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"Talia!" Akira yelled.

Talia giggled as she took a ginormous sip out of Akiras chocolate milkshake.

"I said stop!" Akira yelled at her slapping her hand away.

The comic book cafe was quiet, except for the chattering coming from Akira and Talia. Yuta who saw them from the cashier counter face palmed himself. He took his shake and walked back to their table.

"Would you both mind to keep it down!" He whisper yelled.

Talia ruffled his silver coloured silky hair.

"Nope can't do so." She teased him.

Yuta rolled his eyes and sat next to Akira. He began drinking from his shake looking at her.

"Did you get your usual?" Akira asked as she eyed his thick tiramisu oriented shake.

Yuta nervously replied "Yeah.. Wanna try?"

Akira nodded and took a small sip.

"Hmm.. Bittersweet kinda fits your vibe." She said.

"Probably." Yuta scoffed, his hazel eyes still fixed on Akira.

The entrance door opened revealing the Baxton Clan. A sulky clan of vampires. But no one bothered their presence. They walked straight to the ordering area, glancing at Akira and her friends on the way.

The world that Akira lived in had a ratio of equal proportion of supernatural beings and humans who lived in peaceful coexistence. Vampires were much more superior to werewolves. They often got in ruthless, baseless quarells but it never caused severe damage in their lives. The witches were a minority, they don't walk around like others, their hidden, an incident in the past wiped out most of the witches population. Since then the witches live in the Bewitched forest and are very hard to locate.

Yuta finished his shake.

Talia choked on her drink "Yuta! You finished it already?"

Yuta flashed his admirable smile. "It's part of my wolf abilities."

Talia eyed him as she was human, no matter how many times she sees Yuta using his supernatural abilities she'd still be suprised.

Yuta stood up.

"I'm getting another milkshake, do you need anything else Akira?" He asked.

"Oh me? Nope. I'm good." Akira happily replied.

"Your only going to ask her and not me. Shame on you, where are your manners Yuta Tanako?" Talia taunted him after breaking into silent laughter.

Yuta sighed, he was used to Talia's countless taunts. He walked towards the ordering area.

The Baxton clan had around four teenage boys, they just stood staring at the menu. Yuta excused himself and walked ahead to the counter to place his order.

"Did you just shove us?" One of the Baxton clan member blurted in Yuta's face.

Akira and Talia stopped talking as they heard unsettling noises coming from the ordering area.As they turned their heads they saw one of the Baxton Boys holding Yuta's collar.

"Come on Talia." Akira quickly said as she got on her feet.

They quickly barged in between the quarell.

"Leave him!" Akira demanded, standing on Yuta's side.

"Oh a human! Now humans will protect you stenchy wolves!" The Baxton clan laughed.

Akira immediately looked at Yuta, his eyes began to glow golden, for Akira panic was stricking in, wolves and vampires should at all costs avoid arguments which could potentially harm humans. Akira warned "Yuta no! Don't listen to them. Just leave it." she tired her best to convince Yuta to not engage in a useless fight.

"Since when did wolves become slaves to humans!" The Baxtons teased.

Akira stepped in between of them. She stared at Yuta whispering 'No' this was a trick to strike Yuta off at them.

Her heart began beating rapidly.

"We know how to set the wolf in action." The Baxtons nudged in between.

Suddenly one of the them grabbed Akira's arm forcefully, turning her body to face the grumpy vampires.

She hissed at them angrily, she hated when supernaturals took undue advantage of their abilities.

Suddenly there was a harsh sound at the opening door of the cafe, the bell on top of the entrance rang furiously. Someone had entered the cafe.

Akira felt someone stand to her side. She lifted her gaze. Her face had a full smile form on it.

"Don't touch her." the intruder spoke angrily.

In a swift moment, he pushed the Baxtons away from Akira.

The intruders fierce aura caused the Baxton's to shiver.

"Its him."

"why would he come here?"

"Let's just leave".  The Baxtons in distinctly chattered as they took steps backwards.

"This is a place for fun and gathering, not to bully others." Akira stated.

The Baxtons scoffed at them and exited the cafe. They clearly didn't see anything worthwhile for them here except humility.

"Jungkook!" Akira exclaimed happily.

Jungkook smiled at her.

"Did you hear my heartbeat again?" she asked crossing her arms across her chest.

Jungkook replied "I guess that's my best bet isn't it?"

"Your really the tough guy, the Baxtons literally passed out when you spoke" Yuta exclaimed. He futher thanked Jungkook for saving him.

Talia whispered to Akira "Your brother will go beyond any heights to protect you, won't he?"

Akira looked at Talia smiling, replying "He will."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭~𝘐𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘚𝘬𝘺 (JiminxReader)Where stories live. Discover now