I was so happy when I found out that Mira had also been chosen to be in the program with me. I didn't want to be alone... not again.

After finding out what the program really was. We tried leaving, tried going back, but we couldn't. We were stuck till we turned eighteen. And after brutally finding out that we can never leave, we fell into despair.

We reluctantly did our jobs because if not we'd be punished, again. It felt like everything was just finally falling apart. But then Kagura, Lucy, Juvia, and Levy came, Yukino later.

They had no one. They were scared and confused. So me and Mira decided that we'd step up and be strong for them. We made sure that they'd never be or feel alone ever again.

We showed them the ropes and became a family. We had to step up as the older ones.

Being at the age we were we didn't have to do anything bad, just clean and work as waitresses in the club. Luckily the customers weren't allowed to touch us, how I wish we could be at that age again. We all had to grow up fast.

The age where we really worked was when we're 13. Mira and me being the first out of the group to work.

It was disgusting, they were disgusting.

I hated it and I felt so angry. The customers treated us bad. Like we were objects who had no feelings. I'd always see the girls crying, Mira helping them then after her herself secretly cry in another room. I'd always go and comfort her.

Before they came into our lives, our only goal was to make it out of here, and even that wasn't enough to keep us going. But then they came along. We finally had a real reason to live, to fight.

Every time the girls would get in trouble Mira and I would always try our best to be the ones who took the blame so that they wouldn't get punished. But there would be those times when we weren't enough.

We both had to be strong, not just for ourselves but for them because they're our little sisters.
Kagura's P.O.V

Hello I'm Kagura, 16 years old and in my junior year of high school. I'm in the student body and I practice kendo. I'm actually co- captain with Erza.

I'm an orphan, have been since I was really young. My parents died when I was a kid, I don't know how. My older brother Simon took care of me.. until.... until he was shot. After that I got put into the system.

I was all alone.

But everything changed when strange people came to visit. Saying that they wanted to see all the 10 year old girls. I was kind of excited, hopeful. I was even more happy to find out that I was chosen to be in their program, that I was given a second chance, little did I know that it was all a lie.

Taking care of us was just some cover story that they told the orphanage. They have a bunch of other locations for their business.

That was the first time I was afraid.

Things changed when they sent me to one of their bases, their business is located all over. The one that I got sent to was located in Fiore, that's where I met the girls.

When first getting there I was so scared. I didn't know what to do and I felt alone. But then Mira and Erza came into my life, to our lives. I promised myself that, that'd be the last time I was scared or afraid of anything.

They took care of us, became our big older sisters. Even though we were all in an awful place where we had to do even more awful things, we were still happy. If I wasn't with them I'd have probably gone crazy. Wouldn't have lasted a pitiful day.

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