
330 23 0

Akira waved a quick goodbye to Jimin before stepping into the house as silently as possible.

She tip toed through the hallway, hoping Jungkook wasn't at home.

With the full moon closing in, he must be finding it hard to tame himself.

She decided to go upstairs.

Upon reaching the last stair, she saw traces of blood, dripped and fallen on the wooden floor.

She sighed.

She saw Jungkook's bedroom door half open, slowly creaking it open, she saw Jungkook laying on his bed.

He had a small cuts on his arms, probably from running in the forest. What caught Akira's attention was the huge scar on his cheek. It was still bleeding.

Akira knew Jungkook ran in the Bewitched forest earning all these wounds.

The bewitched forest was a place for all supernaturals to unleash their inner truth without the fear of causing harm to other. Occasionally, werewolves would run in the forest to learn to control their purring wolf and Vampires could feed from the animals in there.

She quickly rushed downstairs, she ran towards a wooden door at the end of the hallway, pulling out her locket, she separated a key from it and opened the door. Entering the basement, there was heavy fragrance of rosemary and lavender.

All herbs and books on potions placed alongside the wooden shelf, healing herbs and incense spread out.

She rushed towards her brewing pot and added essence of fennel seeds.

She crushed Moss, weed and eucalyptus.

After brewing the healing portion, she put them in a earth pot and ran upstairs to his room.

"Akira.." Jungkook groaned.

The forest had magic in its trees, a cut from the thorns there could cause alot of pain even too supernaturals.

Akira sat on the bed and carefully applied the paste to the scar on Jungkook's face.

As the wound burned, Jungkook winced, he began to heal at full potential. He opened his heavy lids looking at Akira who was focused on attending his wounds.

She used a cloth and wiped off the dry blood on his arms and chest.

She saw Jungkook looking at her. She felt her blood boil at him.

"Can you atleast be careful when your in the Bewitched forest? As much as i hate the idea of you there, your inner wolf tames itself in that forest, so i can't even stop you." Akira said furiously.

Jungkook got up.

His wounds had almost fully healed.

"You really have a good hand in herbs." He complimented her.

Akira touched her brothers face, the wound slowly regenerating.

"I know with the full moon close it's hard to handle both of them in you." Akira said.

Jungkook looked at her.

"I guess it's perks of being a hybrid." he smiled.

"Yeah you mean the only Half werewolf, half vampire in this entire universe." Akira scoffed.

Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm serious okay, we still don't know exactly how your hybrid body reacts to alot of things." Akira spoke worriedly.

"Kira... I'm fine really, see i healed completely. Also i could control my thirst in front of an antelope plus tame my wolf." Jungkook spoke proudly.

"You haven't fed?" Akira asked suprised.

"No.. I wanted to control my thirst." Jungkook said not meeting her eyes.

She slapped his arm.

"Ouch!" Jungkook yelled.

"You know exactly how your body reacts when you don't feed. Your eyes have these heavy dark circles and your skin becomes like white, scary white and i am not lying to the blood bank saying my father met with an accident and i need blood!" Akira yelled at him.

"Kira... I know you try to look out for me.." Jungkook tried to comfort her, he gently rubbed his palm on her tensed shoulders.

She released a deep sigh.

"I just am afraid for you.. I can't imagine anything happening to you Jungkook, besides we are a special set of siblings. One who is a hybrid and one a complete human." Akira laughed slightly.

Jungkook patted her head. She gives him the strength of trying to strive. His hybrid nature causes him a lot of suffering but for Akira he can't ever give up. She meant the entire world to him.


Talia's eyes went wide. Akira told her about Jimin.

"Is he handsome?" Talia asked Akira.

Akira shut her books harshly.

"You seriously think I'd.. Ugh. He is handsome but..that's not it.. Its just.." Akira stammered.

Talia urged her "It's just?"

"The way he is Talia, it's so comforting to be around him, especially his.. His ability to help, he's so hopeful and so kind.. I've never felt so comforting around anyone other than Jungkook." Akira explained.

"All your life you questioned if you deserve love, after everything your family was put through you somehow gave up you'd be loved ,you questioned if your going to find someone or will someone love you..  Do you think Jimin.. Could be the one..?" Talia asked hopefully.

Akira put a strand of her hair behind her ears nervously.

"I don't know..." She said.

Talia kept a hand on top of hers as an assurance.

"Does.. Jungkook know?" Talia asked uncomfortably knowing how protective Jungkook is about her.

Akira replied "i told him about meeting Jimin, but not all this... Not yet.. I need to be sure of my feelings before telling Jungkook."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘺 (JiminxReader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat