Gukkie's Block

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Daehyun waits for her to refuse or offer herself as the prize. She surprised him by taking his hand and putting a silver bracelet around his wrist. He hadn't noticed her wearing this before. Min Hyo smiles slightly her attention on the tiny chain around his wrist.

"Halmoni gave that to me...I was seven, we had to move since the school I was going to was going to fail me without even trying to help me"

Daehyun frowns thinking of tiny Min Hyo forced to transfer schools cause no one cared. He watched as she realized how much she said.

Daehyun suddenly was torn between running from the room or surrendering as she quickly kisses him. Min Hyo pulled him to the bed shoving him down then she moved quickly to straddle him. He hadn't thought this would be her response. Her lips quickly captured his. Of course she wasn't gentle. Grounding her hips into his all the while trying to get in his mouth. This was no longer a game. Daehyun surrendered to her big time. Hard not to considering how hard she was making him. Her lips moved to his neck reminding Daehyun just how long it's been and how bad the last time was.

"Minnie", Daehyun breaths.

"Giving up? Just say so and I'll stop"

Daehyun could only groan, that was the farthest thing on his mind. Min Hyo pushes up his shirt kissing his chest making Daehyun realize just how sensitive he was. Hell he didn't know anything about the shock wave starting at his nipple and ending at...

This is more like it. He's writhing and moaning beneath me. I turn my attention to his other nipple. A knock on the door making me pull away earning a whine from Daehyun. I couldn't help but smile. I really want to hear that again. However who ever is at the door is really annoyingly persistent. I'm going to have to answer that.

"Minnie, you in there?", Gukkie calls.

"What do you need?"

"You have a date with my Noona, remember?"

Daehyun had other ideas as his trembling hands went exploring. I send him a smile knowing he couldn't possibly know how to keep my attention. Daehyun didn't catch it and continued.

"Will you give me about ten to fifteen minutes?"

Gukkie laughs, "Get your face on, I'll be downstairs"

I pause waiting till he's gone, "Alright if you behave I'll take care of your problem my way"

Daehyun seems excited to hear it. I wanted to save this to get something out of him later down the road but now or never. I slide off him loving the slight noise, sinking to my knee between his legs captured his attention. Daehyun caught on and was scrambling to get his pants off as quick as he could. I wait smiling brightly at him. With his pants and boxers circling his ankles I wrapped my hand around him. "Minnie"

I squeezed giggling as I watched his reaction. Probably don't have enough time to actually finish this so...I gave him a few teasing strokes before leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"What?!", Daehyun fully forgot his raging hard on and the fact he was naked mostly...oh and on my bed.

"I have to get dressed but nothing says you have to leave or stop the fun"

"The fun? How would me touching myself be fun?"

"It'll be a pleasure for me to watch", I smirk.

He shakes his head, "So kinky"

"Naturally now if you won't do that then you'll have to leave"

"You really would like it if I did that?"

I licked my lips as he wrapped his hand around himself. Innocent Daehyun is actually going to do it! My eyes were glued to his hand as he listened to me. It was hard not to launch myself at him. Oh lord. I have...I have to get ready. I should stop playing this game. Daehyun picked up speed locking eyes with me. "Minnie..."

"Finish up"

"Help me", Daehyun manages a smile.

My body felt on fire, I was so ready that it actually hurt. I groaned wanting to but Gukkie won't wait for too long. Daehyun pauses tossing his shirt at me. I quickly ignored him getting ready for dress shopping. I have to pick a color too. If I trust Gukkie's sister...she's the only authority on marriage I got unless I talk to my mother-in-law which is death.


Daehyun or someone was behind me his hands on my hips. He didn't finish so I guess he's trying to get me too. "I have to go look at dresses, someone wants to put a ring on my finger"

"Right now, I don't want anything on you"

I laugh, "Are you blushing?"

He doesn't respond so I do my best to get ready around him. I have to admit it is far too fun to tease him this way. I left him pretty much naked in my room to go try on the devil's invention, dresses. If I do all this for nothing I'll hurt somebody.

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