part 4

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i bought all i need in the market with passion , i want to make a delicious food for him , i want him to like my food
i returned to him in a hurry i can't wait to make him that food , i put all my efforts on that breakfast , all i kept thinking about when i was making it is him , his body , his smell , his light smile that i only saw once , his bat .and his butt .
i started serving the food in the table , i did my best .
jimmy:"why did you have to make all this food "
me:"it's just ...doing my job."
jimmy:"i don't eat much , one plate is more than enough for me "
right , can you please for a minute appreciate the effort I've done for you you grouchy man .
jimmy started eating and suddenly his eyes opened , the look on his face changed , he seemed happy , for a regular guy all you'll see is a grouchy man , but me i could see those little changes on hi features ,jimmy started eating ,non stop , i was so happy seeing him eating my food like that , he finished all the plates at once
me:"i thought you said , you don't eat more than a plate"
he started coughing ,and said nervously;"well , that wasn't so bad "
i giggled at him , when he saw me chuckling , he smiled , no not just that little light smile , he really did a full smile , i was surprised , I've never seen anybody in my life looks that beautiful when smiling , god he is an angel
jimmy:"i want you to massage my feet"
me:"excuse me "
jimmy;"how many time do i have to tell you that i hate repeating my self constantly , yest you always make me do that"
this is has gone too far , i can't loose my dignity , enough already he changed  a lot of my personality when I'm with him , I'm not letting him ordering me around I'm not his slave
me;"sure , I'd be happy to do that"
i know , i know , just this one time , next time I'll stand against him
i started massaging his feet ,he really like it , i could tell from his face , he was so enjoying him self , i kept rubbing his feet for about 15 minutes and i stopped ,
jimmy(whispering ,his voice seemed like he is so much in pleasure):don't stop
i couldn't resist his voice , i feel in another world touching his feet, i just kept touching it ,and i had this urge to kiss it , i waned to , i kinda forgot that and just started doing it , i just kissed his legs , licked it with my tongue , it's not me anymore , i can't control my self .the minute i put my mouth on jimmy's legs ,he gasped ,he closed his eyes , he started breathing loudly, and just didn't say a word , i kept licking his feet for 5 minutes , we were both in another world , we weren't us anymore , or maybe that was the real us and we just haven't figured it out yet .
after those 5 minutes , i stopped my self , what am i doing again , what is this day , part of me wished it never ended but no i know this isn't right ,
me(with a trembling voice):i.... i .....i did that because it's a part of the massage , you know ,i was just doing my job, this licking it's .... it's called ....em mm .chi .....yeah , it's called chino "
jimmy:yeah , yeah , sure , chino , i heard of it , i knew you were doing it "
jimmy:"go home , rest , tomorrow try to come at time"
me:"but what about you , i can stay and take care....."
he interrupted me with his looks , i know this look it says i don't like to repeat my self , so i just grabbed my things and headed out .
this was a long day yet short , i had this feeling i couldn't explain , this is really weird i don't know how i feel any more , I'm experiencing something new , and i seem to like it
i arrived home , my father asked me about my first day at work , and why I'm early , i said the boss doesn't feel well today , my father is a handsome young man , he is only 35 , i can see that he feel lonely ,i wish he could found someone .that afternoon i spent at home was the longest ever , all i thought about is him , the grouchy man , jimmy , I'm curious , i want to know more about him , i want to know every thing about him , i want to make him happy , oh boy , maybe this is just because i don't want to loose my job, a call from meek interrupted my thoughts ,
me:"what is it ?"
meek:"dude , I'm  bored , a new bar opened , and i heard all the beautiful cheeks are there, why don't we go check , and you can tell me about your first day at work"
i needed this , i need to go and hit on some girls , i need to feel my masculinity again , an the thoughts on my head are driving me crazy any way .
i met with meek at the bar , there were a lot of beautiful girls but i wasn't interested in any one of them , i still think of him , i realized then that it doesn't matter where i go , he is in my head , i carry him with me every where
meek:"dude check , that girl over  there , she was looking at you the entire time "
me:"I'm fine"
i wish i could get out of this place , a lot of noise in here ,and meek doesn't stop talking and my head shouting jimmy jimmy , I'm about to explode , i don't like this situation ,
suddenly , the music stopped , everybody were looking at the other side ,and there he is , the grouchy man,what is he doing her ?is he following me ? omg he looked so angry like he was going to kill me , why ?, what did i do ?

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