Part 10

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It wasn't long before the drug started hitting, my vision became blurry, and my head started rushing. I had no idea where I was, or what I'm doing, but I just surrendered to it, I just surrendered to the feeling of being numb, not knowing what was going on. In fact, I started enjoying it.

I look on the other side, and I find jimmy even higher than me, he was just staring bluntly at the vast in front of him.

I, with my very high self, stood up, barely seeing anything falling into his lap,

He grabbed me by my waist and just kept staring at me with his eyes and I could see that he was amazed by my face.

He said: "Are you real?" while touching my face with confusion.

I burst out laughing and said:" I am real, are you real?" and kept weirdly laughing

he answered me with confusion and what seemed to be a robot voice: "How do I know you're not lying?"

I answered: "If I wasn't real, I wouldn't be able to lie"

"Then, you are lying to me?" he questioned

I replied with tears in my eyes:" I'm sorry, I forgot why"

He was confused, He licked my little tears with his tongue and then swallowed them, while I stared at him bluntly.

He then kissed me and said:" Why are you wasting your tears. I want you always happy, you're the most precious thing I have, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me"

He was very sweet, I couldn't help but jump at him and kiss him.

We kept kissing, I couldn't stop, I was getting so horny, and he was too. It was like a fire burning longing to be put down. There was enormous energy that I can't describe.

As he was kissing me passionately, someone knocked at the door. We ignored it at first, but then it didn't stop. We were so confused.

Jimmy went to open the door barely walking, He was very high.

He opened the door to find his dad and his best friend.

He had no idea what was going on.

He said with confusion in his voice:" Hello, how can I help you?"

his dad looked shocked, he got in the house, closed the door behind him, and said:" Is that how you welcome your dad that you haven't seen in a year"

He was confused, He couldn't understand what's his dad saying nor could he see his face clearly. suddenly all he could hear are letters floating in the air not making any sense.

he screamed my name, so I went to him struggling, hugged him from behind and said:" what happened "

He turned me to him, grabbing me from my waist, he said:" baby, is this man my father" while pointing out to his dad.

and he burst into a laugh, I couldn't stop myself but laugh too. we kept laughing hysterically while his dad and best friend stared at us shocked.

His best friend called Liam said: "I think they're just on something, having fun you know, hahaha, youth stuff, hahaha"

His dad said:" I see that, we're going to get a room and settle, I'll come back for you later"

and they went upstairs leaving us on the floor, laughing our guts out.

I jumped at him and said with excitement in my eyes: "YOU know where I wanna go?"

He said:" where baby boy, I will take you wherever you want, even though I hope your next words would be the bedroom," he said before kissing me passionately on my lips until they BLED. I pushed him and said:" I want to go to that place, your favorite. I wanna lie on the grass, and watch the stars.

The grouchy man! (gay bdsm bl story +21)Where stories live. Discover now