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Jungkook put on a lighthearted movie.

Akira took small steps as she held her head low, dragging her feet to the couch. She sat down next to Jungkook.

He tapped her shoulder, she slowly moved closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

She exhaled as she shifted her gaze to the bright Tv screen. She couldn't stop thinking why Jimin wouldn't come. It upset her that he didn't make it. She called him, texted him but he didn't respond. She waited for about 2 hours before deciding to head home.

Jungkook didn't pressurize her or make her feel more bad about things. He tried to do things that would comfort her.

She was trying to distract her mind but all she could think of is Jimin.

"Want some milk?" Jungkook asked her.

She nodded a no.

He softy rubbed her back as she lay on his shoulder. Her eyelids began to get heavier.

"Can i not go to uni tmrw...?" Akira whispered.

Jungkook replied "No problem Kira..."

She moved a little, getting up. She stood up and said "I.. Think I'll head to bed.."

Jungkook knew she wasn't going to fall asleep. He was very concerned for her. He didn't wish to anger himself on Jimin. But he wanted to reason with Akira.

He watched her walk to her room.

Akira layed down in her bed pulling the duvets upto to her chest. She stared outside the window. The dull night making her feel more upset.

She sighed sadly.

She layed facing opposite to her bedroom door.

She heard footsteps approaching. Her bed dipped on the opposite side.

"I'm fine.. Jungkook.." She mumbled.

"Kira... I know he didn't make it. But I'm sure he must have his reasons." Jungkook explained.

Akira turned to face him.

He stroked her hair.

"I'm not saying he's right, he should have informed. If he genuinely wished to take you out there should have been a sense of responsibility. But don't immediately assume anything.. Wait for him to explain his side too. You should express your hurt but don't get blinded from the truth. " Jungkook explained.

"I hope he's alright..." Akira mumbled.

"Why would you say that?" Jungkook asked her.

She sat up.

She looked outside the window.

"I just can't help it... He's never done this Jungkook. He's always been so attentive towards me.." Akira said honestly.

"Be patient everything will make sense." Jungkook advised her.

She closed her eyes and exhaled heavily.

"Also Akira.. From now on, don't wander outside. Be home as soon as possible." Jungkook said sternly. He wanted to speak to her about this for a while.

Akira looked at him hoping for more explanation.

"There's been strange things happening in the Bewitched forest. I don't know anything much except that it's dangerous out there. I've been picking up weird scents too." Jungkook explained.

Akira completely respected his words. She nodded adapting to whatsoever he said.

She suddenly remembered what Yuta had told her.

" Yuta.. Said something too." Akira blurted.

Jungkook looked at her waiting for her to continue.

"He said there is a scent that trails in the forest and disappears by the lake many packs have been tracking it but it seems of no use." She informed him.

Jungkook added on "That's true, the chimeras were here to warn us about this unknown threat... Akira as much as possible stay away from all this.."

Akira saw the worry in his eyes.

She reassured him "I will."

"I can't let anything happen to you." Jungkook spoke fearfully.

Akira softly smiled at him. Somehow she knew she could always rely on him.

"About Jimin.... I will try to confront him about what happened today." Kira muttered.

Jungkook scoffed "If his reasons aren't good enough he better say goodbye to his bones."

Akira chuckled at him.

Seeing her smile, Jungkook felt her heartbeat at a normal pace.

She was an emotionally intelligent person but she just needed a little balance sometimes which Jungkook tried best to fill in.

" Alright now get some rest. " Jungkook stood up.

He helped pulled the duvet again on her and smiled at her.

Akira closed her eyes as she felt lighter.

He carefully closed the her room door as she feel asleep.


Akira rested peacefully.

She felt a slight disturbance, a constant banging echoed in her room. She pressed her eyelids tighter as she tried to sleep.

The banging intensified.

Her eyes fluttered open, she sat upright rubbing her eyes.

She looked at her window from where the sound seemed to be coming from.

To her surprise, her bedroom window was open. She remembered that she had shut it earlier.

She flung her legs of her bed. Taking hesitant steps towards her window.

She finally reached close enough.

A figure rised from outside her window.

She was about to scream when she felt the mysterious figure stretch a hand out to cover her mouth.

The figure came into light stepping inside her room.

Falling onto her bedroom floor.

She knelt next to him seeing a bleeding and heavily wounded frame

She grasped "Jimin...."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘺 (JiminxReader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant