Our Introduction

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Mira's P.O.V

Hi there! My name is Mirajane, but you can call me Mira. I'm 17 years old and in my last year of high school. Aside from being cheer captain for the cheerleading team, I'm also part of the student body council.

Cheerleading and being on the student body takes up most of my time, but don't assume I'm weak. I'm capable of taking care of myself if someone decides to mess with me.

I live with six other girls, Erza, Lucy, Levy, Juvia, Yukino, and Kagura. Even though we are not related by blood, I consider these incredible women as my sisters. We've known each other since we were young, and our bond grown even stronger over the years.

We all live together in an apartment since
1.) That's all we can afford.
2) We don't have anyone or anywhere else.
All our parents are gone...

My family and I got into a horrible car accident... I was the only survivor. I was young when it happened, yet I remember it like yesterday.
The girls have their own story to share. I guess you could say that's one of the things we have in common– a tragic past and present filled with suffering.

My parents were gone, and I had no other family members, so I was placed into the system. That's where I first encountered Erza.

Erza and I had just turned 10 when we learned about the program. Every year, representatives would arrive to select a handful of eligible ten-year-old girls. They wanted girls who had potential– no younger, no older– and nobody knew why.

We got a second chance. It's like being taken in by a family and given a new home. If you were selected then you and the other chosen girls were brought to a place where nice people looked after you until you turned eighteen. After that, we were free to do whatever we wanted and wherever. All they asked in return was that we give back by helping out.
All the program asked for in return was for you to help clean, take care of the other kids, and provide general assistance. They didn't want some lazy kids.

This arrangement worked out for both parties. The system needed more space for new kids, and the 'special' program wanted kids, they wanted to help. You were just kids doing small chores in exchange for a place to stay, food on the table, and clothes on your back. But it all turned out to be a lie in the end.

They had promised that the kids would be taken care of, but it was all a fabrication. The foster system was used as an unlimited source of kids who had no one and nowhere to go; they were predators taking advantage of oblivious people.

Despite the mixed feelings, I'm still grateful that I met the other girls in that program. It's where I found my family, after all. But, at the end of it all, I'll never forget how much I hated it.

Erza and I only have one more year until we are free from our contract. During our time with them, we were forced to give them something, something that we may never replace, something that we had to (still) do even though it pained us greatly. In a short while, our agreement will be over and they won't have power over us anymore.

We'll be free.
Erza's P.O.V

I'm Erza, I'm 17 years old and in my senior year. Even though we all share the power equally I'm mostly known as being the 'president' or 'leader' of the student body. I'm also in Kendo and Fairy Tail High's official archery club, all three take up quite the time but I'm proud to be in them, I quite enjoy it.

As you may already know, I'm an orphan. I was put into the system when I was nine.

My family died in a horrible fire...

I had no one but me.
I later met Mirajane. We got along well, sure we bickered here and there but would we even be considered sisters without fighting?

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