Daehyun's Love

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Daehyun sighs laying in the grass. She actually was talking to him then something shut down. He mulled it over in his mind before going inside. She likes music so maybe if he got her something...no her story to the children proved buying her things didn't work. He could play something on the piano for her!

Daehyun went into the kitchen expecting to see the catering people cleaning up but instead found Min Hyo cleaning up listening to music. He leaned against the doorway watching his fiancée dance around singing just awfully but like she said she was more suited to rap. He liked how the rhymes rolled off her tongue. Thoughts of her tongue made him realized she hadn't teased him since she got here.

"Oh! Um....hi", Min Hyo squeaks.

"Hi yourself. Make me feel hot huh?"

Min Hyo blushes, no joke, she's blushing. "I like Seungri Oppa's early solo stuff just as much as his latest stuff"

"So you like BIG BANG?"

"Who doesn't?"

"Any other men I should be jealous of?" Min Hyo shrugs pulling things out of the fridge. Daehyun had never thought someone besides the cooks his mother hired would use this kitchen. He watched her prepare some fruit. He risked coming closer afraid Min Hyo would run from him. She's focused on her task. "One day, you should show me how to make something"

Min Hyo stares at him questioningly. Daehyun does his best to defend himself however in the end she makes him grab things from the fridge. He obeyed the orders given and in two hours the duo had made a soup. She claimed that it's what she made when her mother felt sick. Unwelcome question rose in his mind. Did her mother ever let her rest?

"Shouldn't you be bothering someone else?"

Daehyun blinks, "I don't mean to bother you"

"I..I'm sorry"

"Has anyone ever tried to get to know you? Beyond the dirty stuff..."

"Why does it matter? I'm a pervert, you said so yourself", Min Hyo hangs her head.

Daehyun grabs her chin tilting her head back so she would look at him. She looked so sad, so lost....as if she had no idea what could be beyond dirty stuff. Just what happened to her? She has a parental side since she had to take care of her mother but it's like she hid the rest of her away. Like a chunk of her was missing or she gave it away to take care of her mother. Daehyun frowns his vision blurring with unshed tears.

"It matters because you're going to be my wife soon" It strange how he suddenly accepted it himself now. He was going to marry Min Hyo.

"If we go through with it...we don't have to get married"

Pain sliced through him, "You don't want to marry me?"

"I don't know what I want"

Daehyun steps away from her taking care of the soup wanting to get away. He hadn't wanted that answer. Those six words felt like a breakup.

I watched him leave the kitchen trying to figure out why he looked so sad. Defeated almost. What had I said to make him feel that way? Why do I hurt seeing him look like that? "Daehyun ah! Wait...I-I'll talk"

Daehyun paused in the door, "I won't force you"

Damn it all to hell! "I'm uncomfortable talking about....things"

"I just want to know who I'm marrying"

"You want to go through with it?"

"....yeah, I do"

"Why? You could find a million other girls who fit into your family a lot better than me"

"Min Hyo I don't think my status is keeping you away...I hate my status myself. I'm alienating my friends just so Appa can save face with his friends. If my money and status are the problem then I'll get rid of them for both our sakes..."

It wasn't that...I know what it is and it isn't fair to lump him with it. I grew up in an emotionally cold house. Like I said I had a best friend not a mother. Hell it felt like I was the mother too often. No hugs or kisses from her. No I love you from her. Now...I don't know, don't understand.

"Min Hyo are you okay?"

Joon Taik's voice appears, "I guess I was right about Kisang screwing you up. Maybe we should call off the wedding and get your head looked at"

I looked up to see Daehyun glaring at Joon Taik. Anger, hate and all emotions similar rolling off him. Was he angry at my father on my account? Something warm filled my chest as I watched Daehyun yell at Joon Taik. Daehyun rushes over to me scooping me up into his arms carrying me somewhere away from my father.

"I can walk! Put me down!"

"The nerve of that man! There's nothing wrong with you"

It's suddenly hard to breath. Daehyun takes me up to my room laying me down gently on the bed. He's still mumbling about Joon Taik so I did the only thing I could think of. I started babbling about myself, mostly useless things I told Gukkie Oppa but I know my mouth. If I don't watch it something not useless will crawl out.

"I like Minnie, I use to be called that in school. Although it was by teachers cause the students didn't like me...my gummy smile and dirty mind were too different"

"I like different"

I roll my eyes, "Since when? I seem to remember someone running away a lot"

"I changed my mind over the past few days, seeing you scared to get on a plane, seeing you with Gukkie hyung even seeing you with my little cousins...Minnie have you changed your mind?"

I sigh biting my lip, "I'll be honest, I never made up my mind"

"Okay...what can I do to change that?"

"Right now?"

"Yeah, right now....or tomorrow or the next day...anything"

"Tell me why you carried me up here like a caveman", I laugh nervously.

"Caveman, huh? I thought I was rescuing you"

"....I liked it" I covered my face with a pillow, no way was I gonna let him look at my blushing face. I didn't even want to look at it.

"Me carrying you like a caveman?", Daehyun laughs.

No, being rescued. Having someone worrying about me for a change. I didn't say any of that however, what I said made me look either stupid, silly or both. "I liked it....no one's done that before"

"I'm glad I was your first then", Daehyun laughs harder.

"No one's told me that before either"

We both start laughing. I felt that warmth in my chest again and was confused by it. Why did I feel that now? I shake my head moving closer to him. I'll take my rematch now. That'll make me feel better, beating him at the nervous game.

"Minnie? What's...now? Offer me a prize and I might play"

I sigh, "Why are you playing hard to get? It's really annoying"

"Last time I broke your record and I got nothing now I want something to prove I beat you"

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