Part 14

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We were burning up with passion and love, he held me to the room, I could see how out of control he was, his eyes were red and down again, it only made more turned on, he was about to throw me on the bed vigorously but his eyes opened like he remembered that I wasn't completely healed yet, he put me gently on the bed and lied on his back next to me then he said " maybe we should take some rest today, we both are tired"

Do I look tired to him, I know he was just taking care of me, but I was feeling a lot of energy inside of me, I was about to lose control, I was mad that he did that, I felt perfectly okay like I never felt before.

I looked at him catching my breath, then I hoped on top of him, I choked him and said: "maybe I should take the lead this time" then I started kissing him and choking him harder, I started kissing him all the way down to his dick then I took off his shorts, I started touching it and he was moaning, I flipped him to the back and tried to be the top this time.

He immediately pushed me back to the bed and got on top of me then said:" what are you doing?"

I was breathing loudly," what if I tried to do it this time?"

He put his hands on my neck then said:" that's never gonna happen, Timmy, don't try it again"

I was mad, I screamed:" why? you don't love me, do you?

" What are you trying to do?" jimmy answered

"I'm trying to experience everything with you"

He went back to his side of the bed and lied back down:" Timmy, let's just take a break okay?"

I went again on top of him and choked him again then I said:" fuck that, I'm gonna fuck you tonight"

Then I started kissing him and biting his lips until they bled, That's it, I don't know what I'm feeling inside, I don't know what m doing, but I lost control"

He was trying to push me away but I was out of it, I didn't care what he was saying anymore, I went down to his neck and started biting it and sucking on it, he was bleeding but that weirdly was making me more turned on, like I wanted to see more of his blood. He finally pushed me away again flipped me on my stomach, took off my shorts, and then started spanking me hard.

"Don't fuck with me Timmy, If I say something, you do it and you shut the fuck up, don't fucking mention that again, you get it?" he said while spanking me harder

"What if I did, what are you gonna do?" I answered

He placed his hands on the back of my head then pushed my head to the pillow and his dick to my butt, he started going in and out, in and out. I was screaming with pleasure, I started moaning harder and harder until at one point he took it out and wore his pants

I was catching my breath, I couldn't breathe anymore, I couldn't even speak, I said with a low voice:" jimmy, what are you doing?"

" I'll fuck you when I want to, get it? you don't set the fucking rules"

" Please, come back"

He didn't care, he just went to the shower leaving me like that, he was mad at me.

I gathered myself again and followed him to the shower, I went in and said" can I come in with you, I won't do anything, I promise"

" No, you'll get in on your own when I'm done" he said

What have I done? did I just fuck everything up? he's not gonna leave me, is he? I think I pushed a boundary of his while he was trying to take care of me. I felt bad, very bad.

He came out of the shower, I went to him:"Jimmy, I'm....."

"Go take a shower" he interrupted me

" But...."

"Didn't you hear what I fucking said"

I just went, he was mad, I didn't wanna push any further"

I took a shower and when I came out, he was on his computer, he paid no attention to me.

I went to him, kissed him on the cheeks, and said:" I'm sorry"

He still acted like I wasn't there

" Jimmy, can we talk please?"

He didn't answer me,

I went on saying:" I don't know what came on to me, I'm sorry, I just love you so much, I don't wanna lose you"

he said:" Timmy, just go do something and leave me alone"

I don't know what to do, how do I reconcile with him? why did I even do that, I'm so stupid, can't do anything right, I keep messing everything up, what is wrong with me?

I tried everything, I did stupid dances for him, I acted like a bunny for him, I sang, I even got naked and stood in front of him but he still paid no attention to me the whole day. He didn't even talk to me, I was scared he was gonna leave me, I know this makes me look weak but I had it, I went to the bed, covered my head, and started crying.

He came to me, removed the blanket, and said:" sit down"

I immediately sat down

" You know I would do anything for you, but what I don't like is you using my love for you to make me do things I don't want to do"

" So you do love me"

" Are you an idiot?"

"I'm sorry, it will never happen again I swear, I just don't know what came on to me, it's like I lost control completely"

I hugged him tightly and kept repeating in a cute voice" please please please, will you forgive me"

he smiled hiddenly then held my face and said:" I love you"

I was in another world when he said that, I felt so happy that nothing can hold me

" I'm so happy right now"

He smiled at me and said," you're an idiot, you know that?"

"I was scared you'd leave me"

" you know, this will never happen, you're stuck with me for your life"

The day passed quickly, we slept very peacefully, we were cuddling the whole night, I was sleeping on his chest hugging his stomach very tightly like I'm scared he'd leave. tbh I don't know why but I am very scared that he is gonna leave me, it's the worst feeling ever it's like a panic attack, this idea keeps pooping on my head giving me anxiety and I don't know how to deal with it.

The next morning I opened my eyes and I couldn't find jimmy next to me. How? just how? I was hugging him so tightly, how did I not feel him, I immediately panicked, I was scared, and I had a bad feeling that I was gonna be alone my entire life. I checked the bathroom and he wasn't there. I ran off shirtless outside scared, and there he was standing with an apron grilling something.

I screamed his name with tears in my eyes, I ran towards him and hugged him tightly and started crying. He didn't understand anything, he hugged me and asked: "what's wrong" I screamed:" don't ever do that again, okay? don't, you don't know how I feel right now, I thought you were gone"

I couldn't stop crying, I'm not proud of myself but I didn't know how to deal with those weird emotions, I'm scared, I don't know what to do, I know I'm overly clingy but it's how I am, I can't help it.

He kissed my forehead and said: Timmy, relax, I'm here baby, I'm not going anywhere I told you this, don't be scared, you can trust me, I love you" and then he kissed me while tears were still coming out of my eyes like a fountain

" I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on with me," I said

" baby, go take a shower and come back so we can have breakfast," he asked

I did as he said, I went to take a shower but the feeling was still there, it's a very bad feeling like my head is fuzzy like I'm going crazy, I'm losing my head, and I'm so scared of being alone, I'm scared of going crazy. it's like I want to feel anything else but this, it's extreme my heart hurts, I can't breathe and the thing is I don't know why I am this scared.

I took the shower and went back out, jimmy was sitting there, at a table with two chairs, and a sun shade, he made breakfast for me. I love him so much. I went there and sat smiling at him, he smiled back, he was scared for me, he worries about me, I see it in his eyes.

jimmy:" How are you feeling?"

"I'm good, I feel better, I can't believe that you're mine, what did I do to deserve you?"

"Timmy, I need to ask you this, do you need to go see a therapist, what you've been through is not easy"

I was mad, I don't know what came over me, I was scared, angry and I felt bad. I knocked off the table, throwing everything on the sand and I screamed with anger:" you think I'm crazy or something? you piece of shit"

He stood up and said:" Why did you do that, I spent time and effort making breakfast for you"

"Because I'm tired of you, I don't need no fucking therapy, I'm fine"

" You obviously are not, maybe you need some time alone"

" What, no, no, I don't, I don't" I took a deep breath with tears in my eyes

"I fucking don't jimmy, please, don't leave me," I said crying

He hugged me and said:" I'm not going to leave you, but I don't think you are okay"

I know I'm not completely okay, I know this, I'm too obsessive, too scared, I just don't know what's wrong with me, I keep feeling like jimmy is slipping away and I need to do anything to keep him with me, I constantly need him to reassure me, I'm scared that I'm losing my mind.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, Jimmy I'm just so scared and I don't even know why, can we just do one thing. I wanna lay on the bed and cuddle with you, I really need your help right now jimmy"

I saw it in his eyes, he wasn't happy with the state I was in.

" We're having that breakfast first Timmy"

He went to the fridge and brought bread, cheese,  and orange juice. We ate in silence then we went inside.

He didn't speak to me, I'm worried, I hate the state I'm in right now, I'm on the verge of fucking exploding. I started thinking in my head of ways to make everything right again, what do I do to lighten the air again, I felt like I destroyed everything.

I played music on my phone and acted surprised to hear it.

"Oh, it's my favorite song, what a coincidence," i said and I stood up dancing

I started dancing trying to move my ass, my rib cage, I was very bad at it not gonna lie, but it worked, I saw a smile on his face.

" I don't think dancing is your thing, Timmy," he said

" Oh well, it's enough for me that I saw your smile"

" Timmy, I love you," he said while he came to me and pulled me towards him kissing me

A tear dropped from my eyes, he licked it with his tongue and said" you tear tastes good baby.

I laughed while crying:" Thank you, thank you so much"

He put his finger on my mouth shushing me, he took off my shirt and then my pants. he kept kissing me gently from my neck down to my legs. We went to the bed and he got on top of me, he kept kissing me, and I felt as if I was in heaven, I didn't think about anything at all and I loved that.

He stopped after that and pulled me towards his chest, I didn't mind it, it wasn't about sex at that moment nor about being turned on, it was something way more than that, I felt good after that, it was love, it's love.

We layed on the bed the entire day, I was laying on his chest, he was hugging me tightly, playing with my hair, and constantly filling me with kisses. I felt like I was in heaven, I was happy, and my depression was starting to fade away. All I needed is a dose of him, I felt his soul merging with mine and yes I was very calm and happy at that moment.

The next morning, I woke up to jimmy's voice talking on the phone, after he got off the phone, he told me that we had to leave now, I asked him why and his answer was because his childhood friend came to visit him, he said that she was a very important person to him.

I didn't know how to feel about this, she's a girl and a friend and he just blew off our entire plans to run off to her.

I didn't say a word the entire trip until we arrived at the house, we got in and she was sitting inside, apparently, my dad opened the door for her. I was very upset, she looked very good, she had long dark hair, beautiful brown eyes and perfect shape, she looked amazing. As soon as we got in, she ran to jimmy hugging him, he hugged her back and kissed her on the cheeks, he totally forgot about my existence. The hug seemed to be very long, I had to butt in, I interrupted them saying:" so, aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend"

I wanted to see what he was going to introduce me as.

jimmy: " this mona, my friend from childhood, mona, this is Timmy, he lives here with me"

She gave me her hands saying" nice to meet you"

So, that's it? he's living with me? I expected more from him.

I went upstairs to my room, took a shower, and went to see my dad, he was in his room with jimmy's friend, I don't know when they got along. As soon as I entered the room, I sensed some tension in the air, jimmy's friend(I forgot his name) just left after I entered the room, It was very weird. But I didn't care much about that, that mona bitch was on my mind. I trust jimmy but I can't help but feel jealous.

My dad asked me how am I doing, I told him I was on a little vacation with jimmy. He asked me what kinda relationship I have with jimmy, I said we were some kind of special friends. He didn't ask more, I like that about my dad, he takes everything easy, he doesn't give a fuck about things, he just goes with the flow, I wish I was more like him.

I went back to the room, jimmy was wearing his clothes, I hugged him from behind and asked:" where are we going?"

jimmy:" I'm going to show mona around the city, do you wanna come with or you wanna rest a little bit"

Of course, I wanna come with, why didn't he just say we instead of I, I don't wanna take a fucking rest, there is no way I'm leaving you with that bitch alone.

" Sure, I'll come with" I answered

jimmy:" Then get dressed and come down, I'll wait for you in the car" and he left after kissing me on the cheeks

I went down after getting dressed to find the bitch on the fucking front seat, I went to her and said:" I actually always sit here, it's like my seat haha"

jimmy answered:" just hop on the back seat for now Timmy"

I was boiling inside, I was so mad but I have already done enough scandals, and I barely got jimmy to forgive me for the shit I pulled so I just beat it and sat on the fucking backseat, But I really wanted to pull her shiny perfect hair until it's destroyed and turned into a broom.

We kept going around the city, he was showing her places, we finally arrived at a park, she asked if we could go on a walk, and jimmy said yes immediately

we went outside walking, jimmy was in the middle, I didn't know what to do, should I hold his hands, is it okay? I wanted to show some dominance, I wanted to show her that he's mine.

I eventually went on with it and held his hands, he didn't take it away, she saw it so she pretended that she was falling and she locked her arms around his, what is she doing? that really triggered me, she can't just touch him like that, lock her arms around his, moreover, why isn't he saying anything to her, it's like he has a soft spot for her too and that really made me so angry that I just wanted to take a lighter and just burn that hair, I dreamt about that for days afterward.

I went to her side and pretended that I was falling so I hugged jimmy from his stomach and broke their stupid arms locking

jimmy:" are you okay?"

me(while my hands are still around his stomach):" yes, yes, I'm just very clumsy, I need you to take care of me"

He smiled at me and said:" do you wanna take a rest, we can sit for a little bit, the weather is nice too"

She was staring at me trying to understand what was going on, I could see how annoyed she was with me and that actually made me very satisfied.

We sat at a bench, we were just staring at each other for like 5 minutes, it was very weird, jimmy asked us:" you're hungry? should we order something?"

mona touched his arms and answered: "It's like you read my mind, I'm starving, you always get me jimmy"

I giggled nervously and said:" haha, no I think it's our telepathy, we're used to it, it happens all the time like he always knows exactly what i want without me saying a word hahaha"

jimmy:" alright, I'm gonna order something for all of us"

I'm so full, I ate at home a lot, I don't have a place on my stomach but whatever, this bitch is really getting on my nerves, like she's the only thing that's been missing right now and she fucking found the perfect time to show up.

Mona:" Jimmy, I heard you were looking for a secretary, is that still open"

I answered quickly before he could say a word:" No, I'm his secretary, i got the job already"

He looked at me then he answered her:" are you planning on staying in the country?"

she answered:" well, yes. I'm so tired from living abroad, it's time for me to settle here"

jimmy:" I'm sure you can find better jobs, I'll help you if you want"

Mona:" I was hoping I could find a job at your company, it would be very nice to work together"

What? Is she crazy? she's a fucking parasite, but there is no way in hell she stepping on my game.

jimmy:" the food is here, we'll discuss that later"

We ate the food, jimmy has a little spot on his mouth, she took the tissue and cleaned it. I couldn't take it, I was burning, I wanted to kill her, I thought about it, should I stab her with a fucking knife, I wanted to lick his mouth and show her that he's fucking mine, but would that be appropriate, I don't wanna risk my relationship with jimmy right now, things are already on the fence, but I was boiling inside, I was very jealous.

I took my hands and started wiping his mouth repeatedly:" oh, is there something left now, let's wipe it all" and I kept wiping his mouth about 10 times, He took my hands away and said:" Timmy, it's okay, my mouth is okay now"

I stopped but I was very fucking mad, the bitch was staring at me, yes, stare more, I'm a crazy fucker, you come to my territory and I'll fucking kill you. Thinking about it, I would actually kill for jimmy.

I actually stuffed my stomach to the point that I was feeling like puking, I said I was hungry, I had to finish my food, but it was way too much for me.

Jimmy:" Let's go home, It's getting late"

As soon as he said that I ran to the car like an idiot, I stood next to it waiting for him to come to open it, I was running to reserve my spot, the front seat before that bitch could get to it, they were staring at me, I embarrassed my self but I don't give a fuck, he opened the door with a" wtf is wrong with you" look on his face. I sat in the front seat, and she sat in the back.

                                                                                                                                         to be continued...

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