The search

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That evening they ate quietly at the dinner table. Some easy spaghetti that Hank had made after Connor had calmed down. When they were done Connor had started cleaning the plates and the pans. He had been pretty quiet and Hank got a little worried. But he also didn't wanted to push him. So he had kept quiet as well. Only after a 35 minutes, when they were watching tv, Connor spoke up. Looking up at Hank with big eyes. "Do you think that I can ever find my real parents?" He had asked and Hank only had given him a simple nod.

The next morning when Connor woke up around 7am, he saw that the lights were already on. He slowly stood up and stretched himself out. He petted Sumo and smiled a little. "Come on Sumo.. Let's eat breakfast!" He said happilly and opened his door. Walking down the hallway to the kitchen. But not to find breakfast, but Hank who had fallen asleep next to his laptop. Some papers were laying around and on the laptop there were internet pages open, about families, lost children, families who gave their child for adoption. And the papers were his adoption papers. His original full name. 'Connor Dechart.' The internet pages about the families metched his last name, they all ended with Dechart. Connor wanted to take the papers and laptop to look further himself but decided not to. He didn't wanted to do anything without his permission. So he gave Sumo his food and new fresh water and then started to make breakfast for himself and for Hank. It wasn't much, just some bread with an egg and some orange juice. He putted Hank's plate on the counter and sat down himself at the table. Taking a few sips of his juice and some bites of the bread with eggs.

Not much later Hank woke up and looked around a little confussed before he realized that he was in the kitchen. Looking up at Connor. "Oh hey, goodmorning kid.. how did you sleep?" He smelled that something had been cooked and looked confussed again. "Did you cook?" He asked and smiled a little.

Connor smiled at him and nodded. "Yes, nothing much! Just some eggs. I made a plate with bread and eggs for you too, oh and some orange juice!" He said happily and took his last bite of a piece of bread with an egg. "It is pretty good. I learned cooking at the orphanage. We needed to do it a lot there. But we always had help of Miss. Puff." He said and smiled.

"Alright.. maybe I can learn you cook better.. but not today. I guess you saw what was on the laptop and on the papers? It's okay, it isn't a secret. After you asked me about if you could find your parents yesterday I.. started to look, if I could find them. I found a few people with the same names and I wrote their numbers down so I can call them today. I guess I fell asleep right after I found them. You could help me call them today if you want?"

"Really? I can help you find them? Like a policeman?!" He said and smiled wide while nodding fast. "Yes! I would like to help!"

"Alright.. Here is the list of people.." He said and gave him the paper with the numbers. "If you call one just say your name and try to ask them if they ever gave up a little boy with that name, if not say sorry and hang back up, if yes, try to ask if you can meet them. Try to find out their address.

"Okay.. I can do that!" He said and smiled. Taking the paper over and looking around for the phone. "What if they don't want to meet me and say that they don't know me.." He mumbled a little scared and looked down.

"Hey... I'm sure they won't do that. And if they would do that then.. we know that they aren't the right parents. That they don't deserve a smart and lovely and sweet boy like you!" He said and smiled at him. "And you'll always have me."

He smiled a little at that and nodded. Slowly he stood up and got over to the couch then he carefully grabbed the phone and started calling the first number while Hank started to eat before he joined him calling. Together they kept striping away numbers until they came to the last one. Hank was calling it and as soon as he said Connor's name the woman started crying. He got an address and fast wrote it down on the back of the paper with all the numbers. Then he hang up and smiled at Connor. "I think we found your mother.. or at least someone who knows you." He said and pulled Connor into an hug.

The orphan boy {DBH}Where stories live. Discover now