Bad News

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She'd been gone a whole day. Daehyun balls his fists walking away from the television. It's a damn lie! That didn't happen! She wouldn't. She'd have to be forced. It'd have to be rape! It had to be!


"Burn that disc. My parents aren't gonna see it. No matter what happens she is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with Guk Hyung" Yongguk opens his mouth to argue but a ringing phone cuts him off. Daehyun answers it blinking at the distantly familiar voice.

"Who may I say is calling?"

"Shin Kisang!"

"Eomeoni! I'm so sorry. What can I do for you?"

"Cancel that wedding now"

"What! Why?"

"My daughter is the hospital! She was attacked! This never happened before she met you!"

"Eomeoni, I'm sorry you feel-"

"You should be a lot more than sorry, I want you to forget my Min Hyo. I want you to do it now!"


"I will not stand for such harm-"

"I love your daughter and nothing is going to keep me from being with her!" Silence. "I don't know why this happened to her but I'll find out who did this and see that they get what's coming"

"I will not have you near her but that's a start"

Daehyun hung up before she could begin again. He let out a long sigh then grabbed the disc out of Yongguk's hands heading for the door. He ignored his parents walking right out the door. He heard them shouting, he heard Yongguk trying to explain for him and he kept going. Min Hyo needed him. She needed him now. He's damn sure gonna be there. Daehyun made a quick call to Himchan and Young Jae. Both were nurses at separate hospitals. Himchan got back to him so he drove out to meet with him.

"Dae Dae, what's so special about this girl?"

"Remember that fiancée I told you about"

"The cutie? Yeah...oh my! This is her? Oh, Dae"

"How is she?"

"....I don't think I should..."

"Tell me!"

".....she was beaten...broken bones, scratches and cuts....police said something about DNA under her nails.........Dae, she was...he carved....oh the poor thing"

"D-did they do a rape kit?"

".....yes...she was"

"C-can I see her?"

"The mother won't allow hardly anybody in the room"

Daehyun runs a hand through his hair sighing. She's so close. He wanted to see for his own eyes that she's alright. He knew now she wasn't. Far from it.

He thought of the disc and wanted to see if Himchan would give it to the police. It wasn't useful since you couldn't hear anything or see the man raping her. He swore then and there that he'd kill that man. Make him pay for touching his Min Hyo. "When would I be allowed to see her?"

"Not for awhile Dae"

"Call me as soon as I can"

"I promise"

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