Maternal Min Hyo

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Daehyun sighs watching more relatives crowd into the house. It's only Min Hyo's third day here. The younger children played outside with Min Hyo just like the last two days. Daehyun remained by a window when he could help it. She was so great with children. She almost looked like a child herself with them.

"One day she'll make a great mother" One of his aunts.

"Doubtful. If she's like my ex", Joon Taik interrupts.

Daehyun forces a smile, "This is Min Hyo's father, Bang Joon Taik"

"Joon Taik ssi, what do you mean? Was there something wrong with her mother?"

"Something indeed, I never got the specifics but she wasn't right in the head"

Daehyun tried to stay calm, "Don't worry Auntie, from what I saw she took care of her mother"

He's happy to see his aunt smile. Daehyun knew that his aunt would value such a sense of duty. All of his family would. It's lost on him why it mattered that his family accept her.

The children that came to visit always left happy and eager to come back. The children always painted such a beautiful picture of her. The pretty rapping Noona. Daehyun liked seeing her happy with the kids. She may not be on speaking or looking terms with him since the day she started crying for some unknown reason. He wanted to know why. Why did she cry? Daehyun didn't like seeing her that way.

"Unni, do you love Daehyun Oppa?"

"Rani likes Daehyun Oppa~"

I sigh, "How about Noona tells you a story about little duckling"

"It's not girly is it?", one of the boys whines.

I laugh, "No princesses if that's what you're asking...but there is a prince"

Several of the older boys groan running inside while the younger boys and the girls surround her ready to listen.

"There once was a duckling, she knew she wasn't pretty but she was happy staying home taking care of her mommy-"

"Was the duckling's mommy sick?", a girl asks.

"No, a hunter had been mean to her and hurt her head. The duckling kept taking care of her mommy until a swan prince came to make the duckling marry him. The duckling agreed but only so she could leave-"

"She wanted to leave?!"

I sigh, "The duckling wanted someone to take care of she had her mommy. But the duckling was mad with the swan prince."

"Did he do something bad?"

I pause, "No the duckling was mad because the swan prince was a prince. The swan prince didn't understand how sad the duckling was...the duckling only had her hurt mommy, no one else"

"Why doesn't the duckling tell the swan prince how lonely she is? I bet he'd understand", Daehyun clears his throat.

Several of the girls agree but the kids are made to go inside. Something about lunch or whatever. Crap! He heard everything!

Daehyun sat on the ground near me patting for me to sit next to him. I didn't really want to but I did anyway. "Tell me about the duckling"

I was frozen beside him, I'm suppose to tell him something I've yet to tell Gukkie who really has turned into the brother I dreamed of. And I'm not really sure just what I'm suppose to tell him.

"It's not like I want to hear from birth to now...just what does this duckling do for fun, does this duckling have any dreams, does this duckling have a better reason then to hate the swan prince other then his money?"

"She likes music"

Daehyun laughs, "Music, huh? Does that mean the duckling can sing?"

"I try not to....I like rap better. It suits my voice better, according to Gukkie Oppa. Apparently it runs in the family" Great. I'm nervous again. I babble when I get nervous. I don't like doing this. It feels weird. Talking about it all.

"You okay? You look like you might throw up...change of topic then?"


"Do you like cats or dogs?"

"Both...wait.....maybe cats more"

"Really? Any embarrassing pet names?", Daehyun smiles.

I blush, "No and stop that"

"Stop what? Don't tell me pet names are sensitive subject too?"

I stand up knowing my face red, I had to get away from him. I don't like this feeling. It doesn't come from touching him. His smile does weird things to me. Not good weird.

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