Fair Game: Sundrop pt.4

Start from the beginning

"Clover! Clover, you were right, he did think I was adorable!" Punzie said excitedly.

"His name's Gene Ryder. Isn't he just so handsome?" she added, clinging to Gene's arm.

"Mhm. He seems like a very nice guy." Clover said.

"He is! He's so nice! He asked me out for a date on Saturday and I said yes." replied Punzie.

"Cool." Clover said.

"Alright, Gene, you stay right here. I'm gonna go get us some cupcakes, Clover you want a cupcake?" Punzie said.

"Nah, I'm good." Clover replied shaking his head.

Punzie nods then walks away toward the dessert table. Clover stands up from the chair he was sitting in and walks over to Gene. He grips Gene's shoulder so tightly, that it makes him yelp a little.

"Listen here, dude. If you hurt her...I'll hurt you, are we clear?" Clover whispered to him, his voice a little bit threatening.

"Yep, crystal clear." Gene replied nervously.

"Good. Cause, she's basically my sister and I love her a lot. I don't want to see her get hurt or taken advantage of." Clover told him.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of guy." Gene assured him.

Clover lets go of Gene's shoulder, causing him to sigh in relief and rub his shoulder. Punzie then returns with two cupcakes, one for her and one for Gene.

"What were you boys talking about?" Punzie asked.

"Nothing much...just getting to know each other." Gene answered.

"That's great!" Punzie said with a wide smile.

For the rest of the night; Clover, Punzie, and Gene talk and hang out.

Six months later....

Team CPPR were on a mission shadowing a licensed huntsman. Everything was going great...until it wasn't. Clover had gotten hurt...very hurt. A Grimm had left a nasty gash on his right side and he also had hit his head really hard on the ground when he was thrown by said Grimm. Right now, he was laying on the ground with his head in Punzie's lap as the others fended off all the Grimm.

"Stay with me, Clover, please stay awake." Punzie said terrified.

The pain in his head and side was so overwhelming that he couldn't think straight. Clover tried to speak, but all that came out was whimpering and cries of pain.

"Shhh, don't try to talk. Save up your strength. Just focus on my voice." Punzie said running her fingers gently through Clover's hair.

And that's what he did, he focused on Punzie's soft voice. It was the only thing keeping him from passing out. At some point Clover heard Punzie hum a calming melody that made him nearly forget about all the pain he was in. When help arrived, Clover had finally passed out from blood loss. Clover wakes up in the hospital with his parents and Punzie by his bedside.

"Clover, you're awake! Yay!" Punzie cheered hugging Clover.

Joanna hugs Clover as well.

"How are you feeling, son?" Trevor asked.

"Good...a little groggy, but alright." Clover replied.

"Well, that's good. I'm glad one of my babies is okay." Joanna said.

A few hours later, Joanna and Trevor decided to leave, so Clover could rest some more.

"Bye, baby." Joanna said kissing Clover's temple.

"Bye, sweetheart." she added kissing Punzie's head.

"Bye, you two, see ya tomorrow." Trevor said.

Once they leave, Punzie climbs onto Clover's hospital bed and snuggles into his uninjured side.

"That was stupid, what you did." Punzie muttered into his chest.

"I know, I'm sorry." Clover apologized.

"Why were you so reckless?" Punzie asked pouting.

"I don't know...I guess I just thought my semblance would prevent something like this." Clover answered petting Punzie's hair.

"Clover, your semblance is good luck, not invincibility. Despite a lot of things working in your favor, you're still able to get hurt like everyone else. You could've died, I could've lost you!" Punzie replied with a tone she never used towards Clover.

"You're right...I should be more careful. I'm a leader, I'm supposed to make smart decisions. Please don't be mad at me." Clover said hugging Punzie tightly.

"I'm not mad, I was just scared." Punzie said nuzzling into the crook of Clover's neck.

"I promise I won't scare you again." Clover said pressing a kiss to her head.

Punzie snuggles with Clover until visiting hours were over and the nurses made her leave.

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