Twenty Four

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Jimin immediately got off Akira.

She awkwardly used her fingertips to brush her fizzed hair.

"Uh.. Your early back home?" Akira asked him.

"I took a day off i wanted to rest." Jungkook glared at Jimin.

"Oh.. Alright." Akira said as she got of her bed.

"What was happening here?" Jungkook asked.

"We.. Were. Playing..." Akira replied.

"On top of each other?" Jungkook eyed.

Jimin said "It.. Wasn't what it looks like.."

"It better not be.." Jungkook scoffed.

Jungkook stared at them as he walked to the bedroom, he didn't shut it and signed through his actions 'I'm watching you'

As he disappeared from the frame. Akira burst into loud laughters.

"You and him are so funny!" She spoke to Jimin.

"Your brother doesn't like me." Jimin sadly said.

Akira comforted him "He does, he's just a bit worried don't worry about it, he's really understanding."

Jimin smiled at her. He wouldn't mind waiting forever for Akira.


Akira & Jimin sat in the living room watching a unsual 80's anime.

Akira sighed.

" What is it? " Jimin asked her.

" This is so boring... "She whined.

" Why so? " Jimin enquired once again.

" I've not been outdoors in days! I really miss walking in the woods, roaming around the city. " She ranted as she shook her head sideways.

Jimin released a soft chuckle, she was the epitome of cute culture.

"So what do you want to do?" He kept questioning her.

"I have no clue.." She scoffed and shoved a cushion on her face.

Jimin had a idea swirl in his head.

He stood up and said "Come on."

"Where?" Akira questioned him.

"Look Jungkook is asleep, it's just 9 pm we could go out wander around for a while and comeback." Jimin explained.

She jumped upright "Sounds like a plan."

He carried her in his arms. Akira softly chuckled. Jimin sank lower and kissed her forehead in sheer love.

He shifted his arms inwards pulling her closer. "Keep smiling is makes you more beautiful." He lovingly told her.

Akira was growing more affectionate towards him by every passing minute.
She nodded at him her smile much brighter. They both were unbelievably happy beside each other.

Jimin sped off with Akira in his arms.

After a few moments, Jimin stopped running.

He gently placed Akira down, she looked around. They were on a rooftop. The entire city was at eye level.

"What is this place?" Akira asked still scanning her surroundings.

Jimin gently gripped her shoulders and pointed at the sky.

Akira's eyes trailed to look at the night sky, she was struck with pure bliss. It was unbelievable what was right before her eyes.

The moon was drenched in the night sky and the stars shone brightly like majestic curtains.

She smiled looking at the sky.

Jimin sat down on the rooftop. Waiting for Akira to respond.

She squealed.

"I love it.."

Jimin was happy, seeing her absorb all forms of bliss was all he needed.

She sat down next to him. Staring at the beautifully lit sky. It warmed her heart to spend such beautiful memories with Jimin. She was glad to walk the ropes of life by him.

Akira rested her head on his shoulder. As he rubbed her back in comfort.

"Jimin...?" Akira called out to him.

Jimin immediately responded "Hmm..?"

"What am i to you?" Akira asked him hesitantly.

Jimin shifted causing Akira to lift her head of his shoulder and look at him.
He pulled her onto his lap. She was always taken back at his actions. Sonehow her heartbeat would be uneven.

He cupped her cheeks.

His eyes glowed a soft hue of silver, it felt like the moon itself was cradled in his grim pupils.

"Your the reason i finally believed that i can be happier, that someone will see me as a good person. That even i can love, feel and smile. Akira you have given me so much that you don't even know about. You've given me a life which i will protect with my all." Jimin poured his heart sincerely.

Akira was completely shaken.

She didn't know how to respond, she never expected such sincerity and love from Jimin.

"I.. I'm sorry.. I don't even know.. What to say." She mumbled.

She continued "I'm sorry.. I can't express what I.. Feel."

Jimin held onto her tighter. Stroking her hair with utmost love. "Don't be sorry, i dont urge you to do anything, just stay by me. I really need you Akira."

Akira said in a quick breath "I'll never let you go."

"Your the first person who showed me that I'm not a monster. Your the only person i truely care for." Jimin said.

Akira cheeks burned, she felt her blood rush at each word Jimin said. His sayings playing in her head like a rhythm from the sky.

She needed him more than anything, she wanted this too.

She immediately blurted out

"Mark me, Make me yours."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘺 (JiminxReader)Where stories live. Discover now