Birthday wish

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Miss Puff came later that day with some chicken soup to the room of Connor. When she came inside she noticed Connor was already asleep and she didn't wanted to wake him. This boy finally deserved some good rest after being in that basement all those nights. She pulled his blanket over him and tugged him in, so he would stay warm. Putting the soup on a little table next to his bed. Then she got back out of the room. She already had fixed that the others would leave him alone and let him sleep. Telling them that he was sick.

Miss Puff always had been a really caring and nice woman. She was 55 years old and had a daughter of 25 and a son. Sadly enough her son had died at the age of 11. He died in the hospital after years of treatments against the leukemia he had in his head. She missed him a lot and when she started working here at the orphanage she didn't wanted to do anything else then to take the best care of the kids in here. She didn't had much rights, but when she could she helped them out. Connor was one of the kids that reminded her so much of her own son. And she hated to see how the other adults were treating him.

After hours Connor had woken up again and smiled when he saw the soup. It was cold by now but he didn't really mind. Food was food. So he picked it up and immediately started eating it and slurped the last bits out of the bowl. After that he grabbed his book from under the bed and started to read again. Though it didn't took that long before he had fallen asleep again with the book laying open on his chest.

When Miss Puff came to check on him she laughed a little. She softly picked up the book and lay it on the table next to him. She tugged him in again and took the empty bowl back to the kitchen. There was a lot of cleaning to do in the kitchen so she already decided to start on it. She first did the dishes and then started on sweeping the floor and cleaning the counters.

While she was cleaning the counters a little boy came in and looked up at her. He had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He was acting rather old for his age sometimes and he could be pretty cold and harsh. It was Connor's friend, Nines. "Miss Puff? Do you know where Connor is? I can't find him anywhere. Not outside under the tree, not in our treehouse, not in the playroom, not in the living room and not here! And the others said we weren't allowed to go to the bedroom."

Miss Puff turned around and smiled at the boy. "I know, it's because Connor is there and I've said that he's sick so he could finally get some rest. But I'm sure he would be happy to see you! I was about to make him a few cupcakes for his birthday. Maybe you want to help me with that? And then we could bring them to him together." She said smiling.

Nines nodded fast and got over to her. He had to grab a few things for her and after that he watched how she made the mix. Of course he could lick off the spoon and enjoyed it a lot. The kids in here never had the chance or time to do this much fun things. Or to eat things like cake, candies, etc.

After the cupcakes were done with baking Nines and Miss Puff made their way to the bedroom. Nines opened the door for her and together they got over to Connor's bed and softly woke him up before they started to sing. "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you!"

"Happy birthday Connor! Look we made you cupcakes!" Said Nines excitedly and showed the cupcakes on a plate that they made together. It weren't that much and they didn't look that special because they didn't had anything to make them more special but they did putted a little candle in the middle.

Connor looked up at them and smiled as he saw the cakes and the candle. This meant that he finally could make his first, real, birthday wish. He blew the candle out and closed his eyes tight as he made his wish.

I wish that I will find my real mom and dad before I turn 10 and that they will take me back home with them!

He opened his eyes again and smiled at them before he grabbed one of the cakes and took a big bite out of it. "This is really good! You should try it too!" He said with his mouth full of the cake.

Both Nines and Miss Puff took a cupcake too and together they ate the cupcakes. Celebrating Connor's birthday this way. And it may seemed like the worst birthday ever, but for Connor it was the best. He never had any huge birthday party. But this.. him, his friend and the most nicest woman that he had ever met, all together ,just talking and laughing. It was perfect.

The day went by fast and not much later all the boys were in the bedroom again after dinner. Miss Puff had cleaned up everything, so no one would know that they had been celebrating Connor's birthday except for her, Connor and Nines.

It was just a few minutes before 9 when Connor heard one of the boys get out of bed and he slowly looked up to look around who it was. A small boy with dark brown hair, green/blue eyes and a scar on his nose had stood up and walked over to Connor's bed. It was Gavin. Gavin was 8 years old and liked to get in trouble, but there was one thing that Gavin liked way more. If Connor got in trouble because of him.

Connor fast lay down again and acted like he was sleeping in the hope that he wouldn't do anything then. But instead Gavin grabbed the glass, that Miss Puff apparently had put on Connor's table, with water and threw it all over Connor's face before he fast got back to his bed and lay down. Connor immediately sat up and looked down at his blanket. Trying to hold back his tears as he heard all the other kids giggle about it. He wiped the water away from his eyes and turned his pillow around before he lay down again. This had been such a great day.. sort of.. and now Gavin had to ruin it. He had hoped that Nines would've said something about it but of course he hadn't. Gavin somehow was still Nines best friend and Conan didn't wanted to loose his best friend. So Connor would just have to deal with it on his own. Like he already did for almost 7 years long.

After a while all the boys were sleeping again except for Connor. Connor sat on his knees on his bed and looked out of the little window that was next to his bed. Counting the stars. Connor always had been amazed by the stars and the universe. He would've done something with it if he had the things for it. But he didn't so he kept it by watching the stars and the moon every night when he could. He never got bored of it but after a while he got tired and lay back down. He fell asleep not much later with still wet hair and a wet bed.

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