That sounds like fun. If you promise to be carefull. No drinking and driving so you'll go with the bus, walk or I'll bring you guys and pick you back up later." Hank said and crossed his arms.

"We'll go and walk." Gavin said and smiled at Hank. "I'll make sure that Connor won't get hurt." He promised and took Connor along towards his room to avoid more of Hank talking about being safe.

They quickly putted the bags to the side, they'd put those clothes away later. For now they grabbed their outfits for tonight and putted them on before they went back to the kitchen. Luckily Hank had gotten up and had made some food for them. A burger with bacon for all of them.

"It smells delicious, dad." Connor said and kissed his cheek before he started to eat.

"It does smell amazing, I didn't knew you're dad was a good cook." Gavin said and sat down to start eating as well.

"Well.. I had to learn something to feed him. He was as skinny as a stick when he came in here." He said and laughed, sitting down with them. "Don't worry. I won't say a thing about you guys going out tonight anymore." He said with a smile and looked at them. "You guys look beautiful. I hope you'll have fun tonight. And say hi to Nines from me. It's been a long time since I have seen him." 

"We'll do that, dad." Connor said as he gave Nines a quick text that they were ready to leave soon but that they had to walk so I could take a bit longer before they'd arrive. "It's gonna be an amazing night." He said and continued eating with Gavin and Hank.

Not much later a car drove into their drive way and someone got out. Connor got up and opened the door, smiling as he saw Nines. "You guys ready to go? I got my car to bring us. And I won't drink so you guys can go home safely."

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