Part 20

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I looked into his eyes with tears.:" Jimmy!" I said with ecstasy and with a prolonged eye contact

"Are you gonna leave me like this, my knees  started hurting," He said

I laughed and screamed to him from the top of my lungs:" Yes,  yes, yes, and a million yes"

Roses started falling from the ceiling the moment I said yes.

The girl and the old lady looked extremely baffled, they probably thought this was a joke, they couldn't wrap their head around the fact that Jimmy was in love with a guy.

My father and Jhon looked happy for us, they knew everything already but they never mentioned or tried to bring up the topic.

His Father showed up finally with flowers in his hands. He was standing on the stage looking at us and then he started:" Firstly, I want to thank everyone here for showing up to this special family event. As you may already have noticed, today is my son's wedding. I want to express my full congratulations and my full appreciation to the boy who made my son the happiest and I for sure wish them a life full of grace and blessing. Now I had prepared a full 3-page speech for this occasion but my son had strictly advised me to be very short and on point, and I do not wish to upset his wishes, those few words I said had probably done the job already. Now I'd like to present to you the groom and the groom: Jimmy and Timmy"

I was shocked by this, I was attending my own wedding and I had no idea. How could he not tell me, I was very unprepared for this.

Jimmy took my hands again and up on the stage we stood for the ceremony to be performed. His father officiated it. And Jimmy was about to start giving his vows. I whispered in his ears:" I cannot believe that you haven't told me, I haven't prepared anything to say, Jimmy!"

He smiled and kissed my forehead without saying a word

Jimmy started:" Before I met you, I had never known what love is nor believed in it, my life was empty and tasteless. But the moment I laid eyes on you, I felt like I've known you in multiple lives, in multiple universes, I felt as if my soul recognized you already and was screaming at me; "It's him, It's him"  But It took me a while to acknowledge it.  I left but faith has united us again, the universe was conspiring to bring us closer. it seemed impossible for two people completely different to be united but love had no word called impossible in its dictionary. You brought color to my monochrome world and for that, I vow to never leave your side, to love you unconditionally, and to be your being"

His words left me extremely emotional, they left me in an awful state, crying and sobbing loudly. the tears came flooding down my eyes and there was no stopping them.

Jimmy was trying to soothe me, laughing, asking me to relax, and wiping my tears but I just couldn't help it. Jimmy's father asked me:" would like to say any words before the vows"

I said still crying:" Yes... yes..... I would"

I hadn't prepared any words but I started as follows sobbing and talking:" I...I was someone else before I met you, you came into my life like a thunderstorm, and you just changed everything in it, you shifted my world and in doing so you have become the center of it, Jimmy. I'm not as poetic as you are but one thing I would like to say to you is that I see you as my god If your command is for me to terminate my life then I would gladly and with joy do so. My love for you cannot be described by words Jimmy, and any attempt to do so would be a great crime, a great blasphemy"

Those words came from my heart and I meant every letter of them, jimmy looked completely touched but he would never let out a tear. his emotions were very clear to me nonetheless. Everyone started clapping, and the next thing we did was repeat the vows after Jimmy's father 

"I, James Jonathan, take you Timothy Davis to be my wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

I, Timothy Davis, take you James Jonathan to be my wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husbands. You may now seal your vows with a kiss." These were Jimmy's father's last words before Jimmy jumped on my lips with a big kiss, picked me up with full energy, ecstasy, and joy that was very contagious, and ran holding me in his arms towards the car, started driving for two hours without telling me where it was where he was taking me. 

We arrived at an island, a beautiful island, with a prairie sea and astonishing sunset. The view was impeccable so was the company, we went inside the cabin which was decorated with roses and smelled like heaven.  

"So you're wifey now," Jimmy said with a smirk

I hit him gently on the chest:" I can't believe I was invited to my own wedding, you should've told me"

then I continued with a joyful smile in the realization that hit me suddenly:" You're my husband now"

" I am," Jimmy said with a smirk

"Husband, husband, husband. omg, Jimmy, you are my husband, husband, No, I must be dreaming" I said not believing 

Jimmy wrapped his arms around my waist:" Well, husband wants wifey duty"

" Hey, I'm also husband, I want you to call me husband," I said demanding

"Well, maybe if the husband is satisfied, he'll listen to what his crazy wife says" Jimmy responded picking me up and putting me on the bed.

"You're very lustful Jimmy, you can't get enough" 

" who can get enough of such a beautiful creature" 

The next morning, I opened my eyes suddenly and the realization hit me again, I am married to Jimmy, this to this day still amazes me as if I can't still believe it happened, every day I wake up with such amazement that I'm sleeping next to my husband.

I screamed at Jimmy with full energy and excitement who was still sleeping:" Wake up husband, wake up, you're my husband now"

Jimmy opened his eyes slightly to find me on his head with my shiny eyes and my excited voice, he looked at me and smiled:" Oh my, where did you get this energy first thing in the morning?"

"You are my husband, do you not realize that?" I said shocked 

Jimmy pulled me closer to his face and nodded his head against mine:" Yes, I am your husband. we got married yesterday silly boy"

" How much do you love me?" I asked

" Did yesterday not show you anything" he answered 

I coughed slightly and put my head on his chest to hear his heartbeat, then fell asleep to the rhythm of his heart.

This was not the end of our story, things that we never thought were possible happened to us, and life threw a million surprises to our faces. Our life kept altering, problems arose and our story took a course that we would have never foreseen in a million years, but one thing that has never changed is our love for each other, we had never left each other's side and the love only grew, we faced everything together and it made us stronger.

Jimmy is my soulmate and I was lucky enough to find him and experience real love, love that defies logic, love that cannot be conquered, love that destroys everything that stands in its way, love that can only grow and expand until infinity. we may die but our souls are sure to emerge together as one.

                                                                                                                                                               The End.

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