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The next day Connor woke up for the first time in his life with a big smile. He gave Sumo a few pats before he got up and stretched himself out. He got over to the closet and opened it slowly, his eyes sparkeling slightly. There were more clothes in there then he had ever seen or had. After a long while of looking which clothes looked good and which didn't he grabbed a simple red shirt, some jeans and orange socks. He fast got to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before he got into the shower. Within 10 minutes he was dressed up and got to the kitchen. Meeting the amazing smell of eggs and bacon.

Hank had been up early and had already took a shower. Now he was making breakfast since he had heard that Connor had woken up. While the bacon was laying in the pan on the fire he filled Sumo's bowl with food and the other with water. "Goodmorning Connor.. How did you sleep?" He asked him and looked around with a smile at him. Getting back to making breakfast.

"I slept good!" He said and smiled back at him. Sitting down on a chair at the table. "It smells good." He said and looked around. "I thought I maybe could take a walk with Sumo this day. Explore the city.. I heard there was a playground nearby!"

"Uh yes.. there is. But I can't come with you. I asked an old friend if he wanted to come over and look over you. I have to work today and I couldn't say that I wouldn't come anymore. But from tomorrow I will be home for a few weeks. To find a school with you and to do some fun things." He said while he putted the eggs with bacon and bread on a plate and putted it in front of Connor before he grabbed his own plate and sat down on the other side of the table.

"Oh.. Okay! That is okay, I'll just read a book and play with Sumo. And maybe I can even watch some tv! If that is okay with you." He said and looked at him with big eyes. "Wait.. a school? Like.. a real one? With other kids and books and lessons?!" He said and sounded more excited then any other kid would ever be about going to school. "

"Of course you can watch tv if you want to! And yes a real school. You're a smart boy. I'm sure you can just jump in. The school year has just started!" He said and smiled at him. "Now.. Eat first.. then we can talk." He said before they started to eat together. When they finished Hank grabbed the plates and started to clean them up. "So.. when my friend will be here I want you to be nice to him." He said warning and smiled over his shoulder at him.

"I will be.. dad." He said and smiled before he jumped up and grabbed Sumo's leash. "I'm gonna walk with Sumo!" He said excited and putted the leash around Sumo's neck.

His heart skipped a beat as he heard him call him dad. "Alright! be carefull.. son." He said and smiled after him. While Connor was out walking the dog Hank watched some more tv. In the meantime his friend, James, arrived and he left to go to work. Leaving Connor a little note on the table, telling him that he could do whatever he wanted and that he would be home at 6pm again.

Meanwhile at the orphanage  Nines and Gavin were sitting outside against the big tree. Gavin wasn't this talketive as before and Nines had started to get worried about him. He had tried to talk with Gavin about what was going on in him but whenever he did that Gavin just got upset. Until today. It had gotten too much for him and he had broken  down, telling Conan everything. Right now Gavin was leaning against Nines shoulder. Soft tears streaming over his cheeks.

"It is okay Gavin. You're still my best friend!" Nines said supportively and kissed his hair softly while he rubbed his back. "Though I think that.. maybe you should try and tell it. It is a pretty big thing and I'm sure he won't reply in a bad way.." He said and smiled at him.

"A-are you sure? I.. I-.."

Okay.. let's go back a little. When Nines and Gavin got outside Nines had noticed that something was bothering Gavin again. So he again asked what was going on. And instead of Gavin yelling at him for the thousand time, he broke down. Nines had helped him sit down and that is where Gavin told him everything.

'I never really hated Connor. I thought I did in the beginning and sometimes he was a little annoying or stupid but I never meant that I hated him. I actually always wanted to be friends with him but after I started bullying him I got scared that he didn't wanted to be friends anymore. And.. when I saw that he was gone I felt.. really bad. More bad then when a friend left or.. or when I finally understood that I didn't had any parents.. I.. I think I like him but.. but he is a boy and I am a boy and I didn't wanted him to hate me and you to hate me because of it so I just started to bully him more.. But now that he is gone I feel bad I didn't tell him.'

And so they had ended up with huggs, crying from Gavin and comforting words of Nines.

"A-are you sure? I.. I-.. I don't even know if he likes me.. or.. or how to find him. Maybe he is really far away.. M-maybe I'll never see him again.." Gavin mumbled hopeless and more tears fell down.

Nines  shook his head and smiled at him. "You will see him again. I'm sure you will. And maybe Miss. Puff knows where Connor is. She seemed to know the man who adopted him. I'm sure she would want to help you!"

Gavin nodded and let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you Nines. You're the best friend ever.. I wouldn't want any other best friend then you!"

Connor had gotten back home and had fast taken the note before he had locked himself in his room with Sumo. New people still scared him a lot after everything that had happened. So he rather avoided people he didn't knew then to actually meet them. Now he was just sittin in his room reading his book and looking out of the window. Waiting for Hank to get back home. But by the time he did Connor had fallen asleep in his chair with the book open against his chest, Sumo laying at his feet. Hank looked around for him and eventually tried to get into Connor's room but noticed it was locked. "Connor?! Connor are you okay?!" He said in panic and kept trying to open the door. "Connor open the door or I'll break it open." He warned.

When Connor hear him yelling he woke up and blinked confused. "W-What?" He mumbled and blinked a little. Getting fast up and almost tripped over Sumo on his way to the door. He opened it and looked at him. "You're back!" He said and smiled. "Can we eat? I'm hungry.."

"Connor.. why didn't you talk with James? He came all the way down here to meet you and just told me you haven't said one single word to him. Is something wrong? Did he say something that scared you?" He asked softly and kneeled down.

Connor looked at him with big eyes and blinked a little. Trying to hold his tears away. "I-.. no no h-he didn't say anything.. I just-.. p-people scare me.." He mumbled and sighed. "Y-you're not gonna bring me back now, are you?" He asked with big tears in his eyes.

"What? No! Connor no. Of course I'm not bringing you back.. Why would I do that? I'm way to happy to have you as my son!" He said happily and pulled him into a hug. "I'll never bring you back to that place.."

Connor smiled a little and hugged him back, little tears slowly falling down his cheeks. "I'm sorry.. for being so.. scared." He mumbled and swallowed a little, scared that he would break that promise. Just like how everyone else around him always broke their promises.

The orphan boy {DBH}Where stories live. Discover now