The truth

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The next morning Hank had gotten up early, took a shower and cleaned himself up. He started to make some waffles and a glass of milk. He putted everything on plates and placed them on the table. Then he filled Sumo's bowls with water and food before he got over to Connor's room and softly knocked. "Connor, time to wake up. I made breakfast. In a few hours our guests will be here." He said and got back to start eating his own waffles already.

Connor woke up as he heard Hank and looked up at Sumo. "Goodmorning.." He said softly and petted his head. "Let's go eating!" He said and got up. He got dressed up before he got to the kitchen and sat down at the table, smiling at Hank. "Goodmorning." He said before he started eating.

"How have you slept? You look tired." Hank said and watched him before he looked over to Sumo who was eating his own food out of his bowl. "If something is wrong you can tell me. I won't judge."

"No.. I slept fine. I think." He said and smiled taking the glass of milk and drinking from it. Leaving a little milk mustache above his upper lip. "The food is good. You're a really good cook. My mom was too! Did you like her?"

Hank almost choked on the piece of waffle he had just swallowed and looked up at him. "What? I- Yes. She was a nice lady. And I'm sure that she would be a great mother!" He said and smiled at him. Of course Connor didn't mean it as a deeper meaning then just like as friends.

"I think so too.. but you're a really nice dad too. I don't really know what I should do now. I don't wanna choose. I like you both.. Maybe I can have you as my dad and her as my mom and... and then I will just come to you and then to her so I can still see you both!" He said and smiled more at him.

"Uh.. Well.. maybe. But don't you think that that will be a little to complicated? And you just know me.. She is your mom Connor. Even though you never really knew her, she's still your mom. She deserves to get a chance to raise you. I'm not really a part of that life.." He said and sighed.

"What? But you said I could choose! And I want to have you both as my family! I like you as my dad and.. and I want to keep my mom as my mom too! I don't want to choose!" Connor said fast and got up. Tears building up in his eyes. "You said you would never leave me! That you would never bring me back to that place! So why do you want to give me to her and just leave me?!" He yelled hurt and fast ran to his room, slamming the door close behind him just after Sumo slipped inside.

Hank looked after him and sighed, that wasn't what he meant. He just didn't wanted it to become too much for him. He already had been through enough and now he had find his mother back Hank had started worrying that he would loose him. So he just said it himself to make it less painfull.

In the mean time Nines and Gavin were on their way to Hank's house with Miss. Puff. They were singing along with the radio and for the first time in a long while the two boys were having a lot of fun, were smiling. There was a lot of trafic and just on their way there was an accident. So Miss. Puff took them to a little snackbar next to a tankstation. They all ate together and of course Miss. Puff paid for it. Giving them as much food as they wanted and needed.

Kylie had stayed back at the orphanage and kept an eye out for if there was anyone would notice that Gavin and Nines would be gone. Because then she would jump in and just.. tell another lie about them being in the bathroom because Gavin got sick. She had locked the bathroom from the inside and had climbed out of the window to get back out so it would be more believable that they were in there. She might was annoying and didn't listen a lot but she was pretty smart. Until the moment that a man and a woman walked in and started talking with the adults. Not much later she was sitting in the car of that man and woman. They had adopted her. Their her plan got fucked up. She looked through the backwindow at the orphanage with big eyes and frowned slightly. Now she could only pray that they wouldn't notice that the boys were gone.

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