Shriya shouted "It's not a stupid wedding. You might not know the value of weddings and the emotions people invest in a relationship, that simply doesn't give you a right to speak anything that comes to your mind".

"Wooow!" Raghav smirked and continued "Well! I value my child more than a third person's wedding. I value the emotions of his mother. I wouldn't want her to bear the burden of handling such huge revelation especially when she is a patient suffering with mental health issues" he held her hand and spoke "SO FOR ME THIS FREAKING WEDDING IS THE LAST THING THAT COMES TO MY MIND BETWEEN ALL THE CHAOS".

Shriya freed her hand from his grip. She had tears in her eyes and spoke "I don't want you to be concerned about me just because I am the mother of your child. Please spare me. I don't want to be a burden to you on this front". She had an evident hint of sadness. She always wanted him to be there for her because he loves her and not for anything else. Her self respect would be crumpled if he would take care of her as a duty. More importantly her child should never be the reason he is forced to accept her in his life.

He understood that she felt all these. He knew her better than she knew herself. He understood that she would get into a self hating mode if he addressed her as the mother of his child and nothing else. But what else could he do? He promised her that he would not interfere in her life after she rejected his proposal. He stood there folding his hands while she cried with silent tears.

He spoke in a gentle voice "Shriya! Running away from a difficult conversation makes it more difficult when you have no ther choice but to face them. Let's not entangle already complicated things. We are very different individuals Shriya and that maybe the reason for all the misunderstandings. Your values are very different from my values. I don't expect you to accept them. Hell! My family never understood me. How can I expect you to understand? I was always commitment phobic owing to the number of broken relationships in my family. Trust me! I do understand the value of weddings. If you could have told me the truth and said your concern about Aadhik's wedding I would really make sure everything goes on well. But you never trusted me!!".

She looked at him and said "It's not that simple Raghav! There is an entire dysfunctional family involved in this and I promised Serah that I will make sure this goes on well. I can't live with guilt.

"What are you guilty about?" he questioned and Shriya spoke about her sister's wedding.

A day before Vaishnavi's Wedding
Shetty House,
Revati was walking across the house arranging the cartons of flowers and separating the things to be taken to the wedding hall. She shouted on top her voice "Sweety! Take all the cartons and place them in the balcony".

Vaishnavi smiled as Mehendi was being adorned on her both hands simultaneously. Her father Mr.Vivekananda Shetty who sat beside her was feeding her pulav. "Vaishu! Be a strong girl! Always remember papa is there for you. Your in-laws are really good but don't be submissive. We are always there to support you as I know my daughters can never make any mistake". Vaishnavi placed her head on her father's shoulder.

Shriya heard their conversation and guilt engulfed her she ran outside the house and in a corner of the garden started sobbing uncontrollably. Since the prom night when she lost herself to Raghav she could never forgive herself. She vividly remembered the morning after the prom night. She gathered her clothes, wore them and ran away from a sleeping Raghav. She met him for few days after that but both behaved as if nothing happened. Then she got busy with her sister's wedding and was on a leave.

She couldn't meet eyes with her father ever since that day and these words pierced like a knife straight into her heart for breaking her father's trust. Her mother called her again to complete the work.

Shriya took a huge carton of bronze items and was climbing the stairs when she felt giddy and feel down. Their family doctor came to her and figured out about her pregnancy. He informed her mother about it.

Revati slapped her daughter till her hands ached and cried uncontrollably. Shriya sat immobile on her bed. She was too innocent to know about the consequences at that time. Her mother asked her to keep quiet till the wedding is done.

Shriya called Raghav and spoke "Feetu! I am pregnant". Raghav replied saying "Sweetu! Are you out of your mind? If this is a prank it's just not funny. Look! I am going to L.A. for two days after I come back you can play any number of pranks".

"Dr.Sanjay confirmed it. I am two weeks pregnant. I am really scared Feetu. We have exams and what will our classmates say?" Shriya choked sobbing.

"Sweety! This is serious but we can manage. One of my friends Jessica once told me she terminated her pregnancy. It's not a very big problem. No one will get to know. Don't worry I am with you. Please don't stress out Sweetu!".

"When will you come here Feetu? I feel very guilty and alone. I am not able to face anyone" Shriya spoke when Vivekananda snatched the phone from her hand and said "Wherever you are just come to my house as soon as possible".

Revati held her head as Shriya unknowingly revealed despite her warning. Prakash and Vivekananda were utterly devastated. "I am not going to leave that bastard" Prakash sniffed.

"Why should we blame anyone when our own child is wrong" shouted Vivekananda.

Shriya hung her head in shame. "You have destroyed my trust and you can never...." Vivekananda stopped while speaking when he got a call.

The person on the other end spoke " Sorry! Mr.Shetty! We cannot accept a girl as our daughter-in-law whose sister is character less".


Shriya broke down all over again and sweat beads formed on her fore head. She sat on the floor and Raghav took her into his warm embrace. He wiped her tears and spoke "Nobody! I mean nobody gets to define anybody's character. I haven't seen a more responsible and dignified woman than you in this world Shriya. Our choices and preferences in life are not a subject to judgement by any third person" saying so he took her lips and kissed her with all the affection he had for her and was surprised when she reciprocated.


Hola guys!

This is the longest chapter I have written.

Please share your thoughts in comments. I would appreciate critical acclamation as well.

What do you think will happen now?

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