The Hotel

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I was forced in unequal parts by my mother and my grandmother to visit my father just once before he supposedly left. This man had been around for two days of which he tried to make me spend time with Daehyun. It was kinda of fun making him squirm. I just wish that I didn't have to go see my father. Making Daehyun uncomfortable is fun but my father makes me uncomfortable. My cousins were waiting in the lobby to lead me to my father. Can I just go home?

"Big surprise waiting for you cousin" I blink trying to figure out two things. Which one was the one who spoke and just what he meant. I want to say it was Yongnam although it might have been Yongguk, I know it was Yong. "Don't worry Joon Taik will explain it all"

So I'm right. I should go home. I rode in an elevator up to what the elevator labelled penthouse with neither of the Yong Twins talking to me. They did however talk to each other in what I suspect is Japanese. Daehyun's the first person I saw and he wouldn't look at me. Not unusual considering what I almost did to him a few days ago but that was his fault.

I was sitting on the grass trying to read when he interrupted me so I told him if he didn't leave we'd act out a scene in the book which I had neglected to mention was an erotica. He didn't leave so I sat up on my knees in front of the standing Daehyun it was then that he took off running.

"Still embarrassed? Get over it or do something about it", one of the Yong twins barks.

I look Daehyun over, I'd rather he didn't do something about it. Unless he's hiding something I see nothing but a cute face. The Yong Twins disappear leaving me alone with Daehyun. He looked tired instead of nervous for a change. Something wasn't right. Daehyun grabs my hand leading me further into the penthouse suite. Something is wrong. Something really is wrong.

"Hello Umma, Appa"

"So this is his daughter then? She's not as I thought"

"Cuter than I thought" Why am I meeting his parents? I came here to see my so called father not Daehyun's parents. "She'll make a fine wife for you"

WHAT?! They just did not say what I think they did.

"We'll make arrangements for you two to fly back to Busan tomorrow"

"Thank you Appa"

Daehyun's parents dismissed us, he was still leading me around but I wasn't paying attention I needed to figure out just what they meant. "You okay? I know we have to talk"

"Damn right we do! What did they mean?"

"Your father set up an arranged marriage"

"Arranged? And what if I don't want to marry you? What if I don't like you?"

"Ow but understandable" I wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and cry but Daehyun was watching me far too closely. Wait that means....

"You knew all along?"

"Your father told me back in Busan before he went to my parents"

"And you didn't tell me because..."

"Every time I try to talk to you, you do... those kind of things"

Oh. Right. I forgot.

"You look cute when you get nervous" Daehyun blushes rubbing the back of his neck proving my nonexistent point. "Do we really have to get married though? If you weren't so... you then I'd say hanging out would be alright but marriage seems to be pushing it"

"What do you mean, so you?"

"Nothing... guess I should go tell Umma"

Daehyun blinks sitting on the couch on the penthouse suite, Min Hyo had left to go over things with her mother. She'd called him cute but was there something weird about the way she said so you. He wanted to know what that meant but Yongguk was discussing something with his parents leaving him with Yongnam. The dirty Bang twin would just laugh and tell him to sleep with her. That's his answer for everything.

"Dae what's wrong?" Yongguk.

"He looks like hell" Yongnam.

"I talked to her...just talked", Daehyun frowns.

"And? Did it end like your other attempts?" Sarcastic Yongnam.

"She called me cute... then said if I wasn't so me we could try for friends"

"So got you pegged", Yongnam laughs.

"What does it mean?"

Yongnam answers as Yongguk looks pretty clueless, "She acts like me according to you, I find your innocence annoying yet amusing and based on what you've told us so does she... try acting like me around her"

"I'm annoying? How so?"

Yongnam ignores my questions, "Don't get all embarrassed when sex comes up in a conversation for starters. I try to talk about these sort of things with you and turn red then start acting like a virgin.... wait are you a virgin? That would explain things"

Daehyun wanted to run but Min Hyo would probably ask the same questions. He figured this was just training for her. Yongnam's helping him in some weird way.

"No but it was hardly worth a second thought", Daehyun manages.

"That bad? Damn, hey maybe Minnie will better", Yongnam smiles pleased.

"Where did Min Hyo go, Daehyunnie?" Yongguk.

"Said she had to tell her mother about the trip"

Both talk, "What trip?"

"Apparently I'll be staying with my parents and Min Hyo back in Busan. I'll see if we have space... I may need help with her"

"Will your parents let us in the house? After all they think we're gay"

Yongguk clears his throat, oh right. He is. "Don't make faces your boy toy will get mad if your face gets stuck"

"Shush! You know how Appa is! If he finds out about Hyung and...Zelo then it'll be the quickest wedding in history"

"Guess then I have to be quiet too?", Yongnam laughs.

Daehyun sighs, Yongnam was a bisexual. Not to mention there's Yongguk's friends who were good friends of Daehyun's after he told them about the so called wedding. Himchan and Jong Up who were a couple.

"Just don't bring your boyfriend...bring your girlfriend", Daehyun felt like throwing up. It wasn't right his friends had to pretend just so his father didn't lock him away. Daehyun always figured that was what fathers' did to their daughters not their sons anyway.

"So you gonna be able to face Minnie?"

"With your face, maybe. Although I think she wants mine after all she did call me cute"

Yongguk shakes his head in disappointment while smiling, clearly amused. Yongnam laughs slapping Daehyun's back. Somehow he had made both his hyungs happy, given he never had before he wanted to keep doing it.

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