A long time

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A big silence fell after Connor said those 4 words. Everyone was kind of surprised, especially Gavin. Who was looking around at everyone and couldn't help it that he was smiling a little. He couldn't believe it that Connor felt the same about boys. But he now started to worry that Connor wouldn't like him back the same way he liked him. Hank was blinking a little and looked at Connor, a tiny smile on his face as he lay his hand down on Connor's leg and gave a little nod. Miss. Puff and Nines just looked at Connor and Gavin and were blinking confused. And Connor... he just slowly looked at everyone before he spoke up again.

"I didn't knew if you would accept it or.. or if you would all hate me and make jokes of it so.. I didn't tell anyone. I think I knew I liked boys when there was this boy at the orphanage, Jack, he wasn't there for long and we didn't really talk that much but we did a few times and I felt really happy with him and I couldn't help it to smile everytime. And when he left because he got adopted I felt.. sad. I missed him a lot and I missed being with him and I kept thinking about him. I started looking around in the little library at the orphanage and found this book about two boys liking each other. That's how I knew.. but the book also scared me off of telling it to anyone. It kept saying how people didn't accept them and how they even got hurt because of it." He said and looked around at everyone once again.

Hank smiled at him and softly kissed his hair before he looked at him. "We won't hate you, we won't hurt you, and we do accept you just as you are Connor. If you like boys then that is fine with all of us. And I think one person here is even more happy about it. Maybe you should try and talk with him, alone." He said softly and looked over to Gavin with a smile.

Gavin smiled back at him and then looked over at Connor who smiled at him as well. Together they got up and got to his room. Closing the door behind them and both sat down on Connor's bed. "Nice room!" Gavin said nervous and smiled at him. "S-so.. you like boys too.. I found out because of you.." He mumbled and blushed slightly.

Connor started blushing as well and looked at him. "Yes.. you did? S-so.. uh.. I never really had a boyfriend.. or a girlfriend.." He said and shrugged. After that they talked for a long while, after a while Nines had joined them and they were all just talking with each other about how Connor's new life was, about Jack, about the orphanage.

In the mean time Hank had ordered dinner for everyone and was watching tv with Miss. Puff who was watching him with a little smirk. "So.. who did you meet? You're glowing." She spoke up and laughed a little as Hank turned red at the question. "Don't worry. I won't tell it to anyone. I'm just curious."

"Uh.. It is something complicated. Just.. a really nice woman with amazing cooking skills. She has been alone ever since her husband died and it really worked between us but-.. We can't do anything. It wouldn't be the right thing to do." He said and shook his head. 

Before Miss. Puff could say anything back the doorbell rang. She got the kids to the kitchen while Hank got the food and paid, putting the food on the table and grabbing 5 plates and putting them on the table. He luckily had just enough chairs for everyone and together they started eating. Laughing, talking and eating all together really gave an amazing feeling. And of course the two love birds couldn't keep their eyes of each other. But eventually the time came where Gavin and Nines had to go back to the orphanage and with a few tears they said goodbye to each other.

From then on Gavin and Nines kept visiting every now and then, for years. Until after 3 years they suddenly stopped coming. Nines had been adopted by a nice young couple and Gavin was still at the orphanage. But with the sudden death of Miss. Puff he had no way to go back to Connor. Years fly by and Connor lived together with his mother and Hank in the big villa. His life had changed from a hell to an absolute heaven. By now he was 19 years old which meant that Nines would be 20 and Gavin 18. How normal and happy Connor's life seemed was sadly enough just a huge cover up for his still broken heart. He still missed Gavin and had a lot of pictures of them hanging on the wall in his room. Hank and his mother seemed to be happy together until one day they started to fight. Mostly about Connor and about what he should do. His mother wanted him to go for some big luxe private school while Hank just thought it was for the best that Connor should choose for himself. Besides his mother had strictly forbidden Connor to ever come home with a boy and even planned to find a girlfriend or better said wifte for him herself. One night after Connor's 19th birthday around 2am Connor had woken up from a door slamming close. He had fast got out of bed and ran downstairs to just see his mother in tears. He got over to her and pulled her into a hug while looking around. After asking where his dad was she said that he left them. What wasn't the truth.. but how should he have known. It was only when Connor saw Hank in the park a few days later and he hugged him tight that he noticed something wasn't right. So he started digging into this story and found out more lies then he had expected. It seemed like his mother had threatened Hank with a gun when she didn't get what she wanted, telling him that if he ever came near Connor again she would kill both of them. Hank didn't care about his own life but he didn't wanted Connor to get into trouble just because of him, so he left. But that wasn't the only thing he found out. After he had found some weird papers about a man he had looked for more and eventually found out that his dad didn't die in a war at all. He was killed in this house. They had arrested the maid after she had confessed that she had done it but Connor didn't think that that was the real story. Especially not after his mother had threatened Hank with a gun. And so he moved out and got back to live alone with Hank. Connor had went to the police to tell everything and not much later his mother got arrested for murder and a second attempt on murder. And so they got back to their old life in a little house. But they both didn't care. As long as they had each other they would survive.

It was now 2 weeks since Connor's mother got arrested and since Connor and Hank had their normal life back when their was someone knocking on the door at 8am in the morning. Hank had went to work and Connor had just taken a shower. He fast dressed himself and ran to the door, opening it with a little smile. "Yes? Can I help you?" He asked and looked at the boy who was standing in front of him.

The boy looked at him with a little smile and looked him up and down before speaking. " Uh.. Connor? Connor Anderson?" He said hopefully and watched him.

"Uhm yes, that's me? How do you know my name?" He asked and looked confused.

"I-.. It's me? Gavin.. I.. I just turned 18 so.. I could finally leave the orphanage, or I had to.." He said and smiled at him.

Connor's eyes widened as he heard his name and finally recognized him. "G-Gavin?" He mumbled as tears filled his eyes. "I-.. how are you? What happened? Why did you stop visiting? How did you find me?" He asked as he let him in.

"I'm fine.. I just.. missed you and Nines a lot. And.. A long time ago Miss. Puff died.. I didn't had anyone who could bring me so.. yeh.." He said and got inside. "I found you because your dad still works at the police station and he knew where you two live."

Connor closed the door and laughed a little at his last words. "Yes.. We heard of her.. I should've known that that was why you didn't came.." He said and sighed before he pulled him into a hug. "I missed you so much.. You have no idea how much of a mess my life has been. But I always kept thinking about you.." He whispered and kissed his hair.

Gavin smiled and hugged him back. Looking up at him with sparkling eyes. "I'm back now.. and I'm not planning on ever letting you go again.." He whispered back and pulled him down into a deep and passionate kiss.

Connor closed his eyes and with a little smile on his face he kissed him back. Holding him close against himself. "Good. Because I wasn't planning on letting you leave ever again." He whispered back against his lips and let out a relieved sigh. "Do you wanna.. move in here?"

"If I can then absolutely, yes! I can't immagine a better place to live than right here with you.. and your dad, he's a nice guy so that is okay." He said and chuckled a little.

Connor smiled bright and looked at him. He couldn't believe that he really was back. He was back and this time they wouldn't loose each other again.

The orphan boy {DBH}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin