part 5

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he stood in front of me , and he just kept staring with those furious eyes of his ,he always has those angry features but now it's different , his eyes and his ears are red , i tried to lighten up the mood
me;"oh sir, what a coincidence , do you wanna join us ?"
my friend and all the people were staring at us , they were afraid
jimmy(to my friend):"get lost"
my friend just walked out of there , he didn't say a word
jimmy:"come with me , now"
me:"no , i'm not going anywhere , I'm off work and i can be wherever i want"
jimmy:"so ,are we going to do this the hard way ?"
me:"what hard way , what do you want from me ?"
jimmy:"did i say go to home , or did i not ?"
me:"i went , and now i got out for drinks with my friend , plus i don't have to explain this , I'm off..."
jimmy:(interrupting me):"i was specific right , that was for a reason i said go home , not just go , did you ask me if you can go out ?"
me:"what is wrong with you, I'm not your slave ?"
jimmy:"this is not going to go on without punishment"
i was surprised , does he think that he owns me ?
jimmy:"now , for the last time , are you coming with your free well ; or do we have to do it the hard way ?"
me:"I'm not goi...."
he interrupted me again , carried me in his back , i was trying to get rid of him but i couldn't he is so strong , i kept flopping and hitting him but like all my attempts were in vain .
while he was carrying me out ,and I'm screaming , nobody bothered to help me , or call the police , all they did was standing there staring at us with a fear look on their eyes , who is this guy ?
he threw me in the car , asked his chauffeur to bring him a robe ,as he did then he tied my hands and my legs so tight , i couldn't move , though my mouth stayed open .
he sat next to me in the car while the chauffeur was driving ,i kept screaming at him , telling him that he is a criminal , a maniac , and that he won't get away with this ; he just completely ignored me like i wasn't even there , i got really so angry , we arrived at our destination , that wasn't home , where are we ? it was a large forest ,is he going to kill me and drop my body here , it was a two hour drive , and the place seemed pretty empty so i don't think someone would find my body in here
he , stepped out of the car , and he carried me again as the chauffeur walked away with the car , i was so scared , i bit his ears , but there was no response , he just kept walking deep in the wood until he arrived at a house , he walked in carrying me in his arms , he enterd the bedroom , threw me at the bed .
me:"you are insane , what are you going to do , what's wrong with you grouchy man"
jimmy:"we both established that you should be punished "
me:"what punishment , am i a kid ?"
jimmy:"why did you do that ?i thought we were clear , i said home , you didn't bother even to call and ask me if I'm letting you out "
me:"why do i have to do that , why .?"
jimmy:"and that guy , do you want me to kill him or what ? do you want me to kill every body that was at that bar , every body that looked at you ,"
jimmy:"you don't do that again , alright , you want to go to places , we can go both of us , you are not allowed to go to any place alone or with anyone else but me "
me :"why , you are crazy , you son of bitch , I'm resigning , fuck you and your money"
jimmy (gasped ):"oh no it seems to me that we are not on the same page ,now i have some punishments to deliver , let's start with the small one ,this morning , you got my back broken"
me:"I'm so tired of this , you wanna punish me , just get it over with , do what you gotta do "
jimmy untied me ,
jimmy:"bend over "
me:"what ?"
jimmy:"do as i say "
i did what he said , i didn't want to get through any further conversation , i just want to get this over with and return home , i kept waiting bending over , while jimmy was standing there looking at my butt
me:"are you gonna do som....."
he interrupted me with a hard spank on my butt ,i gasped , he sighed ,
me;"you sick motherfu....."
again with spank on ass , then he spanked me twice , one after the other , he sighed at everyone of them , i have no idea what was going on , but I'm back to that mood again,when i can't move , I'm in another world other demention , i felt something never felt before , something from heaven , as weird as it felt , as good as it was ,i started breathing loudly ,gasping, i barley can catch a breath , my eyes are turned off , this is way better than drugs , he just kept spanking me , again , and again , until he stopped , why ? i want him to continue , he was staring at my back for 5 minutes none of us has moved ,we didn't say a word all we could hear is the breaths of each other , after those 5 minutes , he started taking my pants off , i tried to take his hands out of my back
me:"you son of a bitch , what are you doing "
he garbed my hand both , handcuffed, an continued taking off my pants , i tried to stop but then i just gave up ,it's easier to just let him do what he wants
he took off my underwear as well , now i became naked .he kept looking at my red butt and i stood there helpless ,after a while he started grabbing it , touching it and making sounds he kept squeezing it real hard,i enjoyed it very much , there was nothing on my mind at that moment but the pleasure i felt , it was covering the guilt , that that is so wrong , i didn't think at all at that moment and it felt nice having another person making decisions for you , i was relived , i started groaning loudly ,
"ah, ah ,ah ,ah" i couldn't help it
jimmy"shush,shush"and he spanked my butt again
i screamed with both pleasure an pain , i never thought that pain could be that fun , that good , never thought it could give me pleasure .
as i kept groaning , he kept spanking me an i kept screaming ,i wished that moment never ended , i don't have to think about anything else what ever happens will happen .
he grabbed my hair an turned me toward him , he looked me in the eyes as he kept grabbing my hair
jimmy:"you asked me why ?because you belong to me now , you are my property , you are mine , and you are not allowed to think because I'm going to think for you ,and if you disobeyed me ,you'll suffer the consequences"
i couldn't say a word ,i didn't understand what does that mean , how am i his ?why did i feel that good when he said that i was his this is all weird and hey , i don't want to think , at least for this night , I'm tired of over thinking everything , making decision this night, i will let things go their ways
i looked at him and i said "can you do it again , spank me again"
he kept staring at me , and smiled to my face ,and i saw his smile and started melting down
he spanked me one more time and then he stopped "let's give this butt a rest for now "he exclaimed
he grabbed a cream and he started rubbing on my butt ,then he kissed it and return my pants on its place .that was the most beautiful 30 minutes I've ever had in my entire life.
he released me , and he went to bed to sleep .
jimmy:"there are a lot of rooms , go find yourself a room and sleep until tomorrow"
i looked at his face , and i felt so worm , i had this weird feeling like I'm no body without him , like i don't want to leave his side never again,i felt like i never existed before this night , i went to him , i jumped into the bed quickly and hugged him real hard ,"hug me please , never let go of me , hug me for ever"i said crying
he looked at me for the first time i could see something else other than anger , i could see that he cares for me , i could see passion , he hugged me back and kissed my forehead "shush ,shush ,everything is fine now , baby"he said ,his words gave me a lot of comfort as i was experiencing a lot of feelings at once , feelings i don't understand , i feel happy , excited , yet i wanna cry ,i feel helpless and need him , I'm scared what if he left ."what did i say,Timmy, no more thoughts , okay ? just sleep , I'm here now for youI take all your miserythey'smine now "
I felt so relieved after his words, I hugged him harder like I was afraid that he was going to run away, it felt good and I was happy for the first time in my life.

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