Chapter X

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"I'll hold so near and cold, you've exhumed my love,

I'm sold and our story will grow old, but you'll make dust from gold"

Utterly confused, I stood for a moment, not quite certain what to think or do.

But my curiosity urged me to make my way to the first floor and finally dare a peek into the mysterious room that had been off limits up until now.

But as I put my hand on the door handle, I paused in surprise, because now it was shut, meaning that somebody must have been in there during the five minutes that I had been in Antonio's study.

Now, my interest had been sparked completely, and without wasting another moment I pushed the door open, revealing the astonishing truth that lay behind it.

But rather than answering my questions, the scene that enfolded in front of my eyes opened all the more burning questions.

Questions that I craved the answers to.

The room that revealed itself behind the mysterious door wasn't much bigger than the one I was sleeping in, but it looked completely different. The walls had been painted a soft pink colour and the shelves and cupboards, that stood against them, were filled with uncountable toys.

Dolls, soft plushies, and an array of children's books. Everything in the room screamed little pink princess.

Except for the stark white hospital bed that was placed in the midst of the room, facing the ceiling high window that overlooked the garden.

The back of the bed was propped up, shielding the person in it from my view, but I could tell it was not vacant by the variety of chords and wires coming from it, that were hooked up to heavy medical machinery.

I couldn't see the person in the bed, but I could see someone sitting in next to the bed, leaning close to it, apparently in deep conversation.

Dario, his face carrying a lively colour back in its cheeks, looked up as I stepped into the room and closed the door softly behind me.

"It's good to see you, Cupcake," he smiled, moving back in his wheelchair to make way for me.

Cautiously I stepped closer to the bed but stopped in my tracks when my eyes fell onto the blonde locks that were framing Lottie's beaming face.

How on earth is this possible?

My jaw fell open. I was utterly unable to speak, but a smile was forming on my face in answer to the fresh and honest happiness on the little girl's features, that had always been so contagious.

"Ana," she exclaimed, her voice, even though frail and tired, was filled with joy upon seeing me again.

I was still too stunned to speak, so I could only sit down on the bed next to her, cupping her small face in my shaking hands, as if to test that she was real and not simply a product of my worn out brain.

But her warm cheeks against the palms of my hands were proof enough of her really being here, so without hesitation I gently effulged her in an embrace, cautious to not move any of the wires and tubes that were attached to several areas of her small body.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?" I questioned, not letting go of her for even a split second, afraid she would dissolve into thin air instantly.

"The man that came with you to visit me yesterday, he came back this morning and talked to the doctors," she explained, looking up at me with her big innocent doe eyes, "and then he came into my room and asked me if I wanted to come live with you! So, he brought me here and now I'm going to stay in this brilliant room. Did you see all the toys?"

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