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Akira sat on the bridge.

She glanced at her cell phone.

"He's late." She huffed.

The screeching sound came from behind her with a blow of wind.

"Your late." She complained without even turning her head.

Jimin rushed and sat next to her.

"I'm sorry! I had this student today, he needed some extra attention." Jimin explained himself.

"It's alright, next time do inform." Akira said sarcastically.

"Oh come on! Don't be like that!" Jimin whined.

Akira rolled her eyes.

"Alright how do i make it upto you?" Jimin sighed in defeat.

Akira had a smile curl on her lips, she let out a small giggle. She found it heart warming, how Jimin disliked her being harsh towards him.

She stood up and dusted her hands.

"Its alright Jiminie!" She squeaked.

Jimin smiled at her.

They began walking along the abandoned bridge. The weather was pleasant today, the wind wasn't chilly, the sky was clear. It was the perfect day to stay outdoors.

"I've read each vampire has a specific way of feeding." Akira spoke.

She continued "Some aim for biting the body like arms or legs , some neck.. Where do you feed from?"

Jimin answered "I.. Generally feed directly from the artery.."

Akira nodded "The neck."

Jimin's face somehow held discomfort, some shame.

Akira was quick to notice it.

"Is everything alright..? I'm sorry i didn't mean anything to offend you..." She apologized.

"Oh No no! It's just.. Sometimes i wonder what kind of a life I have. I have to kill another creature for me to live... Its my need. It makes me feel.. Like a monster at times." He admitted.

Akira quickly blurted "No your wrong."

They both stopped walking.

Jimin looked into Akira's determined eyes.

She said "What you do isn't murder, it's a way of life. Jimin your no monster... This is the chain of life. If you don't feed, if the wolves don't hunt, this world will loose its ecological balance. So don't think of this as a curse.. Its a circle of life."

Jimin was astonished. These words were coming of a human. He was understanding the emotional intelligence Akira held.

It was extremely admirable.

Jimin felt so much lighter and better he couldn't help but stare at her.

Akira shifted a bit, his eyes that were fixed on her made her conscious. "Do... I look bad..?"

Jimin said in one breath "Your the most beautiful that I've ever seen"

Akira turned pink.

She immediately scoffed "Do you think.. I'm ugly?.. Because when i was young i always felt that way."

She looked down, her heart felt a little under confident.

She felt Jimin come close to her.

He immediately pulled her waist, she softly collided onto his frame, her eyes wide as she sank in his embrace,he placed his other hand on her neck. He met her eyes and said "Your so beautiful, not just how you appear, but your heart, your words.. It makes me swirl over you. My inner.. Animal... Goes crazy over your presence."

He dipped his head closer to her neck. He breathed in deeply inhaling every ounce of her scent.

Her scent sending his nostrils in a frenzy. The sweet scent of hers made him pur in warmth. Her scent was like that of a blossom in Spring, delicate and comforting.

"It's hard to control myself.." He mumbled.

His voice dipped to an intimidating tone.

Akira closed her eyes as she felt his breath close to her neck. A vampire was a strong seducer. She's always read about how a bite from a vampire is euphoric. It makes you feel heaven. Their sweet venom would want any human begging for more.

"Jimin.. " She breathed.

Jimin quickly made distance. He knew his vampire was coming in control. He never wanted Akira to feel anything was forced on her.

He smiled softly at her "Your beautiful Kira.. In ways I can't explain."

She shyly glanced down. She couldn't explain how amazing she felt at his touch, it wasn't sensual, it made her realise that he holds a special place in her heart.

They continued walking the infamous trail.

" You do know... That we have a mind link..?" Akira asked uncertain.

"I do, your the only person with whom I've had it with." Jimin admitted.

"You've never had it with anyone.." Akira was puzzled.

Jimin nodded side ways indicating a no.

Jimin held her hand gently and intervened their fingers.

"Akira... If ever you need me, I'll always hear you.. Always." He promised.

His words engraved in Akira's heart.

Mind linking was something not all vampires could do. But some who truly establish trustworthy and beautiful connections could attain it but with a human it's rare. Akira was glad she shared this with Jimin.

"What's your special ability??" Akira croaked loudly. She was eager to know what Jimin could do.

Jimin chuckled at her.

"You really want to know?" He asked her.

Her eyes bright with hope, she nodded sharply, her hair jingling along with her.

Jimin stepped closer to her.

He placed his arms under her and carried her in his arms as he firmly held her.

She stared at him confused.

"Jimin? What.. What are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm going to show you my ability."  He answered.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘺 (JiminxReader)Where stories live. Discover now