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My name is Rosie Johnson. I'm British, extremely clumsy, slightly shy and yes I have a past too, a pretty dark one really, but let's not get into that just now.

I moved across the other side of the world to continue my education in New York. By myself, and against my mother's wishes. I just wanted to complete my degree in music and live a normal student life. No more drama. And certainly no more boys. My past has made me extremely nervous of the opposite sex. I suppose you'll find out why eventually.

But I guess sometimes destiny has a way of saying screw you to your plans. Because no amount of will power could have stopped what happened when a certain fellow music student took an interest in me...

Yoongi, despite being slightly quiet and shy like myself, speaks his mind, and his heart from the moment we meet. And he (along with his crazy bunch of friends) slowly make me realise that I shouldn't hide from the world anymore, but embrace it and learn to love again.

Sounds like sunshine and rainbows right? Wrong. Because here comes destiny again to slap me in the face just as life is starting to go my way. Remember that dark past I mentioned? That I guess I kind of ran away from? 

 Well, what if it followed me across the world?


All BTS members feature in this college romance meets thriller set in New York (obviously they are not in BTS in this reality, they're all, mostly, college students but you will find some similarities to their personalities and friendships).

Little disclaimer, there are a few small scenes depicting an abusive relationship (not sexual abuse and not her relationship with Yoongi). Rosie thinks about this sometimes and has a couple of flashbacks. I've tried to make them few and far between but they were needed in order to explain her mindset and history.

If this sounds like a trigger to you then please don't read.

(And no the main character is not based on me when it comes to her sad history, none of that happened to me personally although other aspects of her personality, hobbies and past are a little based on mine)

This is the first full fan fiction I've ever written, other than the odd paragraph here and there. But I've been writing and re-writing this for a few months. I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I've tried very hard so please go easy on me if you happen to read this.

(Also just FYI this story is written in the present tense)

I will update the chapters as often as I am able. I have a lot of chapters pre-written and in various stages of editing and I do have a rough outline for the rest of the story and know what the outcome will be.

[Edit.  Just FYI.  I feel like I've gotten better at writing as this goes on so the first few chapters don't seem as good to me as they did when i wrote them!

Also, this is not insta love.  I don't do insta love.  I like the stories I read to feel a bit more realistic when it comes to that so that's how I tried to write it too]

Beautiful Nightmare (Min Yoongi Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora