Episode 81

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Jake walks through the doors of the school and he immediately begins to hear people whispering as he passes by. One girl gives him a dirty look as he passes by while whispering to her friend. "Can you believe what he did to Scarlett?"

"Poor girl." The friend responds.

One guy gives Jake a strange look as he passes by. "What guy in their right mind chooses a freak like Stewart over a hottie like Westerly?"

Jake picks up his speed down the hall and sees Scarlett standing a ways off. He begins to walk towards her but is stopped by Taylor who steps in his way. She gives him a serious look. "She doesn't want to talk to you, Jake."

"Taylor...please. I just need to explain." Jake pleads with Taylor while Scarlett's back remains glued to him, her face hidden inside her locker.

"I'm serious, Jake." Taylor hisses once again with a firm glare.

He looks back at Scarlett once more and nods once in defeat before walking off. Taylor turns back to Scarlett and gives her a sympathetic look. She closes her locker and turns to Taylor with red eyes and a wardrobe that consists of stretchy pants and a large hoodie. "Thanks." She says softly while clutching her books tightly at her chest.

Taylor nods with a small smile. "Want me to walk you to class?"

"No, that's okay."

"You sure?"

Scarlett nods and turns to walk down the hall.


Jake walks into his chemistry class and sits down beside Dani. She continues facing the front of the class, ignoring the fact that he even entered the room. He pulls out his Chemistry book and looks over at her. "What page are we on?" She ignores him and continues starring at the teacher who's lecturing at the front of the room. He sighs deeply and faces her. "I'm guessing you heard about my screw up?"

She continues looking straight ahead while talking to him. "And I'm guessing you heard that you're not my favorite person at the moment."

He nods and swivels to face forward in his chair. "Understood."

Ms. Kinder turns around to face the class and clasps her hand together. "Alright. Now turn your books to page fifty nine and complete the short lab they have written out." She looks over at Joe who has an empty seat next to him because Mia is not in class. "Joe, you can join Jacob and Danielle's group for today. I need to make a quick call and I'll be back shortly." She quickly exits the room and Joe walks over to Dani's table, sitting down across from her and Jake.

Jake turns to her after putting on his goggles. "Alright, are you going to record our data?" Dani ignores him and pulls out a notebook and pencil.

Joe notices Dani's cold attitude and Jake's scruffy exterior and wonders what he missed. "Do you want me to get the beakers?" Joe asks but Dani remains silent and continues reading over the instructions. Joe stands up. "I'll take that as a yes." He walks to the back of the room where the beakers are kept.

"You know, chemistry labs are hard enough as it is but having a silent lab partner is just icing on the cake." Jake points out once Joe is across the room.

She looks up from her book and looks over at Jake with a glare. "At least I'm not a cheating lab partner."

"Oh...low blow."

She shrugs before standing up and walks past Joe to the chemicals.

He walks up to Jake and gives him a questioning look. "Okay...I know why Dani's mad at me...but why the hell is she pissed at you?"

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