Oh Min Hyo

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Min Hyo's quiet the whole plane ride. She even held Daehyun's hand in a vice grip. Daehyun liked seeing this side of her at first but he somehow was starting to miss his dirty little fiancée. It amazed him beyond words that he could admit it to himself. He liked her making those jokes at his expense.

Once they landed in Busan, a driver's waiting for them. Min Hyo wasn't back to normal until they arrived at the Jung house. She grabbed Daehyun's butt as they walked inside.

I absolutely hate flying. However if he dangles that ass in my face one more time I can't be blamed for my reactions. Although he didn't blush this time. Maybe he likes it when I grab his ass. Heh! That's a switch.

Daehyun lead me up to my room which he informs me is across from his room and that's where I decided to play the game. My game. "Daehyun, play a game with me...please?"

"Okay, I guess", Daehyun shrugs.

I sit him down on the huge bed, "The game is called the nervous game"

"How do we play?"

"Just like the name suggests Daehyun ah, we try to make each other nervous and first to get nervous loses"

"So you think I'll lose...guess I'll just have to shock you"

No one beats me but females and he is certainly not a female. I start off simple I sit beside him touching his knee. Daehyun stands up taking off his shirt.

Oh my holy hell! Delicate Daehyun has a body! Innocent Daehyun has a sinful body!

Daehyun laughs at me putting his shirt back on leaving my room. I can only think about what he just let me see. Screw not liking innocent guys! Daehyun has just laid a challenge at my feet. I will win next time. Hell...my goal has become to lick those chocolate abs. I will actually work for this goal.

Yongguk....or is it Yongnam, well one was in the doorway with a present. I jump up hoping it's Yongguk since he didn't like girls.

"Yongguk right?", I smile slightly.

He nods,"You can call me Gukkie Oppa... Daehyun made it up"

"Okay, Gukkie Oppa, what do you need?"

"I was hoping you take after me....musical, and what not"

"So this...?"

"A present for you and if you like I can help you develop your skills"

I bit my lip, "I can't sing... I do like music though"

Gukkie smiles as I let him the room, he wastes no time setting up a video game. He explains that we sing in it and a score will pop up. I play a few rounds with him... somehow I'm beating him. It's only ten points but I'm beating him. "Looks like music runs in the family"

"I do have something you might like. ...I write"

Gukkie's eyes twinkled. No joke. He liked the fact that I write.

I looked through my bags producing my tablet opening the notepad app. Gukkie held his hand out eager to see. Ah, what the hell. It couldn't hurt- wait! I pull it away from him remembering the song I made for school last year so my teacher would let me actually pass. I sigh playing it for him.

All the horrible vocals are mine, I made the melody on my computer and auto tuned the hell out of it. My voice cracked a lot which I had to cover some how.

"You made that? That's your voice right?....I like it but there's a bit too much auto tune"

"Had to cover my crappy singing up somehow"

"It's a voice better suited for rapping, that's all"

"How do you know?"

"Cause mine is too"

I couldn't help but laugh which made him laugh. I knew I was showing that damn gummy smile yet it didn't matter cause Gukkie was too.

"I like your gummy smile better then hyung's"

I didn't have to turn to know that's my so called husband to be watching us. I growl, "Go away! You're a pervert"

"Pot. Kettle"

"You're still a pervert", I stick out my tongue. Now that I know what he's hiding under that shirt...yes, he is a pervert. One I plan to avoid from now on until I can come up with a more intelligent plan. Right now I can only think of tossing him on my bed and completing my goal of tasting those abs which Gukkie might not approve of being done in front of him.

"You're just mad I beat you"

"Damn right, I am! No one has beaten me...ever!"

"I'll give you a rematch tomorrow then"

"I'm busy", I say defiantly. I still don't have a good plan yet. Being alone with him doesn't seem like a good idea until I have a plan.

Daehyun furrows his brow as if he didn't like my answer. "You got something to do? What?"

"She'll be visiting my hyung's music studio. She's good" I look over at Gukkie in time to see him wink at me. He was covering for me! My heart warmed. I'd always wanted a sibling. Gukkie is acting like a big brother.

Just me and my mom or me taking care of my mom. It's nice to feel like someone was taking care of me. Something brushes my cheek snapping me from my thoughts. I made myself focus on the now.

"Tell me what's wrong Min Hyo"

Not Gukkie's voice. I pull away walking away. No I can't let that out now. That hurt doesn't matter now.

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