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"Your Clan..?" Akira asked completely shocked.

Jimin nodded shamefully.

"As i was leaving to meet you, i had intruders in my house. It was members of my Clan.They found out i was the one who stole the spell. They came for me, they couldn't find the spell so they forced me to reveal its location, i somehow.. Ran away.." Jimin explained.

"Why did you choose to come to me..?" Akira asked.

"Because i have no one else.. No one who i could trust..." Jimin lowered his gaze.

Akira slowly crept closer.

She gently pulled him in her arms. She rested his head on her shoulder as she stroked his hair. Jimin finally breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"You always have me." she promised him.

She pulled away and rested her forehead against his.

"They won't hurt you here." Akira told him.

Jimin nodded.

"Get some rest, it's a few hours before dawn, as Jungkook leaves I'll make the portion." Akira suggested.


Akira slowly crept out of her room. She peeped downstairs and saw Jungkook preparing breakfast for himself.

She stood with her back against the wall. Waiting for him to leave.

In a few minutes Jungkook was already by the door leaving.

"Yes." Akira mumbled with a tone of rejoice.

He shut the door and left for work.

Akira quickly ran downstairs and opened her basement. Pulling her hair into a tight bun she began working on creating a strong healing portion.

Luckily she had done this a million times for Jungkook. The recipe was by heart for her.

In a matter of seconds the paste was ready.

She placed it on the dining table and head upstairs.

She saw Jimin resting peacefully, his soft eyelashes fluttering once in a while as he slept.

Akira gently shook him. Calling out his name. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Jungkook left, come on.." She helped him stand.

Walking downstairs towards the hallway. She helped him sit and quickly shut all the curtains and locked the main door.

"This will hurt if i do it immediately.. Here.." She said handing him a blood bag.

Jimin weakly smiled at her. She pulled the attached straw out and waited for Jimin to sip through it.

Jimin placed his fuller lips onto the plastic and gulped in generous amount of blood. He shut his eyes as he relished each sip, the sweetness he felt was insane. He didn't stop till the last drop.

"Better?" Akira asked him.

Jimin licked his lips as he nodded. He could already feel the blood smearing in each part of his body almost making him feel more stronger.

Akira whisked the paste.

Scooping it in her palm, she carefully put it onto his dried wounds. This time Jimin didn't wince. His strength had increased enough for high levels of pain endurance.

"Just a little while and I'm sure you will began to self heal by tomorrow." Akira smiled.

Jimin was so thankful to her, she saved his life so selflessly.

"I'm sorry that i couldn't make it yesterday." He apologized.

Akira intervened her hands in his and said "Nothing matters more than your safety."

Jimin caressed his thumb on her soft skin as he spoke "I also came here because of Jungkook's scent.. They could trace me easily if I went anywhere. But Jungkook's scent is untraceable because of how strong it is.. I figured that they won't kill me if they can't trace me."

Akira understood his reasons and she completely supported his decisions.

" But how did they find out? " Akira asked.

"There has been an unknown presence in the Bewitched forest, my Clan was tracing its scent when the picked up mine too which lead exactly to Evannora's cabin. They understood i was the one who did this. So... They found me.." Jimin explained.

"Everyone's been talking about the strange scent.. I don't understand what does it mean?." Akira asked.

"No one does.. Many Clans and packs are working to find out about it. Including your Clan." Jimin told her.

"My Clan?" Akira questioned.

"I thought my Clan was very low in number almost dead... So they went into hiding.." She spoke.

"They are active in the Bewitched forest. No ones knows much about their whereabouts but they have been sighted many times." Jimin informed her.

"Jungkook was right..." Akira whispered to herself.

"Don't worry.. We will find a way through this." Akira confidently said.

"Together.." Jimin assured her.

They shared soft smiles as they still held each other's hands.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘺 (JiminxReader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu