Part 15

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 It was a long ride home, It was mostly silent, none of us spoke until we got home. I couldn't speak because my stomach was sick, I filled it with food to the point that I couldn't move anymore.

We got home, I was feeling sick, and the minute I walked I felt like puking, I needed to go to the bathroom but the bitch was still talking to my jimmy. I said with a low voice barely making any sense: I have to go to the bathroom.

they both looked at me and asked: what?

I just didn't want to leave jimmy with her alone, I ended up throwing up on mona, then I ran upstairs to the room, went to the bathroom, and puked my heart out.
jimmy followed me: " Are you okay? what happened to you?"

I hugged him catching my breath and said:" I'm okay, I'm okay... I just need to sleep for a little bit. I think the food didn't go well with my stomach"

He answered:" Go to bed, I'm gonna go take a shower and come"

I answered quickly:" A shower would be great"

We went to the shower together, He didn't seem to care much about my naked body.

I said:" Are you not gonna kiss me?"

He answered:" I'm tired, just wash up and let's go to bed"

Why is he so cold towards me, I had to fix that situation, I can't afford to lose my only reason for living.

I gave him the lofa and asked him to scrub my back, he looked at me and scrubbed my back then gave it back immediately.

I asked:" do you want me to scrub you back?"

"It's okay, I'm good" he answered

He went out of the shower, wore his clothes, and went to bed.

He was turning to the other side of the bed, he was still mad at me. I don't know what to do to make things right.

I joined him in bed, and hugged him from behind, he didn't push me away. I waited for him to sleep, then I was trying to turn him to my side, I wanna fall asleep to his face, his touch, I couldn't sleep like that. He was heavy, I kept trying, and finally, I turned him to my side. his face looked like an angel, so peaceful, so beautiful, I kept staring at him, I forgot who I was, I was lost in his unique features, all I could think about that moment is " I'm so in love with this person". I eventually fell asleep hugging him tightly.

I woke up early the next morning, I wanted to make him breakfast in bed. I went downstairs and made orange juice, toast, eggs, and some fruit.

I went to the garden and took a red flower, put it in a small vase, and I went upstairs with breakfast. I woke him up with a kiss in his mouth:" wakey wakey sleepy head"

He opened his eyes slowly to my face, smiled at me, and said:" good morning"

it's been a while since I saw that smile, it made me so happy.

"I made you breakfast," I said

before I could finish my sentence, we heard a knocking on the door, I t was that bitch mona, perfect timing.

" let's just ignore that," I said

" that's not nice" he answered

He went and opened the door for her

" you're awake, great. I made you breakfast, come downstairs, both of you," she said

He answered:" we'll be there in a minute"

" But I made you breakfast," I said

" Bring it with you, we'll eat downstairs together" He answered

This started to drive me crazy, why is she on the way every minute I try to do something, she was making my life harder, and I was starting to get tired of her.

We went downstairs and sat at the table, she had prepared a table full of food, It looked delicious, I sat next to jimmy and she sat in front of him.

I held his hands, but he took them away in an attempt to eat.

He became so cold and indifferent, he was smiling at her, talking and I just felt left out, like I wasn't there.

I don't know what to do to get him as he was before, to care about me again, I was weak, and I was also angry, so angry at her, I almost feel like wanting to strangle her and see the life out of her.....I know.

I can't bare the idea of him, going away from me, holding her hand not mine. but it finally he makes more sense with her than me, she was undeniably pretty, and most importantly a woman, living up to the standards of the community rather than being with me, an anomaly.

these ideas kept crossing my mind but it didn't stop me from wanting him selfishly, I want to be with him no matter where the roads take us. I want him to end up with me and there was no way I was giving up on him to this bitch.

Jimmy brought me back to reality finally with a snap of his fingers,

"what's wrong? you didn't eat anything?" he asked

"I'm not hungry, can I come to work with you today?" I replied

and before he could speak she snapped:" I wanna go to, please, please" making bunny face

He looked at us surprised: "how about you two just take a rest for a while?"

She nodded her head as did I.

" Alright I'm heading out now, I'll see you in the evening," said on his way out

how could he? is that how we say goodbye now? he didn't even acknowledge me

I hoped off my seat running to him outside

I called his name:" jimmy"

he turned back looking at me, I went to him running, hugged him, and said with tears about to burst out of my eyes.

" is that how we say goodbye now?"

I kissed him and said " this is how we say goodbye"

" go back home," he said to me and went to start his car.

I stared at the car until it moved, What do I do to get his love back

There is nothing in the world I love more than jimmy, he's my sunshine, and I am obsessed with him, I think about every detail in him, the black suit, the black straight hair, he was amazing.

I went back home, straight to my room, and suddenly I hear someone knocking on the door.

I opened the door for her, but she went in not even acknowledging me, isn't this jimmy's place? she asked

" We stay in the same room " I responded

she came to my ear and whispered:" you know, you're not normal, but jimmy is and you're just a curiosity to him, he just has to experience everything there is but at the end of the time, he always comes to the original, you see, he's a very traditional man....." before she could finish her thoughts, I took my keys and went outside leaving her there.

I was burning with anger, I went directly to jimmy's office, I opened the door, closed the curtains, and went to him.

he was standing there shocked not knowing what was going on, I turned off the lights, and started kissing him, I pushed him around the office, breaking everything on our way, he tried to stop me at first but I pushed him on the office, opening his legs and sitting on him. he wasn't fighting it anymore as if I hypnotized him, his body started dancing with mine and our souls started hugging, we were out of this world for a while.

while i'm sitting on top of him feeling him inside me I said:" you are mine, only mine, I'll kill for you if I have to jimmy"

his eyes started to become numb after what I said, he slightly smiled at me with his seductive cold eyes and his black collar, I wanna grab him and tie him to me forever.

I continued:" You and your coldness, your bad attitude and angry side, your black suit and your soul, it's mine, they're all mine and mine alone"

He held me against the wall and started kissing me, he tore my shirt and said whispering to my ears:" Live up to your words then, never let me be anybodys"

And he went to wear his shirt, he came back to me standing there with my torn  shirt phased, he kissed my forehead and said:" Thanks for the nice surprise baby" 

I don't understand any of it, what came on to me, some weird energy keeps coming on to me, it has no limits, it's I'll go that far whenever someone fucks with jimmy, and it scares me, I can't control it.

On the way back home, all I kept thinking about was how much I don't wanna see this girl again, how can I erase her from our lives, she was giving me a lot of fucking stress.

As soon as I got home, i went  to my dad, why he is always with him, jimmy's friend, he excused himself after i entered, I asked my dad:" why is he always with you, i don't understand if you two are getting along or fighting"

He looked at me nervously and said:" we're friends, that's why. enough, tell me about you, are your things going okay?"

" Yes dad, you don't have to worry about anything, it's okay, I'm very happy here"

" And that's all I want" he answered hugging me.

What a fucking day, I don't know how my life has begun anymore

Jimmy was about to come home, I went downstairs to get water, but shewas there waiting in front of the door with her makeup done, and her clothesall show. what is wrong with her, why is she excited to see him morethan me?

I went upstairs quickly, I changed my clothes, put on shorts and abarely buttoned shirt, I put on my perfume, and went next to the dooragain. She gave me the" what a weirdo" look, right back at you, tryingso hard to steal someone else's man. she opened the door andsaid:" ah so hot in there, I'll stand outside for a bit"

I went after her and said:" true, I'll keep you company"

She was very upset, makes me happy for a moment.

Jimmy came to us both looking like stranded dogs.

" Why are you here," He said with a surprised look on his face

" I was waiting for you," I said

while she said:" I was just smelling fresh air"

that's right, you were miss. We went inside and she kept asking him how was his day before i ever get to speak.

He was all smiley with her, On the way up, he took my arms heading upstairs, she was just standing there, looking at him.

How more should you see until you understand?

he took me to the room closing  the door and helding me against it:" you got ready for me today?" he asked coldly

I answered shyly with my red cheeks: "Yesss...."

He kissed me and said to my ears:" how should I reward you then?"

I smiled at him without saying anything back.

                                                                                                 to be continued........

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